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Everything posted by Benmart

  1. Repeating past greedy behavior and expecting different results. A failure in the making.
  2. I'm sure that the unemployed, destitute, homeless and struggling businesses will take great comfort in seeing money spend on repairing beaches without people, which in all likelihood, will again be washed out to sea.
  3. In the past, there was another dark regime which required a symbol to be displayed on clothing and "papers" marked to identify the holder as a "undesired class". What next for these transient decision makers who come up with these ideas?
  4. Numbers and statistics are puddy which can be manipulated for any agenda. The current lot at the helm have had years to fabricate and corrupt anything they see as useful to control the masses. This latest adventure fits in nicely towards that aim. Time shall reveal the real story.
  5. Reform would be be served by a clean sweep from top on down. Sadly, the corrupt are unwilling to cut off their ill-gotten revenue stream. Is there one honest, incorruptable, powerful and professional human to be found in "that" mob?
  6. The question by the OP is pointless. What others are doing does not remove my responsibility to comply with a law, regardless if I agree with it or not. The defense for non-compliance is weak when using the behavior of others as justification.
  7. This rag is from Xinhua News Agency headquartered out of Beijing.
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