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Posts posted by wazza69

  1. Hi everyone,

    Sorry to be the bearer of yet more bad new, but it looks like the Thai embassies have already received instructions to stop multiple entry tourist visas.

    I just emailed Parvez Book Store (visa agent) in Penang and this is what they had to say;

    "Hi there,

    About the news that You heard, its true. Now in Penang Royal Thai

    Consulate they have stop issuing the "2" Double and "3" Triple entry Tourist

    Visa, and they have announced the news in the local news paper here

    yesterday, that was on the 12/09/2006. and they now only issued "1" single

    entry Tourist Visa only. And the new rules and regulation is effected

    begin from 12/09/2006".

    Please tell all your friend about this information.



  2. The relevant authorities in Thailand could always ask the relevant authorities in Taiwan and Japan for advice on how they do it, but it is doubtful they want to know. What a crock of sh!t this whole thread is. I love Thailand. :o

    Oh God!

    I'm sorry I wrote anything now. This thread is painful!

    Everyone, please accept my apologies fpr starting this and don't waste any more time on it.

    I should have known better than to think there was logic behind the school's request.

  3. Well at the very least I'm happy I'm not the only person who has been asked to do this. It sounded strange at the outset and seems even stranger now.

    As I stated in my previous posts, I had never heard of this before and I thought at the very least that the process would involve the Embassy checking with the University and verifying the Degree as real.

    Saying it is a copy of an original certainly doesn't prove anything. The schools in question probably mistakenly believe that having the Embassy seal means more than it really does. However if there are no actual checks made and they simply stamp the copy then the embassy staff wouldn't know if it was real or not.

    But if this is what they want then this is what they will get. I wonder how many other schools are using this system because they can't be bothered to do the checks required.

  4. The British Embassy will certify a copy of your degree. Take your original degree with you along with a photocopy and about 1100 Baht. They will take the original and copy from you and stamp on the copy that "This is a true copy of X's degree certificate'. Quite meaningless really but it keeps schools happy! Drop the papers off one day and pick them up the next.

    It does sound like an easy way to make the schools happy, but I suppose the real question is will it make the MOE happy?

    Anything else is pointless unless it passes muster with the new guidelines.

    Thanks for your input. Much appreciated.

  5. kenkaniff is British, and should be along shortly. But I think he's said recently that as far as he knows, the UK embassy doesn't really do that. There may be an expensive process by which they "notarize" your self-serving statement with a meaningless statement that they saw you say that. I'm using American terms; don't know the British term.

    In other words, nobody seems to think the rumour about the embassy is meaningful. Ne'ertheless, if the notorisation or whatever they call it isn't too expensive, and they stamp your self-serving statement, maybe the school is dumb enough to accept that. You can tell her it's a big crime in the UK to lie to the embassy; that's probably true.

    We're not surprised that the schools want to be able to show that they made the applicant pay for his own self-authentication. :o

    Thanks very much for the quick response.

    I had thought that I would have to sign a release form and leave my documents there for a few days while they checked with the university.

    If it is just a case of paying through the nose to get a meaningless piece of paper, I guess it really is just a waste of time. Perhaps the school is just trying to find an easy way to appease the MOE without any effort or financial burden of their own.


  6. Let me start by saying that I am a great admirer of this board. The information posted here is invaluable to teachers in Thailand. I visit as often as I can for all the latest news and information.

    I have been teaching in Thailand for a while. I have a BA degree in English and a TEFL cert with teachers license (MOE). I have recently completed a contract with a school and am checking out prospective employers.

    With the recent Karr case and the MOE's insistance that schools now check out their future teachers, I have not been surprised that most schools I have contacted are asking for verification of Degrees from the University.

    However, one of the schools I emailed was not interested in contacting my University, although I told them I would be happy to give them written permission. I can only assume that they weren't prepared to pay for the phone call/stamp.

    Instead, they have asked that I take my documents to the British embassy for verification. I have never heard of this before. I guess it makes sense as the embassy should be able to check. Before I do anything though, I would like your members feedback.

    Has anyone heard of this process before?

    If yes, then what does this process involve?

    How long does it take?

    How much does it cost?

    I looked on The British embassy website and there are lots of different kinds of verification; all with different fees. Quite a business!

    Your input will be extremely welcome.


  7. Apologies to KK for my inappropriate response. I had failed to notice there was a page 2 and therefore did not see your message. I did not realise you (kk) were the Moderator for this board.

    Thank you for editing my message. I certainly wouldn't want to get anyone into trouble. Although, technically I didn't name the school. It won't happen again.

    P.S. As a new member I would like to thank you for your warm welcome!!

  8. Hi!

    I'm new to posting on this board, but I've been reading it for ages.

    I heard the very same story at the weekend. I'm not sure I can mention the name of the school for legal reasons, but it begins with a <and what part of 'no real need to name them' didn't you understand? KK>


    keep up the good work and I hope the info was useful.

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