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Posts posted by Thaiquila

  1. I also love Brazil, but be aware the financial requirements for a retirement visa are pretty stiff. Not everyone has a pension of over 2K USD per month and that is the minimum and it must all be transferred in. In fact, for Americans, a social security pension of over 2K a month would be quite rare I think. Also, there is no bank account alternative. Marriage is an option though. This site is all about talking about lower cost world retirement country options that are possible to retire to: http://www.retireaway.com/



    A retired foreigner, over 50, who will transfer to Brazil the monthly equivalent of at least US$ 2,000. There is no limit to the number of dependents who may also receive permanent residence visas, but the main applicant must provide proof that they are genuine dependent relatives, as defined in Brazilian law - see Res. 4 of the CNI (National Immigration Council).

    The main applicant must prove he has a pension of at least US$ 2,000 a month. This will entitle him to visas for himself and two dependents. The applicant must demonstrate an additional US$ 1,000/month for each additional dependent, over and above the two already mentioned, and must supply, amongst other things:

    * A statement from the foreign agency responsible for paying his retirement pension, informing the total monthly sum of the benefit;

    * A bank declaration authorizing monthly transfer of at least US$ 2,000.

    Marriages of convienence can be done with no hassle in Brazil so, like you say, that is one option. And, it is a big country with different administrative offices with which to avail yourself to obtain the residence visa. Paraguay is also an option with real relaxed immigration procedures and the girls in Asuncion are beautiful! :o

    I would have never thought of Paraguay! I suppose the pretty ladies are all available based on this funny website: http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Paraguay

    They do however have a strong ban from immigration and only the gayest are allowed out.

    You gotta love a nation who's national animal is Chubby the Goat and national anthem is In a Gadda da Vida..

  2. I also love Brazil, but be aware the financial requirements for a retirement visa are pretty stiff. Not everyone has a pension of over 2K USD per month and that is the minimum and it must all be transferred in. In fact, for Americans, a social security pension of over 2K a month would be quite rare I think. Also, there is no bank account alternative. Marriage is an option though. This site is all about talking about lower cost world retirement country options that are possible to retire to: http://www.retireaway.com/



    A retired foreigner, over 50, who will transfer to Brazil the monthly equivalent of at least US$ 2,000. There is no limit to the number of dependents who may also receive permanent residence visas, but the main applicant must provide proof that they are genuine dependent relatives, as defined in Brazilian law - see Res. 4 of the CNI (National Immigration Council).

    The main applicant must prove he has a pension of at least US$ 2,000 a month. This will entitle him to visas for himself and two dependents. The applicant must demonstrate an additional US$ 1,000/month for each additional dependent, over and above the two already mentioned, and must supply, amongst other things:

    * A statement from the foreign agency responsible for paying his retirement pension, informing the total monthly sum of the benefit;

    * A bank declaration authorizing monthly transfer of at least US$ 2,000.

  3. I am also a ping pong fan. The only public place other than a hotel or condo I have noticed is at a beer bar on Soi 7 (the same soi as Tequila Reef). They have a few tables and some worn down paddles. Before, someone mentioned there were tables at the rooftop pool at Mike's Shopping mall. Not true recently.

    Anyone else know of any public ping pong tables (as opposed to the pubic ones)?


    Now, there is NO MORE RACISM at the SanSuk Sauna in Pattaya! It seems enough people did indeed CORRECTLY believe the old pricing policy to be RACIST that the owner decided to mend his ways. Fan Tastic.

    Congratulations to the owner of the SanSuk Sauna and the gay people and visitors to Pattaya for now having a fabulous new sauna with all the trimmings ... and NO RACISM!

    Reports are the new policy are EXACTLY as I suggested:

    ALL people of ALL RACES and NATIONALITIES (now not only Thai nationality) aged 18 to 25, now free! Did you hear that you young Russkies? Get your Russkie butts on over to the SanSuk Sauna. There is a warm welcome waiting ...

    And now, ALL those of ALL RACES and NATIONALITIES (now not only Thai nationality) who are aged 26 to 30, get in HALF PRICE.

    Kudos, SanSuk sauna owner! Many thanks.

    Also, in case there are cries of AGEISM, those over 90, free! Again, all RACES and NATIONALITIES.

    Good news for a change. See you at the tubs ....

  5. Nice try, no cigar.

    Racism also includes ethnocentrism and generalizations about a specific group of people (stereotype).

    The pricing policies at the Sansuk Gay Sauna in Pattaya fall neatly under this definition of racism:

    1. Preference for one's own ethnic group: to wit, the Sansuk Gay Sauna in Pattaya offers free or half price entrance for others of only the Thai nationality and/or other Asian groups (nobody knows whether other Asians and which Asians are receiving this racial preference, except the owner, who so far as expected is hush hush). The owner of the sauna is Thai. Special offer for Thais. Coincidence? I think not.

    2. Generalizations and Stereotypes: to wit, the Sansuk Gay Sauna in Pattaya generalizes that all persons of Thai nationality or possibly other Asians do not have the same level of financial resources as farangs. It obnoxiously and falsely stereotypes farangs as having "money too much" and all Thais as being financially deprived.

    The term racism is sometimes used to refer to preference for one's own ethnic group (ethnocentrism), fear of foreigners (xenophobia), views against interracial relationships (miscegenation), and/or generalizations about a specific group of people (stereotype).[2][3]


  6. Some wee points:

    Most gay saunas in Thailand are specifically NOT houses of prostitution. They are non-commercial social alternatives for gay men where consensual sex often occurs. Perhaps some are confusing a gay sauna such as Babylon (which does not practise race/nationality based pricing or Sansuk which does practise race/nationality based pricing) with the scads of boy sex massage joints that sport a sauna as part of their facillities. Most definitely not the same class of business.

    There are some parts of the world where a gay sauna such as Sansuk would provide commercial sex, so the confusion is understandable.

    Gay saunas like the Babylon and Sansuk are NOT illegal in any way in Thailand. If I am wrong about this, please cite the Thai law. They provide a space where gay sex does occur, of course. Gay sex is totally legal in Thailand, like most countries.

    Race/nationality based pricing appears to be legal in Thailand.

    The current full price entry at the Sansuk (which I hope appreciates all this free publicity) is a very reasonable 180 baht. Half price for older Thais. Free for younger Thais. How Thai is defined is not clear. Do you really think they would charge the farang full price to a young Burmese? Get real.

    This 180 baht is an opening promotional price, it is sure to be raised later. Again, I am not complaining that their prices are cheap or dear, that is their business decision. The issue here is the racial stereotyping of people's economic situation.

  7. This sauna charges falang so they can meet and have sex with Thai people.

    Thai's are the draw obviously, I dont get the argument here.

    Well, not exactly.

    The cute younger ones that so many gay people want to see in a sauna could be attracted with an AGE based discount program that has nothing to do with race/nationality.

    This is a another classic case of SOAKING farangs for the sake of soaking, because they can get away with it. And with so many farangs supporting/defending this kind of race/nationality discrimination, I predict alot more businesses will join the bandwagon. Congrats!

    It's a sauna aimed at tourists! In a sex tourist mecca.

    I really cant fathom that this thread still continues.

    This sauna owner allows Thai people in for free.

    The patrons want to have sex with Thai people.

    It's <deleted> marketing, plain and simple.

    No conspiracy, no discrimination.

    He wants your money.


    It may be somewhat of a sex tourist mecca, but it also a place where thousands of people live full time, Thai, farang, other foreigners, many races, a mix of ages, rich and poor.

  8. But ThaiQuila - racism is acceptable to many Thais. Racism is acceptable to some residents and tourists in Pattaya. "Discrimination" used to be a nice word, because gentlemen could discriminate between good and bad, beautiful and ugly. Two-thirds of your respondents so far have said that the policy is not racist, and it's safe to bet that most respondents are farang who live in Thailand.

    I really don't get your point, PB. It is an unscientific opinion poll, not a gauge of objective truth. It only reveals some peoples reaction and feelings. Thats all. No more, no less.

  9. A very lovely place. I think its good for a week if you really want to "chill" and you aren't bothered by thousands of backpackers (or you are one). Bangkok Air is always pricey. Lao Air is considered to have substandard safety. Name your poison. No Delhi Belly for me but I didn't eat street food even once.

  10. And he also knows that if he uses an unfair single-pricing policy that encourages an older farang clientele and discourages young thai hotties than us older farangs simply will not go!

    Why do you refuse to get a basic point that I have repeated multiple times? The young Thai hotties could be given free or discount incentives without any reference to race/nationality whatsoever, with a promotion for young hotties of any race/nationality. Do you have reading comprehension issues?

  11. Thaiquila,

    You designed a poll and 70% of the people responding disagree with you and yet you still seem to be doing most of the talking. Were you really interested in other's responses or did you just want a forum for your minority opinion?

    Both. I know I have a minority opinion, but as you see it is about 30 percent who also feel racism is at play. Now, please explain to me why a businessman would want to enfore a policy that 30 percent of people think is racist when he could get the same business result without that kind of negative feeling? Maybe he wasn't aware what a sizeable block of his potential customers would feel. Well, now he knows.

  12. I don't see it as a race issue but an economic one.

    I'm with this view.

    It's an issue of economics; Thais generally earn less than farangs so give them the chance to get in at a lower price. Also, and importantly, young Thais are who we go to saunas to meet and a sauna full of young Thais will draw in the higher paying farangs. I think the owner of the sauna recognises this and has made a smart move to let young Thais in free or at a discount.

    Frankly, it does not bother me if I have to pay more than a local to visit a place I enjoy.

    I agree also. I'd let the cute young ones in free!

    The promoters of the Nation party did this with their weekend pass tickets. The Thais were given a break on the ticket price.

    Yes, I agree. It is a smart business move to allow younger men in free. A fact of gay life. However, why does the policy have to exclude younger men who are not Thai, or perhaps Asian? As far as I know, these race/nationality based policies are not explicitly posted. And also there are discounts for all older Thais.

    Maybe you haven't noticed, but Pattaya is an international resort; there are many diverse peoples here. I would think it would be even smarter business policy and PUBLIC RELATIONS policy to be inclusive of these different peoples in discount policies. For example, there are quite a few Russian young men about town, surely some would be interested in a free sauna entrance.

    The owner of the Sansuk sauna who is fully fluent in English is aware of this thread and is more than welcome to comment about his particular sauna's policies. I think it would be interesting to hear from a Thai owner who is implementing race/nationalistic based pricing policies and talk openly about it (for a change).

  13. I'd like to say I'm tired of all the favoritism I've seen in Thailand toward the Koreans and Taiwanese, but really I think I'm treated far more fairly than they are. Hey, buddy, grow up. I bet car salesman in Ohio give better deals to their WASP friends than they do to Vietnamese immigrants. Tribalism is a human trait and thankfully hasn't been completely weeded out. You must have loved the "Stepford Wives".

    Yeah, tribalism, racial bias, corrupt special favors for people like you, we really need even more of that in the world!

  14. Not confusing, really.

    The Thai price in Thailand is often granted to other Asians, just because they are Asians, like the Thais are. Its a RACE thing, not just a national ID thing. Is it clear to you now?

    Who knows whether or not this sauna is granting the Thai price to non-Thai Asians? Do you? No. Does the owner post his policies? No.

    Do you think a non-Thai ASIAN person like a Lao or Burmese or Singaporean, who rides a baht bus in Pattaya and hands the driver the Thai price instead of the farang price will be challenged if he doesn't open his mouth? Of course, he won't. He gets the Asian RACE price.

    With an age based criteria, there would no mysteries.

    I guess alot of people can't recognize racism when it is crammed down their throats. Its a mild racism though. You might get a smile when you pay your special "farang price."

  15. ProThai,

    I think the subject of the worship of youth and "good looks" in international gay culture is off topic. It is a fact of life. I agree there are many dark aspects to it. But in the context of sauna entry promotions, I suggest age based discrimination versus race based ones merely because it accomplishes what seems to be what people want commercially without getting into the messier and more sensitive area of race. Discrimination based on looks would also offend a great number of people, such as those being rejected.

    You could argue that it would only be truly fair if all customers got the same price, no promotions at all, but I don't think the result of such a policy in a gay sauna in Pattaya would be widely pleasing for either the customers or the owner.

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