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Posts posted by GoldenTriangle

  1. The 150 Exciter is a great little bike for the city but the forks are terrible, bottom out easily. Also rust developing around rear brake pedal pivot and fork bolts on a bike that a year old and less than 10k. As usual, the good parts of the bike, like the engine, brakes and transmission are paid for by cutting costs on low end suspension and cheaper tires. Anyone know of any aftermarket suspension parts that aren't too expensive? I've seen complete aftermarket exhaust systems for this bike that range between 15,000 to 20,000 baht. The exhaust appears to be a single system so to just put on a different end can, you'd have to cut the header pipe. Mechanics at Yamaha have told me that swapping out the big stock end can releases a bit of power and loses some weight, and looks better. I got the bike at a good price and don't plan on selling it anytime soon so I'd like to do some modification to suit. Any owners done any mods they're happy with?


  2. I've found the cheapest way is to transfer money from my US bank account to my Thai bank account once per month. It can be up to $2,500 per transaction. Cost is $13.50 per transfer. Then I can withdraw cash from my Thai bank account with my atm card or at the bank counter and it's free if a minimum balance of 50,000 baht is kept. If not, it's 20 baht per withdrawal and every transaction shows up almost immediately in an SMS message from the bank's data center. One transfer per month does me fine in LOS since I'm not a big partier, not trying to live out a second adolescence and I don't have a Thai spouse or significant other and the squad of mooches that usually comes along with them.

  3. Maybe you can't kill them but u can maim them. One of these loathesome boors stepped in front of my vehicle and got nailed, the drunken fool. All busted up. Thai cops shrugged an laughed as I explained in Thai what happened, which became the official report. Gave them each cpl hundred baht for their trouble. They told me backrat boy would be held till he paid medical bill. SOP in LOS. He broke my headlight but worth it. One less to plague us.

  4.  Can't find any other way to transfer money to Thailand from US? Really? Sounds like what a few others have said, GF quietly sneaking  card from wallet at 3am to go to atm then return card to his wallet while he snores away after too many drinks. It's pretty common here.

  5. The big Licensing and driving test center in Hang Dong, just south of Chiang Mai, maybe 50 yards north of the Big C mall.

    The exterior wall is purple and white and you'll see  a huge lot and grassy areas. I think they also do emissions there as well.

    I went up stairs, took a number and it all went easy and quick, as I mentioned above.

    I've been told it's because I have a current foreign license. Others who've shown up with expired foreign license had to go through the whole shebang.

    You actually get 2 license cards. 1 for bikes and 1 for cars. Why they wouldn't just put the qualifications on the same card? Amazing Thailand.

  6. I guess as usual it depends on which immig office you go to. I got my yearly retirement renewal in Chonburi last fall and now live in Lampang and when I went to the immig office here, I filled out 90 day notification form, along with handing over relevant photo copies. The guy at the desk barely looked up at me as he did his duty. I was in and out in 20 minutes. But I've heard at other offices presented with similar situation they drag out a bunch of hoops for the farang to jump through.

  7. I once saw a trio of young Thais try it on with a big Western guy after some arguing. He smacked them round pretty good and yes, they pulled out blades after getting their noses broken. But then the white guy pulls out a <deleted> 6 foot bullwhip! What a freak show. He had them running and screaming for their lives. I doubt they'd ever heard of or seen such an cruel device. I could tell catching those barbs on the end of the whip really hurt by the way they shrieked so loud. You've never heard such a racket.

  8. We live up the Canal Road, a couple kms south of the 700 year stadium. Last week or so we've been hearing a booming concert from somewhere south of us. Really bad feedback, out of tune, out of key, but not out of massive concert PAs, apparently. Maybe a very loud karaoke bar? Someone said it was due to Chinese New Year, street concert. Another report blames Maya rooftop shows. Got to be some of the worst attempts at "rawk" music I've ever heard, truly brutal. Jimmy Page would beat these guys to death with their own guitars. Anyone have any idea which fearless leader is getting permits to mega blast shitty music till midnight every night and where it's situated?

  9. Hi All,

    Has anyone gotten a re-entry permit at Chiang Mai airport lately? I mean just prior to flying. The office there is supposed to be open 24/7 but I've been hearing all kinds of contradictory info lately and I'm hoping someone who has ACTUALLY gotten a re-entry permit at CM airport in the past few weeks can advise if nothing has change, and that their hours are still 24/7.

    I've done this in Bkk just before a flight late at night on the weekend and no problem.

    But I've heard lately that there are new and difficult rules for getting a re-entry permit. The person who told me said they want a letter from landlord and other documents.

    thanks for any help

  10. That looks like a symbol used by Hindus. It's a reverse image of the swastika. It used to be a high award in Scouting. (US=Boy Scouts).

    I mentioned to a couple of Thai friends what Hitler did with any Asians found in the occupied countries. They were shocked.

    Don't be too hard on the Thais. Their knowledge of foreign history is about as good as our's was of Thai history before we came here. The great majority have little knowledge of the geographical location of most Western countries. It's the same in Indonesia.

    All the posts about the swastika and its various meanings are conveniently ignoring the fact it is right next to the image of Adolf Hitler. They are part of the same sticker. It is disingenuous to play the Hindu symbol card when it is far more likely the creator of the sticker just didn't know or care about the orientation of the symbol. And to my knowledge, Hitler is neither the source of a pleasant greeting nor an ancient good luck symbol.

    It is easy to be glib and make various excuses when replying to this post and dismiss it as another wank about getting one's "loin cloth in knot" but you might feel differently if your family members were among those the Nazis abducted, robbed, raped and murdered.

    I am not expecting Thai society to change overnight or for the country's education system to include comprehensive geography and global history courses any time soon. If you read the entire post, you will see I was pointing out the rather brutal irony that if Hitler had is way, Thais and all Asians would have been eradicated.

    As for we farangs being unaware of Thai history, it would be safer to speak for oneself. I did not come here for the cheap retirement or the cheap beer. I was aware Nazi imagery was popular in parts of Asia but I hadn't come across it personally. Judging from the replies, I suppose this is the entirely wrong forum to have posted this kind of thing.

    • Like 1
  11. Hello,

    I am interested in the Honda Phantom. Do you have any photos you can forward and please let me know how much you are asking and where the bike is located.

    Please forward information and photos to; << email address removed, use PM function to contact >>

    or phone: << Phone number removed, use PM function to contact >>


    Posted 2013-09-04 17:51:24

    This is an excellent Phantom with Green book renewed till Dec 2013 and fitted with nice saddle bags.The bike has not been used daily but on a casual basis since purchased in December 2005.The owner is my Step son who has spent 4 years in Australia and during that time the bike was not used hardly at all.The kms on clock are legitimate at 47596.I have owned an identical bike for many years...

  12. Nobody likes a snitch

    Now we know which side of the law you support. Drug dealers are ok, eh?

    How do you came to this conclusion? Did I said or wrote that? I only mentioned the obvious. As far as I read the story it was about smuggling cell-phones and not about drugs. Maybe you should try to read it again. And in the future do not make any assumptions about me and my opinions out of the blue.

    If global pharmaceutical drug dealers are fine then yes, street drug dealers are ok too. It's sheer hypocrisy to make money for your pension fund investments from tranquilizing and chemically lobotomizing the world with valium, prozac and related benzos and SRUIs but then condemn petty drug dealers. Pull your head out of your butt or are you too drugged up on legal pharmaceuticals to see what's actually happening? Besides, drug offenses are the easiest way to keep the prison industry running strong, with all the attendant jobs and contracts. Although, if you're a lawyer, judge, court employee, jail guard, parole officer, drug enforcement goon and various other prison industry parasites then this is all a good thing. Legalizing drugs and offering widespread treatment is the only solution. Remember the prohibition on alcohol? Yeah, that. It helped create the greatest criminal empire in history - the mafia, who ran illegal booze and then spread into drugs, prostitution and of course, political corruption.

  13. Hello,

    I posted at the end of another thread but thought I should begin a post so it's seen. Excuse me if I'm repeating here.

    I'd like to settle in to Songkhla City for some months and am looking for an inexpensive monthly serviced apartment. A decent sized studio would be fine, as long as it has a solid wifi connection for work.

    Any advice on which places might be suitable would be great.

    Any advice on where to rent a scooter by the month would be helpful as well.

    Thanks in advance.

  14. Hello,

    I'm looking to settled down somewhere inexpensive for a while in the south, near the sea. I've heard Songkhla City is a good spot for that, small expat scene and not overrun too much yet with tourism.

    I've read the embassy district is good for expats. Any idea what a decent sized studio serviced apartment goes for per month? I don't need anything too fancy but I do need a good Net hookup for work.

    Also, any idea on prices for monthly scooter rentals?

    thanks in advance

  15. Are there any expats living in the insurgent provinces down south? I have some opportunities there and would appreciate comments about actual real day-to-day life there.

    Please, before everyone jumps onboard to issue dire warnings, I'm well aware of the political situation. I wish to hear ONLY from those who are living there currently or have lived there for 3 months or more.

    Anyone else, please refrain from commenting. Again, I am ONLY interested in read about the experiences of those who are living in one of these 3 provinces or who have lived there the recent past.

    thank you

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