here in thailand, individuals purely in the retail space, rarely have a “checking” account - that is the ability to write paper drafts against their account. They do exist, but for the traditional retail consumer, they are very uncommon and not usually something that’s actively promoted or discussed.
Many banks will also have higher account opening standards- such as B10,000 minimums, the mandate you have a work permit or similar “long stay” type of immigration status etc .. it’s up to each bank to set these minimums.
I was offered one as a part of my banks “suite” of services… but i declined despite being eligible, only because my personal experience was that few of the places that I do regularly to businesses with would accept a paper bank draft as payment or if they did accept it, it would incur processing delays/fees. Simply i didn’t see it to my advantage to have one… but that’s me and how and who i do business with.
As noted, Citi’s Thailand retail division is being sold, so i wouldn’t be surprised to see some changes in what Citi offers from now until the actual date of sale effect and, if you do have one or get on with Citi, I also wouldn’t be surprised to see the new owner of their retail arm changes the product offering or eligibility either.