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Everything posted by new2here

  1. I don’t know that around-the-clock delivery is really what the market wants.. IF that is really their plan. What I’d think might be more — consumer friendly - is extending delivery times to later evening hours, when people are home (from home/school) and can receive parcels. I’d also push more weekend deliveries - again, when people might be home. I also think that leveraging tech as far as improved scanning/tracking abilities combined with the end users ability to do things like customize their chosen delivery time or alternate address.. Id also go for “date/time” guaranteed… that way businesses can offer their customers a guaranteed delivery date versus a range of “between 1-3 days” and couple that with either expanded evening or weekend delivery windows- that to me would seem to be what the B2C market might want, and pay for. The Thai Post already had a big advantage on that they already have a massive nationwide network built-out .. be that brick-mortal post offices or their regional processing centers.. so the basic infrastructure I suspect is already largely in place… i just think they’ve got to do more with what they’ve got and leverage the tech that’s already in use.
  2. Airline work - especially those jobs that are “operational” in nature, have long been somewhat “boom-bust” kinds of occupations in that the jobs, salaries and job security tends to be quite high during periods of high demand and robust growth, but can instantly turn south in a big way, and result in massive layoffs etc. True, this is not something exclusive to the airline universe, but it’s always been there and it’s quite pronounced in the airline industry … and I think during this last C19 downturn, those who were laid off/furloughed/etc just decided that they’d take the opportunity to change careers and move in a different path. So.. now when they get that recall notice or call from their HR that their job will be reinstated- some are choosing to move on in a wholly different direction. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the same with other industries like hospitality front-line staff and the like..
  3. to me, remembering that almost all aspects of the whole C19 issue carrie’s with it a large political aspect, I don’t think the government can really “afford” to go back and mandate masks again. To me, doing so, plays right into the oppositions narrative that the government isn’t in control, can’t control it or otherwise — true or not… it plays right into that narrative. So, i think that for the government to effectively backtrack so soon, is both a loss-of-face but also hands the governments opponents a solid talking point. What I do think the government can do, is to exert so-called soft-power and play to the nationalistic aspect… just from my view only, the mask wearing rate remains quite high even though it’s not mandatory outside any longer.. so i don’t think it’s too much of a stretch for the government to play the “keep thailand safe” type of card as opposed to formally backtracking to a hard mandate.
  4. Pretty much all the major banks have been reassessing their real estate portfolio and footprints https://www.nationthailand.com/business/40014873 I suspect that post-C19 and with the advancement of various “e-“ forms of payments, deposits and such, this will only continue. While my BBL accounts are all at their 333 Silom office, I do know the branch managers of a few other offices in the general area and have heard that the head office is always looking at branches long-term viability.. not just accounts opened or assets under control, but net foot traffic, type of traffic, quantity and type of transactions being conducted in-branch etc.
  5. here in thailand, individuals purely in the retail space, rarely have a “checking” account - that is the ability to write paper drafts against their account. They do exist, but for the traditional retail consumer, they are very uncommon and not usually something that’s actively promoted or discussed. Many banks will also have higher account opening standards- such as B10,000 minimums, the mandate you have a work permit or similar “long stay” type of immigration status etc .. it’s up to each bank to set these minimums. I was offered one as a part of my banks “suite” of services… but i declined despite being eligible, only because my personal experience was that few of the places that I do regularly to businesses with would accept a paper bank draft as payment or if they did accept it, it would incur processing delays/fees. Simply i didn’t see it to my advantage to have one… but that’s me and how and who i do business with. As noted, Citi’s Thailand retail division is being sold, so i wouldn’t be surprised to see some changes in what Citi offers from now until the actual date of sale effect and, if you do have one or get on with Citi, I also wouldn’t be surprised to see the new owner of their retail arm changes the product offering or eligibility either.
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