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Posts posted by mpdkorat

  1. Well I'm getting ready to go to the hospital. I'm the only one awake at the moment. Thanks for all of you guys making your contributions, it's appreciated.

    GarryP... Food for thought, and thanks for the heads up. I wanted to call him Jack but was out voted. Maybe end up calling him Casper (The Ghost) LOL

    JetsetBKK you have thrown an iron in the fire, anyone like to comment, its getting close to decision time.

  2. Ex-Kaaskop I wasn''t feeling bad about what you said, this is the first time I have really tried to lose this weight, which like you said took me years to accumulate. Sharing this is probably a little like being in group therapy, which again I have never tried before. Its interesting hearing yours and other people experience. It's a not eat day today and I'm hungry LOL...

  3. Good that its working, but your weight loss will slow down. That is only normal part of the loss now is not fat at all but a shift in how much water your holding and stumack content. That is always the fast loss at the start of a "diet".

    Question is once you reach your goal are you going to celebrate and eat all the things you like or be more sensible with food. Else you get the yoyo effect, because you haven't corrected the errors you made before.

    Your comments are partly the reason I started this thread. I was hoping someone else had used this method and I would let me know how they got on.

    The next month will be interesting in just how much I will lose.

    With regard to you final comment I hope that does not happen lol

  4. I've been doing it for two months now and lost 12 kg. I find that it is more difficult to eat a lot on the eat what you want days, as I do not have the appetite I one had, plus I tell myself remember you are on a diet. I have 28 more kg's to lose to get to the weight I was when I was 18, and that's my goal.

  5. I just tried thier homemade Black Pudding it was really very good indeed. I make my own bacon and its not bad, its the same as you can buy from most of the suppliers in BKK and Pattaya. Korat Chef's bacon however is much better, as they use a technique that takes much longer. The results produce a much more succulant rash of bacon. With regards to price, you get what you pay for. They pride themselves on the quality of the ingrediants they use and the final product. I have no doubt this venture will survive.

  6. This is not for a tattoo but I thought I would ask here anyway. How do do you write Charlie in Thai? I want it to sound correct and not like charli. Its for my son, so his teacher can pronounce his name.

    I got this from thai2english com:


    chaa-lee chae-bplin

    It would be nice to have the R it there too.



    The R is already there in the vowel sara ar, .

    Thank you

  7. My company use AIA for group insurance, and one of the customers we work with also use them. Seem to be popular

    I'm looking for an existing group insurance that I can Join as group schemes tend to be better value. Not sure why Thai Visa stopped the scheme, something was not going to plan I presume.

  8. Of course who knows what motivated this girl to do what she did, and of course it happens all over the world, but I can't help but blame society a little bit.

    I know exactly why she did what she did, but I will not dishonor her memory by providing details here.

    I'm sorry for her loss - tragic and unnecessary, but this is a classic I know a secret, but I'm not going to tell you. Best just to keep quiet in my opinion

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