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Everything posted by Benmart

  1. Numbers, numbers and more numbers. How about posting the daily numbers of roadway deaths? That's the real epidemic.
  2. He is not alone with a case of chronic, premature vocabulation. Just another creature trying to stay relevant in an ocean of mediocrity.
  3. Lock down the roads. Close the petrol stations. Ban new drivers. Shut down the whole system. It's an epidemic of death on Thai roads. No vaccine for inept drivers and a clueless government which is helpless to stem the carnage on Thai roads.
  4. I'm not the least embarrassed by free speech, even if not completely factual. This is about the corrupt minority, just as when a solitary foreigner commits a crime and the media labels the innocent and law abiding along with the guilty on the basis of nationality.
  5. Add legitimacy, ethics and honour (honor) to the growing list.
  6. I wonder if drivers have any concept of using the engine and lower gears to reduce speed downhill. From observation these years, the accelerator pedal is the favorite option.
  7. Corruption is connected to many of the ills that plague Thailand. Name one problem area and corruption most likely has its long reaching tentacles embracing it.
  8. "You have no right to critise or make gloomy predictions without offering a better solution.". Re-read what you posted. It sounds like you are in charge of the printed word.
  9. As will many things proven by past performance, changes will most likely be forthcoming.
  10. So true. What is the truth about all this? “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
  11. Quess work, fortune telling, Ouija Board practice, crystal ball consultation, TAT, and other "officials" issuing wishful statements (AKA lies), forecasts, prayers, amulets, edicts, etc. Entertaining and comical.
  12. So true. The hysteria whipped up by the media and government is the real danger.
  13. Another questionable poll of little value except, except to the puppetmasters
  14. Meaningless propaganda for the common Thai of modest means. Money = Better care much like most countries I've lived in or where I've accessed care.
  15. More shall be revealed after the smoke has settled. I look forward to outside investigative journalism uncovering the lies, deceptions and manipulation concerning this entire Covid affair. History has shown that power is often abused by those up high.
  16. "...protect the population from the threat of the COVID-19 virus". The real threat is government.
  17. The closures didn't stop me from weight training and boxing. Then again I'm not Thai and worked around the illusions of the "Black Death".
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