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Everything posted by Benmart

  1. What about the songtaews and scooter taxis? Worthless gestures and hype concerning the taxis barriers.
  2. More flip-flopping than a contaminated carp out of water gasping for oxygen.
  3. A question about the future, answered with reply drawn from the future.
  4. "Mr Thanakorn also gave an update on the Phuket Sandbox, which has been hailed a success.". Using what metric to measure this "success"? A Smoke and Mirror display, backed up with a vinyl chart and stock photos? A La-La-Land Nonsense Generator-Tabulator? A TAT Distortion Device with the usual Reality Impairment Module?
  5. Where is the scientific research to support this? Seems to be an uneducated, knee jerk response, requiring no effort, no accountability, no measurable results and no reasoning that would hold up to independent study.
  6. Agreed. A fluffy article about the Ministry of Projections, Hopes and Illusions.
  7. Sadly, with out full disclosure, accountability and disclosure, things happen. The record of corruption speaks for itself.
  8. Seeming this government is too busy or impotent to find a solution. It would be a national shame, but one has to possess such feelings. Pathetic on so many levels.
  9. Commenting on a persons appearance, as if it matters, is juvenile and without merit.
  10. Yes indeed. Generals, including some from my country, do not possess that capability.
  11. Generally speaking, Generals hereabouts are mouthpieces without little credibility.
  12. "Stupid comments" may fall under Freedom of Speech and amulets may fall under Freedom of Expression, Religion or Fantasy. Respect is earned and learned. It is not a "must", except in a repressive mindset.
  13. Share. Care. Love. A humanitarian in a lifeboat, adrift in a ocean of corruption and greed.
  14. Reminds me of the largesse coming from organized crime Dons of US history. They would donate money to facilitate services to the locals when government couldn't or wouldn't provide.
  15. "Many Business Operators will not be opening for such small numbers, because its cheaper to stay closed than open up, and have all the overheads and outlays for small numbers that will likely not even see the Business break even". So true in the case of a local sit-down coffee cafe that has been hanging on here in Pattaya. The owner finally threw in the towel four days ago and closed for two months. Rains, flooding, no tourists and flip-flops from the talking heads in Bangkok finally put the brakes on business.
  16. If it were seven foreigners arrested, "foreigners" would certainly be heralded in the headline. In this case the seven involved were all Thai nationals, and the headline merely refers to them as "suspects". I suppose it means nothing.????
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