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Posts posted by centrala

  1. No you are right - he didn't - that was down to the Taksin government who tried to censor newspapers and television from speaking out against them - that was one more of the reasons that so many of the Thai population in Bangkok, where they could see what was going on, were so thankful to the military for finally bringing the rampant corruption, cronyism, and destruction of freedoms to a halt before it was too late. Everyone knows these things existed, but it got out of hand...

    Actually both Thaksin and abhisit used existing laws to restrict media freedom, one a lot more than the other - and it wasn't Thaksin.


    Just one sample of some of the magnitude of thaksin's throttling

    Thailand to block over 800,000 sites


  2. what is her opinion in giving Thaksin blanket immunity?

    The poor woman is so misguided she cannot see who was responsible for the whole disaster. The Abhisit government was far too soft in the crackdown, allowing a bunch of redshirt thugs to erect a fortress in downtown Bangkok, leaving the government absolutely no alternative to take. Accidents happen in any violent confrontation, and she has great reason to grieve, but it was obvious that the violence was instigated and maintained by the redshirt goons and inevitable that casualties would occur. Grief understood, lady, but you are blaming the wrong people.

    I'd love to see you explain your viewpoint to her face to face, I really would.

    He couldn't.


    It's a reasonable and campassionate viewpoint.

    • The difference being several of the red shirt leaders have long and prominent associations with communism and associated anti-monarchist views.

      Whereas with Al Qaeda, we have... a single home-made, hand-written banner with absolutley nothing else to connect them.

      But thanks for the apples and tractors comparison, anyway.

    • a desperate whinge attempt to ignore reality and get back to slamming reds - BRAVO I SAY! biggrin.png Say do you remember those days when some of the Yellow leaders and Thaksin were best buds hehe bet you need some tranqs when that comes up biggrin.png

    Disjointed babbling that fails to address the very real connection between some key red shirts and communism/anti-monarchists as well as failing at creating any connection to Al Qaeda and the current protests.

  3. So the relatives of innocents killed in 2010 don't like the whitewash bill (their suggested bill was vetoed by DL), the red shirts don't like it (half-heartedly) and just about everyone not a Thaksin acolyte doesn't like it. But they're still going ahead.

    This is a just a taste of what may well come if Thaksin gets the reins of power again - Shin uber alles.

    You can add "most Thais" being opposed to the amnesty bill as per the latest public polling.

    It's no wonder the PTP won't put the amnesty to a referendum.

    They'd lose.

  4. Yes those ones... Its because Ex Prime Minister had muslims killed in the south some years ago, You might all need to understand these people don't understand the concept on bad muslim / good muslim, they see them all as good even if they do murder innocent people, if its done under the banner of god (or should that be dog). Its a shame that the only good thing Thaksin did is probably going to get him killed!

    Absolute rubbish

    Which part do you think is rubbish?

    For me, it's that you consider the non-judicial slaughter of people as a "good thing".


  5. Will all those who were quick to label the red shirt movement as communist because they saw some headware with red stars or che guevara t-shirts at red shirt rallies now associate yellow-associated groups with fanatical muslim doctrine? I think not.

    The difference being several of the red shirt leaders have long and prominent associations with communism and associated anti-monarchist views.

    Whereas with Al Qaeda, we have... a single home-made, hand-written banner with absolutley nothing else to connect them.

    But thanks for the apples and tractors comparison, anyway.


  6. The book is very well written and informative. I find it very interesting that the BIB and the Attorney Generals Office, have not done anything to arrest the persons which assaulted foreign diplomats at the meeting in Pattaya, and the two assignation attempts, of the PM. All of these actions were reported in the world press to included on CNN, BBC, Al Jazera and many other media.ph34r.png

    They are protected by the red shirt exemption policy.

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