So I, my wife and our 2 kids will be moving to Thailand from mid-March and relocating there. Our son is 5 and our daughter is 2. They have been living in China with my wife and her family. I have been living in Singapore and working there and I visited them a couple of times in 2023, but previously due to lockdowns in China and my work I was only able to see them once in like 3 years. Before that, my son didn't speak many words.
The reason for mentioning all this is that we want to send our son to an International school in Thailand when we arrive, but he speaks about 90% Mandarin and just only about 10% English. So his English level is of a 2 year old child even though he's 5. I know it's stupid considering my wife is Chinese but fluent in English so yes he should know a lot more than he does. He was sent to a local Chinese school for the last 2 and a half years, my wife was too lazy to teach him English in the years we haven't been able to live together due to our work commitments and her dealing with our daughter, he was pretty much raised by her parents.
So yes it's a bit of a mess. Anyway I was just looking for what is the best route to go with our son. Would he even get accepted into an International school if he can barely speak English and knows 0 Thai? If they did I'm guessing he would be put in a class with like 2-year-olds when he's really 5 due to his English level. I would feel bad for him as he wouldn't be able to make friends. Just at least we can all be together all the time now so our daughter won't have this experience as she's still young.
Some advice would be appreciated.