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Posts posted by arend

  1. When the ants swarm, at night after rains. I turn out all the lights until they go elsewhere. I tried using insecticide spray but turning off the lights was more effective and healthier. All the drawers in my bungalow had nests of ants which was a pain in the butt to clean up. I'm paranoid now thinking that these swarms are ants looking for places to set up a nest. 

  2. I am utterly confused how to search in this forum. Search box in top menu only gives back "405 Not Allowed". I cannot find another search icon or means to search this forum. For years I've struggled with this here so have avoided even using Thai Visa except through an external link.


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  3. Is it illegal to have a jam... musicians who just come together to play?  

    Is it illegal to play at an open mic night?

    Does it depend on the venue?

    Does it depend on whether payment is made?

    So, we had a Blues festival here in Pai recently... were the farang musicians all playing illegally?

    If you play at an event say a wedding of a friend, are you playing illegally?

    If you are a guest performer, are you playing illegally?

    Whjere is the line or do authorities just make it up as they go along?

    • Like 2
  4. Confrontation only escalates the situation esp here.. violence only leads to regrettable ends... reason with a psychopath is futile... family loyalties will over-ride a consensus solution... You need to separate and distance yourself physically... obviously needs to be in a way that wife can visit her family... You need a support system but here in TL is difficult... Maybe, there is group here of farangs with similar marriage/family problems.. I know, unlikely, but check it out... You need support...

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  5. It's not just private hospitals but the government hospitals are also over-charging. I live in Pai, went down to Chiang Mai to Sriphat Hospital for exam with vascular surgeon for leg problem. He scheduled me for ultrasound test. He said the test was 3,000 baht but the hospital called later in the week and said the price was now 5,500 baht. Also, the medication I was prescribed was 300% more than my local drug store in Pai was charging. Yes, these prices are reasonable compared to the West but within the system here are being over-charged. I didn't go in for the ultrasound. I was really pissed off. Decided to just work with my local Pai hospital physician who is overworked and doesn't have the specialty training that Chiang Mai hospitals have. But it worked out...

  6. Smart, tough girl who knows how to survive and exercise her rights such as they are in Saudi Arabia.. Wants to seek an education... will be an asset where ever she's granted asylum... She will be a symbol for those who seek freedom from oppression. No doubt they will kill her back in Saudi Arabia where they are absolutely opposed to this. Once again, authoritarian vs progressive values are on the stage in dramatic fashion... 

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  7. I live in Pai but had to see a specialist in Chiang Mai. I went to Shriphat hospital where I had good experience before. The hospital charged me 4x the cost for medication that I would pay in Pai.  The doctor wanted me to get an ultrasound (vascular problem in leg) for 4,000 bht. Later the hospital called to set up appointment but now the cost would be 5,500 bht plus whatever the cost to see the doctor will be.  I feel I'm being exploited and ripped off as a farang. I know it's not recommended to be one's own doctor but given the inflated prices and quality of care I'm better off to get a basic diagnosis and then manage my own care...

  8. 3 hours ago, hansnl said:

    I have had arms in the house always.

    Children running around, never had any problem, simply because I had strict safety rules and a "do not touch" law.

    Always installed the adagio to 

    believe any firearms to be loaded and ready to shoot, even if it was empty, open, and visibly safe.

    The parents, obviously, are to blame.

    OMG... this is the very reason accidents happen... for you to expect kids to follow the rules is really naive. You've been lucky.  Everyone I know with guns in a house with kids either keeps them locked in a safe or with trigger locks... and I am originally from Arizona with the most liberal gun laws in the US but gun owners are  generally very responsible esp with kids around... and then there are the yahoos...

  9. Wow... so much hostility towards monks and Buddhism... a little reality check here... one is not magically transformed into an enlightened saint upon ordaining as a monk. You come in with all your baggage. Through meditation and a disciplined life style you gradually let it go and mature. You begin with a set of rules to follow. Just that is quite a task for young monks. Mistakes, setbacks, relapses are normal for the course.  Of course, with a vow of poverty and winning the lottery presents quite the moral dilemma...

  10. I'm with the song thaew driver.  There are crazies out on the road. Having a little protection is not only reassuring for the driver that he can protect himself but also his customers... Just the appearance of the knife was a deterrence to an escalating situation. A gun however would be a really bad idea that could go wrong too quickly.

    I understand the argument that the song thaew driver could be the crazy one.... maybe, not easy to know where to draw the line...

  11. 10 hours ago, Jessi said:

    These motor bike riders think they have a brick wall around them and nothing can hurt them. They just turn into the road & dont look.

    there is a bit of logic to the madness however because they turn in very close to the curb... it's just very alarming to us farangs who are not used to it but once you know the method, it makes sense... you won't see people just turning out into traffic without looking... most accidents are due to lack of defensive driving and speed...

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