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Posts posted by AgentOkeyDokey

  1. I was there on Thursday, 8 a.m and scored number 5053 counter 2. The guys behind the coubter seem to wander off come back have a chat wander off again come back serve a couple of people then the wheels went round.

    I also noticed that a couple of thai women who had a number would present 5 or 6 passports at the one time, this held up the line as one number was servicing 6 people.

    I have no problem with agents going in but please let immigration organise a separate que. Not fair that 6 people ride on one number.

    If you see Thai women presenting 5 or 6 passports at one time it is most likely for visa extensions or other reasons. 90 reports only require photo copy of passport. The visa company I use only charge 1000 bahts a year to do the 90 day reports.

    I want to hire an agent for 1000 baht a year to do my 90 day reports. Where can I find one? Sounds like a good deal.

  2. There is a big Thai Market next to Mee Chok Plaza but the contstructuon on the road from Mae Jo is awful. Is there a place near Mae Jo U. that sells fresh fruits and veggies? I have been looking and I don't see anything. Maybe I missed something. Thx.

  3. Let me see.. how can I make sure I stand out and be noticed.

    I know I will use each machine 6 times with different cards each time.

    Surely this guy should be jailed for stupidity...

    If you were going to do this you would use each ATM only once per few days... there are enough around to keep you busy.. use one near Nana grab skytrain to MBK, put on a cap and glasses use one there, have lunch grab skytrain to asoke, diifernet cap and shirt no glasses, use one there.. spot of shopping in Emporium, across the road with no cap glasses and different shirt, use one there , finally back to Cowboy for a bit of fun, go to machine there.. done for day .. next day its the Arabic look with different teatowel head dress

    for each machine....

    Its not that hard to be a bit intelligent re this....

    Plus also you get to play dress up.. perhaps the Chief Sitting Bull full headers would be a touch over the top but hell put on a baseball cap you become American, put on a arabic headers.. saudi... a fez Moroccan... even a skull cap.. Ooi better I should go to a different machine....

    Is the Russian tourist trade actually a Russian government plot to increase the average IQ number of the remaining Russians ??

    Spot on funny mate.

    • Like 1
  4. I need a good vacuum cleaner for my dust allergies and general home cleaning. Where is a good place to purchase a quality one in CM? I assume Robinson's but you know what assuming does. Also I am open to any suggestions concerning good quality models/units and sales locations. I really like rainbow vacuums. And I should have brought mine with me. I priced one on the phone with a Bangkok distributor. And the 3000USD price tag didn't go down well. I could perhaps go eBay and get a secondhand unit. And that is what I am thinking about.

    Correction the Rainbow vacuum in Bkk is 2200 usd. FYI A second hand on eBay costs 500 usd. About 300usd for shipping. Plus there will be import duty and taxes fees.

  5. I live near by and took this photo today .


    Indeed that was the sign that I saw. Driving by I didn't see any other signs as the Olde Bell sign is so prominent. Didn't know there were any farang bars in the area. That must be the only one?
    Sounds like it might be close to my neighborhood. How do I get to it from the land and house park in San Sai off 1001? I am between second ring road and Mae Jo on 1001.

    Go down to the Mae Rim - Doi Saket Road south of you, turn left (sorry I don't know the number) and proceed on that road in the direction of Doi Saket untill you get to the road where Tesco Lotus mini mart is on the corner to your right. Turn right on that road and proceed a couple of km. The bar is on the left. Can't miss the Old Bell sign. Never been there myself but that is where it is. Let us know if it is any good.

    Will do

  6. I need a good vacuum cleaner for my dust allergies and general home cleaning. Where is a good place to purchase a quality one in CM? I assume Robinson's but you know what assuming does. Also I am open to any suggestions concerning good quality models/units and sales locations. I really like rainbow vacuums. And I should have brought mine with me. I priced one on the phone with a Bangkok distributor. And the 3000USD price tag didn't go down well. I could perhaps go eBay and get a secondhand unit. And that is what I am thinking about.

  7. I live near by and took this photo today .


    Indeed that was the sign that I saw. Driving by I didn't see any other signs as the Olde Bell sign is so prominent. Didn't know there were any farang bars in the area. That must be the only one?
    Sounds like it might be close to my neighborhood. How do I get to it from the land and house park in San Sai off 1001? I am between second ring road and Mae Jo on 1001.
  8. yes indeed. i was recently in a very serious motorcycle accident. was one of the scariest moments of my life. lucky to be here to write this. it was the fault of the careless driver of the car. i suffered multiple severe injuries.


    I am so sorry to hear that. It seems you are on the mend. I hope you have family or friends to assist you. After a serious motosai accident many even Thai people no longer motosai. I understand. I slid on gravel where they are doing the construction on 1001 )near the second ring road) and laid down my motosai. Luckily I was going slow at the time and the car behind me stopped. I took a tumble and many Thai people helped me get up. My only injury was road rash. (Yes, I was wearing a helmet.) For a period of time it was hard "getting back on the horse" because my attitude had shifted. More anxiety and more caution while driving. Caution is a good thing but too much anxiety is not good. I need to buy a car. I know. I know.

    Last night coming home at around 1:00 am and again on 1001 I was thinking about the friend of the OP as i saw cars and motosai drive full speed through red lights. Blessing and luck to us all.

  9. Over the last couple of weeks I heard 3 students from Varee and 3 from Lanna Polytechnic died in motorbike accidents. I drove past one dying young woman lying in the road near Big C, Hang Dong and another on Sunday morning who looked seriously smashed up on the road that cuts through JJ Market/Kamtieng Market. Both were being cared for by very distressed friends while waiting for an ambulance.

    I remember a comment from Nick of Mad Dog many years ago after I told him I planned to buy a car and get rid of my motorbike. He told me very earnestly that I had just extended my life expectancy by 30 years.

    I wonder if any were wearing helmets.

    I wonder too. I try to wear my helmet all the time. I really hope it makes a difference at the time of an accident. But you can do everything right and still die or get seriously injured on a motosai. You are at the absolute whim of the good and bad driving of those around you in traffic.

  10. Last year i was walking past a music shop with the gf. I stopped to look at a fender and said something along the lines of, "wow, i'd really like one of those".

    The next week is my birthday and my gf calls me and tells me she has a gift for me. I'm over the moon!

    I walk into our room to see her with a big smile holding the ukulele that was sitting next to the guitar in the window. :(

    You have my vote. I love it!!

  11. I live on Phuket Island

    Its interesting that when " foreign managed businesses" get caught out the first words uttered are "corruption" and " extortion". Making these noises does not lessen culpability.

    For example I am personally aware of a "foreign managed business" which had no Thai staff ! The owner was arrested and put before the court.

    Recently there have been many arrests on the island involving time share touts , illegal travel agents and people working without permits. All arrested, charged and taken to court.

    Those who stand on the sidelines and shout "corruption and extortion" should look at themselves and either come up with the evidence or shut up.

    Believe what you want to beileve; the two companies I referred to above are both legitimate, long term businesses, with significant numbers of Thai employees, not bogus or illegitimate operations (of which thre are a certainly few).

    However I have no intention of embarrsing the managers by naming the companies and I am also not sure if forum rules would allow it anyway.

    But don't be distracted by the issue of scum bag time share and illegitimate travel agents, these are small fish in big pond. Many expats who live life reading the english language newspapers and chatting to their mates do not appreciate the misery that tax paying, 100% legitimate business owners and managers are put under by the various significantly corrupt police divisions that operate here.

    Yes, sure they might have been stung for the odd few hundred THB for not wearing a helmet, but generaly the expat community do not have much dealing with the darker side of Phuket's Police as expats per se are not seen as a particularrly fertile territory for income, they are more useful as a dressing to hide the darker goings on that happen here.

    Businesses (most all of them - Thai owned as well) are targeted for extortion and corrupt payments by the police on a regular monthly basis. Whatever kind of company you run you will find it impossible to satisfy the full gamut of regulations and compete without running into some division of the BIB who for example pull your company vehicles up and find something wrong with the vehicle or the workers, then offer for a few thousand pcm to give you 'free passage or insurance for the month', or call round to your office to find something awry.

    For an example in case, to transport workers you need a blue plated vehicle, to transport customers you need a green/white/yellow plated vehicle, to transport goods you need a white/green/ 40/80 registration vehicle. So to move goods, workers and customers and to be 100% legit you need a miniumum of three types of vehicle - you are normally competing with companies who pay approx 2,000 THB pcm to each police division they drive in to use only one vehicle for all three areas - very cost effective investment - hence corruption is fuelled as it is often cheaper to pay this 'whiskey money' than to meet the letter of the law; corrupt police know this and exploit it to the full.

    Rumour has it that police officers from other regions pay significant amounts of cash for a posting to say Phuket, where as a civil servant with a miserable goverment salary you can quickly build a healthy retirement nest egg.

    Trust me, I know as an active (and legitimate) business owner here that Phuket stinks of corruption and extortion, but it is certainly not clearly visible to your average expat.

    Oh and by the way, I love this country and it's people (on balance) and have no desire to return to the country of my birth, so I am in Rome.

    Bravo digitalchromakey!!!! Point well made.

  12. You didn't state your age. After a certain age in Thailand - I think it's 65 but not 100% sure, you become uninsurable at least for health insurance. Health insurance is the important one to have (it includes accident coverage.)

    Also I don't understand the "I am saving up to purchase a car." bit. Isn't that something you do when you are 17 years old? Why not just go out and buy one?

    I am older than 17 and less than 65. I don't have ready cash to buy outright or down payment to start an installment payment plan. So no it is not just what 17 years old do but also retired people on fixed incomes
    You won't be able to purchase a car under an installment plan in Thailand unless you are Thai or have a job here, work permit, etc.

    Any way back to the topic, since you are less than 65 you can get a health insurance plan which includes a good accident plan included in the price of the policy. As mentioned above you could try Thai, AXA and Allianz. My experience is that if you go to the English speaking agents that others recommended above, they will try and oversell you with an International policy that is overkill unless you make frequent trips abroad to the USA, Germany, etc. If you insist you want a cheaper policy for use in Thailand only, they will become less than helpful. All of the companies I mentioned have websites in English, just d/l the application, fill it in, transfer the money and wait for an answer.

    Really helpful. I hate being scammed. And I like saving money. I was going to go down to AA but i will check your suggestions online first. This is the kind of advice I was hoping for. I will check this out. Thanks.

    About the car. I have already talked to the Honda dealer across from Big C on Super Highway. 15% down without a Thai Guarantor and with proof of income/pension and good credit and my retirement visa is all I need. I have a friend that has a great Hillux pickup this is what he did and suggested I check it out. I did. I know exactly how much I need to save/have for the 15%.

  13. You didn't state your age. After a certain age in Thailand - I think it's 65 but not 100% sure, you become uninsurable at least for health insurance. Health insurance is the important one to have (it includes accident coverage.)

    Also I don't understand the "I am saving up to purchase a car." bit. Isn't that something you do when you are 17 years old? Why not just go out and buy one?

    I am older than 17 and less than 65. I don't have ready cash to buy outright or down payment to start an installment payment plan. So no it is not just what 17 years old do but also retired people on fixed incomes
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