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  1. Great to see that Thailand will be using the E-Gate system for Thai and Foreign Passports for arrivals and departures into Thailand. What now happens with fingerprint checking or only facial recognition now being used?
  2. RA is a very painful auto immune disease particularly if left untreated. I have had RA for more than 10 yrs, and when correctly treated can lead to remission or semi normality. It is crucial to have regular blood tests every 3-4 mths to check on CRP levels and liver function levels, which can show normal results when your medication is under control for your particular condition. I am taking Hydroxacloriquin 200mg daily (same as Plaquinel), Methotrexate 1x a week, with Folic Acid 5mg daily 6x weekly, but not on Methatrexate day. Arava can be taken 3x a week if still not under control. Unfortunately taking these meds can also lead to ED.. The magic med that works wonders for severe RA sufferers is a biologic drug called Humira, which is sold in pen form for self injection fortnightly in the West but in Thailand with the hotter climate, performs equally taken only monthly. Humira isn't avail in Thailand as I was bringing over from AUS every 6-8 mths. PBS price AU$42 per month, normal price around AU$1600. Very expensive but works wonders. Must be refrigerated which isn't easy when bringing into Thailand on long flights but with cooler packs can do and maintain low temps. Seeing a rheumatoligist at Siriraj Hosp in Bkk which does bloods in 2 hrs and reasonable pricing..
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