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Considered Opinion

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Posts posted by Considered Opinion

  1. Seems like I remember this story. Was there not some issue of frame up. I think pedophiles should burn and get castrated, but there was something peculiar about this case if who I think it is besides the fact he is 93, impotent, senile and had money.

    In fact getting it up would take more energy than any 93 year old I ever met could muster.

    You discussed erectile performance with 93 year olds ?. rolleyes.gif

    Goodness... a wit. No dear, I can read.

  2. Seems like I remember this story. Was there not some issue of frame up. I think pedophiles should burn and get castrated, but there was something peculiar about this case if who I think it is besides the fact he is 93, impotent, senile and had money.

    OMG framed in Thailand? Surely not. You can't be serious. @93 what are the odds of him raping anyone. In fact getting it up would take more energy than any 93 year old I ever met could muster.

    I suppose we will go through the usual Judge & Jury of TV with executions and noting etc., but the likelihood of this being a real, actual, committed offense are infinitesimal. Sadly you all know it.

  3. Looking closely at the photo...is that one of the undercover policeman on the far right?

    Well spotted that man yes. In fact as I saw it I thought I recognised that front bottom. I can't believe their expressions.. bet none of them have ever seen a p3nis the size of those in the blue boxes which use 3 AAA batteries and work beautifully for around 74 minutes.


  4. I have never understood why other countries do not reciprocate the 'rules and regulations' that countries such as Thailand impose on foreigners.

    I find Thailand's differential treatment of foreigners frustrating myself. But face it, if they allowed foreigners to own land, a tiny group of the 1% (or a few Chinese state owned enterprises) could come in and buy pretty much all of it.

    And if they set aside a certain percentage of land to allow foreign ownership, you and I would be out of luck anyway because we couldn't afford the prices driven up by the 1% and SOE's.

    Sounds like scaremongering to me. Why would Chinese state enterprises come in and buy all the land. Is Thailand's land that sought after?? Why? What is so special about it?

    Why aren't Chinese state enterprises buying up massive chunks of Europe, US, Australia. The truth is (IMHO) that you would see similar amounts of foreign ownership in Thailand as you do in other countries. And remember this if the Thais sell their lands, with the money they make, the will go and buy land elsewhere. Its often forgotten that the seller, probably a Thai will end up with a big wad of cash and will use that to fund other land purchases (probably) in Thailand.

    I have several relatives who have land sitting idle which they don't want to use, but can't find a buyer for. Which means their capital is effectively locked away. To access it they take out loans secured against it.

    In fact Chinese SOE's are doing exactly that in Australia because our erected lepresentatives are spineless, gormless goats.

  5. I have never understood why other countries do not reciprocate the 'rules and regulations' that countries such as Thailand impose on foreigners. For example, if a Brit cannot own land or property in Thailand , then a Thai should be under the same rules in the UK, if a Brit cannot own a company in Thailand then the same should apply in the UK for Thai nationals. Things would soon change in Thailand, Saudi and the UAE if we simply matched their respective regulations. When the elite suddenly found they cannot own properties in London and shift large amounts of money by say owning football clubs ! Then things would rapidly change for us.

    It sounds like the Deputy Commerce Minister has been shafted on a shares deal so has started a vendetta.

    Totally agree. I don't believe Thais should be allowed to buy land here either. Chinese the same. In fact anywhere you can't go and buy land, don't let them buy land here. Problem with the spineless Australian government is that they let any old pr*ck come and buy the farm just make sure the trade keeps coming.

    Worthless scum. That having been said, better this investigation, than run round collecting the stabbing cabbies and other human detritus that kills foreigners I suppose.

    Has anyone ever asked how you become a Thai minister? Most of them are morons, with very few exceptions.

    • Like 1
  6. The 21st largest economy in the world has dropped to 25th, in just 5 years. In another 10, to 20 years, who knows? Malaysia, Indonesia, China, India, Vietnam, and many more neighbors are making a very sincere effort at improving their educational systems. Thailand is doing very, very poorly in that regard. Shame on the people involved, and shame on the education ministry. They could do better. Suggestion #1. Hire only fareng English instructors throughout Thailand. Suggestion #2. Publish all test results in the local newspapers. Suggestion #3. Fire all teachers who cannot pass their own exams. In a recent study, math teachers in 10 provinces where given their own math tests. This is the test they give out regularly. There was an 83% failure rate! Shame on Thailand for this travesty of an educational system. They could do much better.

    Three suggestions to improve the education system in Thailand and you say the first thing is to hire only farong English teachers.

    Yes for sure make learning English the number one project for improving the education system in Thailand. Thailand will have some of the best English speaking rice field workers in the world. That is providing the German speaking teacher can speak good English.

    How about putting more importance on learning the basic for use in Thailand and at a later date if students want make English available to them. When you say farong are you aware that there are farongs who can not speak English.

    English is a necessary language for about 3% of the population yet people want to teach it to 100% of the population. There are many sellers in the tourist industry who do not speak English and make a living off of tourists who can not speak Thai. There products are produced by many Thais who can not speak English. On the other hand there are many bar girls who can speak English. But most of them did not learn it in elementary school. They would of but the school had no electricity so they couldn't read the lessons.

    Everyone misses the point totally, as soon as they introduce the word "learning" into any discourse on Thai education.

    Learning has absolutely nothing to do with it. Thai students are "taught".

    Problematically, as long as the teachers know next to nothing, nothing is "taught".

    English speaking teachers who realise this elementary point, and find a way around it, are the most successful.

    What you say is true.

    But you are over looking the fact that only about 3% of the population will need to speak English.

    Why the emphasis on learning English as necessary for a good education. How about some world history. Here in Chiang Mai at one school the students put on a parade. They were allowed to do all the planning themselves. They even got there own costumes. It was a show in which they all dressed as Nazi's. They knew nothing about the evil that they had caused.

    Reminds me of Canada with one French speaking province Quebec and the rest predominantly English speaking yet they must all learn French. Even Though in British Columbia there is only 2% who speak only French. They probably have a larger % speaking Chinese or Hindi.

    Hi and thanks for that. I'm not overlooking that issue at all, I have always said the needs of Thai people vis a vis speaking English were considered to be lower than many other countries. The unfortunate issue there, it that it actually reflects the world-view of the usefulness of Thai employees outside of the country.

    An example: My partner went through a Thai School, held in very high esteem by Thai companies. I then put him through CM University where he topped his class in accounting.

    His use of English was so good he was picked up by one of the big 4 accountants for a year and then moved across to a resources company, again for a year, during which he ran one of their overseas operations. He was 22 at the time. The reason - his English was so far in advance of his peers and anyone else in the market. He has now moved to another major national resources company, and provides auditing services to their operations country wide. He is 24.

    To say only 3% of Thais will ever need English, whilst true, limits the capacity of those who are very good in their area, but because of their appalling English, they can only be employed in Thailand, which then limits the capacity of Thailand to operate on a world stage.

    That's why English should not only be taught, it should be taught well. And part of that process has to include teeaching Thai students how to learn, because they sure as hell don't know now as they come out of the system.

  7. When will they learn................

    You know Astral, unfortunately they never will.

    I've seen this type all my life, I've seen them selling drugs in nightclubs, I've seen them perpetrate mortgage frauds, I've seen them using high pressure selling techniques to sell timeshare, I've seen them camping out in people's homes' trying to sell them disability aids, I've seen them loan sharking......blah blah.

    I've see them do everything but try to make an honest living.

    To all we members here that did ( do ) exactly that, these people look at us with contempt. They stand in the bars bragging about their latest scam, their latest victim.

    These people are not in our class, I cannot stand them.

    Well maybe it is time for us decent's farangs to do something about it!!

    LOL join the Pattaya Tourist Wannabe Police. Then invite all your mates for dinner... will be a cheap night.

  8. This is discusting..The majority of us are looking to lead productive lives here in Thailand..What make this worse is i am British (Liverpool) With 3 Royal Thai Policemen Brothers in law..

    These people riping of Europeans and hiding in Asia..I can say this "If it had of been me or my loved ones scammed i would of personally tracked these people down"..

    They had overstayed there visa's KICK em out i say..With no option to return..We do not want them and i am pretty sure the Thai nationals do not want them..

    Three BiB in laws.... can't wait to see your posts after living in Los for five years. Sounds almost like you are looking forward to it. You'll be able to write a book on Thai marriage scams.

    Good bloody luck...

    • Like 1
  9. Happy Days!!!

    The scum are being captured every other week now.............these people are the scum of the earth and they should be locked up for taking advantage of the vulnerable.

    Big like to the Thai authorities for addressing this problem, I hope these useless robbing vermin get years in jail. Scum.

    Ha ha ha. I knew it wouldn't be long.

    Why don't you say 'scum' just one more time, come on, you know you want to!

    Hard to imagine one of his posts without scum.. Someone said his first name was Algae - the lowest form of marine life which makes a lot of sense... Also, all the miscreants were pommies, so it may have been a bit close to home..

  10. The 21st largest economy in the world has dropped to 25th, in just 5 years. In another 10, to 20 years, who knows? Malaysia, Indonesia, China, India, Vietnam, and many more neighbors are making a very sincere effort at improving their educational systems. Thailand is doing very, very poorly in that regard. Shame on the people involved, and shame on the education ministry. They could do better. Suggestion #1. Hire only fareng English instructors throughout Thailand. Suggestion #2. Publish all test results in the local newspapers. Suggestion #3. Fire all teachers who cannot pass their own exams. In a recent study, math teachers in 10 provinces where given their own math tests. This is the test they give out regularly. There was an 83% failure rate! Shame on Thailand for this travesty of an educational system. They could do much better.

    Three suggestions to improve the education system in Thailand and you say the first thing is to hire only farong English teachers.

    Yes for sure make learning English the number one project for improving the education system in Thailand. Thailand will have some of the best English speaking rice field workers in the world. That is providing the German speaking teacher can speak good English.

    How about putting more importance on learning the basic for use in Thailand and at a later date if students want make English available to them. When you say farong are you aware that there are farongs who can not speak English.

    English is a necessary language for about 3% of the population yet people want to teach it to 100% of the population. There are many sellers in the tourist industry who do not speak English and make a living off of tourists who can not speak Thai. There products are produced by many Thais who can not speak English. On the other hand there are many bar girls who can speak English. But most of them did not learn it in elementary school. They would of but the school had no electricity so they couldn't read the lessons.

    Everyone misses the point totally, as soon as they introduce the word "learning" into any discourse on Thai education.

    Learning has absolutely nothing to do with it. Thai students are "taught".

    Problematically, as long as the teachers know next to nothing, nothing is "taught".

    English speaking teachers who realise this elementary point, and find a way around it, are the most successful.

  11. Shocking results from PISA again? Must be wrong, cause at my school every one passes without doing any homework or hard work during the lessons!

    Thai children are among the most intelligent I have ever seen. The school cancels at least one third of the classes for parading, dancing and prancing and still the kids get super results on their tests!

    International, read farang, tests just don't understand Thai culture!

    Yes I agree at my old Commercial College everyone passed whether I agreed or not. I didn't teach English, but isn't "Thai Education" and "Standards" an oxymoron?

  12. I am shocked deeply, by the thought that outside of LoS, readers can find that the Royal Thai Police could have had, among it's ranks, extortionists. What next? A BiB being found to have murdered someone? This, people, is completely wrong. I mean we all hold the BiB up to our children and give them a goal in life.. Whatever will we do now.. I suppose next, some politicians son, who happens to be a police officer - maybe a Sergeant, will be found to have killed someone in a bar because the victim pointed his foot at him.

    Ahhhh Thailand. Where is the minister of culture standing on this?

  13. Better to stick to blowing whistles in parking lots.

    What is the age of consent in Thailand and why is this not statutory rape?

    Age of consent in Norway is 16, Thailand 15.

    But in Thailand it has to be with the parents permission.

    "Hi, I'm here seeking permission to have sex with your 15 year old daughter. How does 2,000 baht sound?"

    Fair dinkum, what a joke. I wonder if she gets a say.

    I have always said OK. Mind you most of them were not aware that my daughter is Katoey..

  14. Wonder who Larry pissed off? This has been a successful bar, restaurant and hotel for ages. Another local business perhaps?

    Doesn't necessarily have to be Larry that has pissed someone off, he has ended up getting the crappy end of the stick though.

    Thaddeus, I just noticed this..

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    he needs to get a life think to much time on his hands get a hobby or 2

    I know that. I was merely pointing out that 10,000 posts would seem to me to indicate someone with a good internet connection.


  15. Prostitution will never go away until they pass a dead beat dad law. Here men can have children and not support or even have a relationship with them. They just through them away for a new younger girl without children.

    Men should be held responsible for their children like the western countries. The girls have to pay to support their children while the men just keep having fun.

    Many western men now know this and are also abandoning their girl friends when they get pregnant.

    The law must be put in place to have these dead beat dads support their children or go to jail.

    Ladies if you need to sell your body to take care of your children because of a selfish man I understand.

    I do not go with bar girls as I have a wonderful well educated Thai wife and family and take care of them as any good man should.

    This guy is the pits making money from ladies in a sad position. Let the lady work in the bar for drinks and if she likes him have the client pay the bar fine and forget it not rent a room etc.



    We all wish we were that noble Randy. Do they have volunteer police in CM yet?

  16. When you gotta cut you gotta cut, not an asshol_e act at all the way described and Iam sure she/he will appreciate it after the initial shock has worn off.

    out of 10 I rate it a 1.

    Not an a-hole at all... let's face it, she only married you for the money, so now she can go find another sucker. Good for you..

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