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Posts posted by keestha

  1. Three small issues:

    1) Clicking on my TV desktop icon, I was taken to the registration page every time. ( Had to repress ihe urge to register under a new name, FLAMING TROLL or whatever.) Going into the forum and creating a new desktop icon took care of this problem.

    2) But now every time going into the forum directly, I still have to sign in every time. TV doesn't seem to be able to leave a cookie on my hard disk anymore, that tells them I am me.

    3) Please consider changing the background colour. The old background colour was pleasant, and this one hurts the eyes. Have pity on all these guys staring at the screen late at night after XX beers, their eyes will become red.

  2. Many hotels/guesthouses are selling/buying second hand books as an extra service to the guests. Watch out for the cupboard filled with books in a corner of the reception or the lounge/restaurant. Reckon most of them would be happy to at least sell books to anybody who walks in.

  3. In the course of the last two months, two farangs that I knew very well died in seperate motorcycle accidents. Don't know if they were wearing helmets or not.

    When we are talking about helmets, a helmet only gives very limited protection, and many Europeans told me helmets of the type sold here, wouldn't pass the test in Europe.

    In the semi-countryside area where I have been living for 10 years now, the road safety has certainly improved: there are streetlights now in dangerous curves that used to be dark, etc. But because the Thai state has limited money to spend, there are still many situations like traffic lights or roundabouts lacking in places where they definitely should be.

    Once when I was in India a long time ago, the government was just undertaking a big traffic safety campaign. Along the roads there were slogans written all over the place like "death is a five letter word, so is speed", and "drive slowly, your family needs you". A campaign like that could possibly have some impact.

  4. Not mentioned yet: Koh Phayam and Koh Chang (the small one) just off Ranong. And Koh Yao Noi and Koh Yao Yai in Phangnga Bay, to be reached from Phuket or Krabi (Ao Leuk). Koh Jam close to Koh Lanta.

    All of these islands are more for people looking for nature, peace and quiet, than for those who want nightlife and partying. Whilst typing this, I suddenly remember Koh Si Chang, close to Pattaya, but with an atmosphere as different from Pattaya as can be. There are a few hotels/resorts on the island, but it is not touristy because there is no real swimming beach. Great for walking though.

  5. The place I'm staying at is farang managed and it's full. Main reason is because the manager has put his prices down to suit.


    Maybe I am not the only accomodation provider who is curious now whereabouts in Thailand this place is, and roughly how many rooms they have.

    Am I right in guessing it is probably in a place like Bangkok, which even in the low season has a high volume of tourists?

  6. Quoting the OP "The Thais refuse to lower their prices but farangs know that farang business is #1 so they are surely lowering their prices and making tons of $$$$ during these low tourist dayz. "

    Really not true OP, but you are not the only one who thinks so. Many times I saw inexperienced hotel owners offering crazy prices during the low season, in the illusion they would fill up that way. Banners advertising 300 Baht a night rooms, that kind of thing. It just doesn't work when there are so few tourists around.

    Only exception would be hotel rooms sold through package tours - off season offers like 700 Euro for return flight and 2 weeks 4 star hotel, half pension ( breakfast and dinner) included.

    If you have a hotel which depends on walk-ins and people booking directly with the hotel, it is really better to charge normal low season prices at roughly 50% the high season price. Going supercheap would lower your turnover, it would attract very little extra customers and the money you make per rented out room would be far less.

    Oh and by the way, Thai hotel owners certainly also lower their prices in the off season

  7. Amazed it still exists. A place I used to frequent, but had completely forgotten about a long time ago. From 1994 till 2000 I lived in Hua Hin, and frequently made my way to Bangkok for just one night. For a while often started my nights at Larry's Dive, in those days food, like the Greek salad, was excellent there. I liked the place, it looked quite different than any other place. Never many customers there though, sometimes I wondered how they could stay afloat financially.

    By the way does anybody remember a bar called I believe 22 Bar on Sukh, on the corner with Soi 22, next to the 7/11? Was run by a 50ish British chap called Ray if I remember correctly.

  8. Quoting the OP "my friend had lost his passport but unfortunately he not got any one year visa photocopy and record".

    Not so clear if the OP is talking about a consulate issued multiple entry non imm, or about an immigration issued one year extension.

    After my passport was washed away by the 2004 tsunami, I went to my embassy, armed with a police report detailing the loss of my old passport.

    With the new passport I went to Bangkok Immigration. The lady behind the desk in the room I was sent to, could only find a record of my last entry to the Kingdom in the computer system, and she put a copy of this long expired admitted until stamp in my passport, advising me to clear out my "overstay". I told her I was staying on a 1 year extension issued by Phangnga Immigration, whereupon she advised me to go to another room. After a lot of searching there, they found a record of my last 1 year extension, and supplied me with the desired stamp in my new passport.

    So this was a few years ago, hopefully now also 1 year extensions pop up right away in the computer system when somebody's immigration status is checked.

  9. Considering the general price level in Phuket, I don't find 600 Baht so very expensive for a Patong-airport ride. It is a pretty long drive, traffic is heavy, and you have to go through the city traffic and then uphill/downhill to get out of Patong.

    Ready to admit though I would certainly try to bargain them down to 500 Baht.

    Maybe the OP has the same problem I have: been in Thailand a long time, and still thinking in the old prices. When I was charged 75 Baht for a cup of coffee outdoors in front of Jungceylon day before yesterday, I realized a lot of years have passed by.

  10. My admitted until stamp was June 9, and on May 18 I was given an under consideration stamp till July 8.

    Last year after getting the under consideration stamp after only 2 weeks they called me to say that I could come and get my extension.

    So it seems to be hit and miss how much time it takes. Since I live in Phangnga, the regional headquaters in Hadyai takes the final decision about my non imm B extension.

  11. am coming to Phuket next week. what thai restaurants can anyone recommend in Patong? as the last thing i want to do is eat western food while i am there.if in thailand i want to eat proper thai food.

    Go to simple places which are not geared for tourists. You are guaranteed to get authentical Thai food which is not adapted to the Western palate. Prices will be far, far lower than in "typically Thai" restaurants designed for the tourists.

    It might help to do a bit of legwork to get out of the main tourist area. Foodstalls, for instance of the kind where bar staff are eating when their shift has finished, can also be very good.

  12. On my property I have a number of wooden bungalows, which have been built 5-6 years ago. There are small holes and cracks in the wood, and in between the planks, that I would like to plug.

    I remember, when visiting the Netherlands a number of years ago, seeing a product called liquid wood, sold in tubes, which is made for exactly this. After being applied, it hardens and looks like wood. But when I asked the shop attendant if this product would be suitable for use in a tropical climate, he said "absolutely not".

    Does anybody know if any such product, but usable in this climate, is obtainable in Thailand? Or is there any other solution?

  13. Tried homemade Sato once, it was palatable enough. But the Thai people I was celebrating with all said it has to be quickly consumed after being produced.

  14. Every time after booting up, after a minute or so Adaware informs me that whilst performing a background scan, it discovered this malicious infection. It gives the option to delete it, which I did a number of times, and after that for the rest of the session the little yellow Adaware warning balloon doesn't reappear. But when booting up the next time I get a text saying: "boot cleaner unit executing qeued commands", after which the login screan appears. Invariably then again the same Adaware warning pops up.

    Should I just accept that Win 32 trojan BHO virus will accompany me for the remainder of my earthly existence, or is there any way to get rid of it?

  15. Facial characteristics should be a giveaway. Any child that I've ever seen that doesn't have the same facial features has always been the child of another man. Stating the obvious here I know.

    Not completely obvious.

    A German man was very shocked when seeing that his newborn son clearly had African features. On the spot he decided on a divorce. His wife though, who knew that she had never strayed, didn't accept it and started researching.......to finally discover that several generations back a black man had married into her family.

  16. Take a look at Khao Lak. Gorgeous beaches and a beautiful hilly inland area with lots of waterfalls. Plenty of restaurants and bars, and a growing expat scene.

    Right now for serious shopping or visiting a good hospital you still have to go to Phuket (100 KM drive), but I expect this to change not long from now, the place is developing rapidly.

  17. I agree that the work permit and permission to stay are interlinked.

    No, not anymore. Work permits are given out for 1 year periods, regardless of the permission to stay stamp. Presently my work permit is valid until January 2011, and the permission to stay until June, 2010.

    But possibly for teachers other rules apply. I hope a teaching moderator (moderating teacher?) will chip in.

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