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Posts posted by SinglePot

  1. "So in the next wave of Chinese economy, I would like to see that greater reliance of domestic consumption and purchasing of foreign interests namely nuclear in UK, property in manhattan ...it's a good strategy like Singapore called economic defense."

    Well if China is so good at nuke (if it's good enough for Britain must be good enough for China) why are they importing fossil through Burma. Nuke capability not enough presumably for the voracious demand in China. Btw. French consortium leads the build in the UK. China is a helpful financial passenger.

    Not sure what this subtly inserted Manhattan property jibe is all about.

    Chinese landlady in Beijing will get her knickers seriously twisted if the property bubble bursts.

    I know her well.

    Sent from my tablet created in California, assembled in China.

    Buying a 900 million building from JP Morgan is a jibe ? Wow you just made dinner conversation for me with my Chinese partners here on how low the hatred can get ...we will salute you with a toast and drink some fine scot whiskey


    as for nuke technology it's called diversification of your energy needs ...

    Sent from my iPod touch using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You sure do understand the concept of ownership.

    Take care leaving the restaurant after you have toasted me.

    And be extra careful with the peasant on a bicycle.

    If you are in Beijing that is.

  2. "So in the next wave of Chinese economy, I would like to see that greater reliance of domestic consumption and purchasing of foreign interests namely nuclear in UK, property in manhattan ...it's a good strategy like Singapore called economic defense."

    Well if China is so good at nuke (if it's good enough for Britain must be good enough for China) why are they importing fossil through Burma. Nuke capability not enough presumably for the voracious demand in China. Btw. French consortium leads the build in the UK. China is a helpful financial passenger.

    Not sure what this subtly inserted Manhattan property jibe is all about.

    Chinese landlady in Beijing will get her knickers seriously twisted if the property bubble bursts.

    I know her well.

    Sent from my tablet created in California, assembled in China.

  3. Something I have noticed Lawrence on this and many other China related issues, is the constant references to historical events which are used to support and condone modern day China's attitudes and behaviour.

    I don't know how best to describe it. Revenge, assertion, I don't know. It's like China has a chip on its shoulder.

    Why can not China dump the past and move forward without all this historical baggage?

    Maybe the one party system is not conducive to forward thinking. A bit of challenge to ingrained thought processes?

    I appreciate that the democratic system in the US is having a tough time at the moment, so please don't come back with China system is more effective than Western.

    • Like 1
  4. Well, since the main stumbling block (excuse) is religion, that is where a change would have to start. Religious beliefs are based on culture, which in this area is very tribal in nature.

    You could say that much of the world is fundamentally tribal in nature, but what is illuminating and actually quite reassuring is how religious beliefs can be switched relatively (with obviously some major exceptions) easily. See the spread of catholocism in Latin America or more recently the spread of christianity in S.Korea.

    For heavens sake the folk of Tanna island (part of Vanuatu) even worship Prince Phillip (husband of Queen of England)!!!


    For heaven's sake....

    Yep. Great solution for the problems of Syria.

    Keep me posted on how it works with Assad.


  5. Are you worried about the Mekong river or the China Sea.

    Are you worried about bullies in Beijing having economic leverage outside their borders.

    Are you worried about the voracious soulless appetite in shopping malls and its effect on your psyche.

    I can't change it. Maybe you can.

    Try doing a search on TV for Xayaburi re my stance on damming the Mekong and also the Hongsa lignite mine and connected power station. Both these plus a shed load more dams in Laos are an effort to make Laos an energy exporting nation, supplying electricity to LOS, funded by Thai money and built by Chinese subcontractors. The joys of globalization....

    Presume you mean South or East China Sea and surprise, surprise I have expressed all sorts of concern re Chinese blue water capability in previous threads.

    "Bullies" having economic clout beyond their borders? Welcome to colonialism or neo-colonialism, or just good old aggressive trade policies. These have been a constant for hundreds of years with a rich cast of players. Rarely a pretty sight if on the receiving end, but countries do tend to run their economic policies for their own benefit. The glories of Bristol, Manchester, Liverpool, London (you could probably insert your home town), were hardly built on spreading sweetness and light across the world.

    Bottom line, nasty folk and their intentions are a constant and it's just a case of learning to deal with, cope with school bully.

    I'll skip the shopping mall nonsense.

    Changing things? Pretty dam_n difficult for anyone!

    You asked for an opinion. I gave it.

    Your lecturing attitude is irritating.

    Re your second point have a read of Matthew 7:1-5.

    No thanks. I'm Buddhist.

  6. "I am looking at China being successful and having opportunities that will benefit the world as well. The world stand to lose if the 2nd biggest economy fails at this time when the world is fragile."

    Nothing a Chinese person likes better than having leveraging over the West eh Mr Chee?

    I'm English. CCP is toxic. I don't like bullies.

    I do not share your optimism and confidence for phase 2 of the China economy under the CCP.

    This is based on hard nosed business reality not a personal dislike for the CCP.

    But I don't like their style either.

  7. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. What do you think they are doing about it?

    Options are:


    Do nothing

    Fake reform

    Do enough to head off social unrest

    Full scale political reform

    Foreign distraction adventure

    etc, etc

    Bottom line almost every politician wants to cling on to power, with legacy as a secondary objective. So motivation and thus responses tend to revolve around these two priorities.

    China is at a vital crossroads managing a rebalancing of its economy while seeking to avoid social unrest. It is in everyone's interest that this hideously complicated manoeuvre is pulled off without major drama.

    Political reform tends to follow economic reform but if the transition is too messy or involves a political collapse, this desired outcome can be material impacted and delayed, see Russia for more details.

    To answer your question 'What do you think they are doing about it?' (in reference to their manifold challenges): from your options, I pick 'Fake Reform'

    This may sound like a 'tree hugger' response (and I am, unabashedly a tree hugger): China's focus is all about people (particularly those who are rich and politically powerful), and money. People, money, people, money, ....on and on. When will they come to the realization that there are many other species plus terrain/sea to consider? Perhaps we should all resign ourselves to the idea that; since people and money are all that really matter, the environment can just tough it out as best it can, what little is left of it. Natural habitat and species (on land and in the sea) are disappearing on an hourly basis. Granted, it's worldwide, but China is at the vanguard of voracious destroyers. They're are better ways to go about it. It starts with an attitude that all natural habitat is worth preserving, and all species are special - not just humans.

    The first National Park in the world was designated in the US (Yellowstone). The US now has a National Park network that is awesome. It wasn't smooth sailing. Yellowstone had army units (under General Sheridan, acting outside of gov't orders) stationed there for its first 30 years, to keep the railroads, miners, tree cutters, animal killers at bay - until Park Service staff were instated. What has China done to protect natural environment? What we see, are giant cities getting built, many of which nearly uninhabited. China uses 1/3 of the world's concrete. For what?

    Give them time ...the world seems to be impatient that China gets everything right while being the biggest manufacturer of crap that the world needs...

    It's almost like wishing your kid comes up tops in the the gifted program.

    The secondary reform will promise a lot of retraction and reflection on personal consumption in Nov

    I am not convinced that the crowds would stop buying at a quick rate as the marketing is sleek...latest figures in Sep predicts that China would overtake the USA in online buying by 2014 just in a short span of 15 years when alibaba first introduced it to the market.

    This is a huge question mark...they need them to consume to take over the infrastructure spending ...however increasing personal consumption means increasing resources for production

    How to you please everyone ...economics, environmentalist, nationalists and western opinions ? I sat in some sitting committees and my advice was always the same ...do what you are comfortable with first because you cannot please everyone and it's silly to try.

    Sent from my iPod touch using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You are losing all credibility Mr Chee supporting the toxic CCP regime.

    I presume your support is financially based and it is in your economic interest to do so.

  8. Quote from folium:

    "Few people outside the PRC have positive views of the CCP but we have to play the cards that are dealt. Wishful thinking is an unhelpful distraction."

    No we don't. I don't want to play cards dealt by a toxic regime.

    So long as they keep their crap within their own borders, fine.

    But that's not happening, is it.

    Example. Beijing pollution is affecting forests in Japan.


    • Like 1
  9. Are you worried about the Mekong river or the China Sea.

    Are you worried about bullies in Beijing having economic leverage outside their borders.

    Are you worried about the voracious soulless appetite in shopping malls and its effect on your psyche.

    I can't change it. Maybe you can.

    Try doing a search on TV for Xayaburi re my stance on damming the Mekong and also the Hongsa lignite mine and connected power station. Both these plus a shed load more dams in Laos are an effort to make Laos an energy exporting nation, supplying electricity to LOS, funded by Thai money and built by Chinese subcontractors. The joys of globalization....

    Presume you mean South or East China Sea and surprise, surprise I have expressed all sorts of concern re Chinese blue water capability in previous threads.

    "Bullies" having economic clout beyond their borders? Welcome to colonialism or neo-colonialism, or just good old aggressive trade policies. These have been a constant for hundreds of years with a rich cast of players. Rarely a pretty sight if on the receiving end, but countries do tend to run their economic policies for their own benefit. The glories of Bristol, Manchester, Liverpool, London (you could probably insert your home town), were hardly built on spreading sweetness and light across the world.

    Bottom line, nasty folk and their intentions are a constant and it's just a case of learning to deal with, cope with school bully.

    I'll skip the shopping mall nonsense.

    Changing things? Pretty dam_n difficult for anyone!

    You asked for an opinion. I gave it.

    Your lecturing attitude is irritating.

    • Like 1
  10. Yes. I do have an opinion. Specifically related to the OP and to broader issues which are inevitably intertwined with the Chinese economy.

    So long as China has no detrimental effect on my financial, physical or spiritual well being, they can do whatever they please.

    Regrettably this is probably dreaming.

    Care to share your opinion with us?

    The regime is toxic.

    The economic, environmental and social consequences of that toxicity are still being played out.

    Personally I am looking for damage limitation.

    • Like 1
  11. Yeah, so, as I was saying, let's get current on the facts and with reality.

    And Now China Has A Gigantic Obesity Problem, Too


    China's economic prosperity has led to a health crisis growing with alarming rates in the country obesity.

    19 million Chinese are considered obese and millions more are overweight.

    More and more fat reduction hospitals are springing up all over the country using fire treatments, acupuncture and cupping treatment to help obese Chinese lose the weight

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/china-obesity-2010-6?op=1#ixzz2fT63K5NQ

    I like the headlines you use to capture attention.

    At 19 million obese Chinese, against total Chinese numbering 1.5 billion, the percentage of obese people is thus less than 1.3%. that would make it near the absolute bottom of obesity incidence rates in the world.


    10 percent of the Chinese population have diabetes, and the incidence is rising fast.

    One child policy accelerates the ageing demographic seen in western countries and therefore chronic diseases associated with ageing becoming increasingly prevalent.

    KFC and McDonalds aren't helping them either.

    Major economic problems for CCP-PRC is health service provision and an ageing work force.

    You think the West has got it bad? How much of developed countries budget goes on health costs?

    This will literally cripple the CCP-PRC. Unless they take the pragmatic approach of ...well let some starve. (If you know what I mean).

    If you want the medical literature on the diabetes epidemic in China I will post it.

    You are right this shall be the downfall of China The rich shall be American Citizens living in the United States. The poor shall suffer like before but worst with diabetes

    It's the rich fat bastar** in China who have the diabetes Harry. Not the poor.

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