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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. I bought a 100% latex mattress and it was worth every cent. Sure it is heavy and expensive but we spend 8 hours of our lives there.
  2. No, it's in English. I want to show to a Thai owner who can't read English beyond the simplest words.
  3. I was just wondering why there are contradictory statements from Prayuth and the UN embassador. Neutrality actually means an abstention voting, correct me if I am wrong.
  4. 270 days (3 months) is considered short-term and not a normal one year 365 days visa. Why would other people want to run through difficult hurdles to get the other extensions if we can just use the easy special tourist visas? Just read through all the complaints by other members here on how difficulty it was for them to renew their extensions due to financial constraint, forgot to transfer money in time etc. Should we ask everybody here to just switch to the special tourist visa which is supposed to solve most of our problems so that we can stay long-term?
  5. I also read the same no-smoking rule a few years ago but as I read tons of articles almost everyday, I forgot which article that was. Smoking inside restaurants or eateries are banned but not many Thai people know about it because they don't follow the news and the enforcement is poor. If we see a Thai person smoke inside the eatery/restaurant, just tell them nicely not to smoke and he/she will listen. That's from my experience. It's usually the farang who refused to listen. I would appreciate it If somebody could direct me to a Thai language article on the non-smoking rule inside eateries .
  6. There's nothing wrong with being a long-term stayer under 50 but you must come in with the proper long-term visa, and not misuse a short-term tourist visa. Remember, we must abide by the laws of Thailand, the country doesn't abide by your set of rules. Similarly, can the Mexicans or anyone in South America abuse the immigration laws of America and do back-to-back visa runs for many years just to stay in America as a 'tourist'?
  7. I am surprised why Laos and Philippines are not on the list. Many Americans do like to retire in Philippines
  8. Immigration is aware of that and is putting checks like testing their Thai language skills before the renewal of their extension every 3 months or looking at their attendance. I've known at least one person who didn't get his renewal because he failed the test.
  9. How can those visa be abused? Immigration has their checks built-in for the one year long visa; they are valid for one-year if you abide by the rules set i.e. you are really studying, really married etc. Tourist visas and visa-exempts aren't meant to be one year long; they are meant to be just a few months. If tourist visas (back-to-back renewal) are meant to be one year long, then not many would want to apply for those other visas/extensions(to be technical) with more difficult requirements.
  10. The last time I checked Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines are already opened. Malaysia may open next month from what I read. The problem is abusing the system by doing multiple visa-runs/Covid extensions and not whether one can get a tourist visa. A tourist visa won't be granted if immigration sees that one is not a genuine tourist.
  11. I would say that these people were misusing the Covid extension for long-term stay in Thailand and misusing it by doing a visa-run right after the multiple Covid extension. Thai immigration were too lenient to just give them a warning. Most countries would just deport them instead of giving them a lecture. Get a proper visa like non-O (work permit, retiree, marriage, education) instead of abusing the system. Tourist visa isn't considered valid after so many Covid extensions....it goes to show they are not real tourists but long-term stayers in Thailand.
  12. It's a comedy show, no Thai teacher teaches English like that in real life. The 'teacher' is a well known comedian.
  13. Are you a current English teacher? Why are the chances slim?
  14. What are the chances of somebody who has not taught at Thai schools before getting a job during these Covid times?
  15. Can somebody tell me what are the pros and cons of 30 year lease versus usufruct with regards to one-time cost, annual tax, land and house ownership. Which is the better option for a foreigner?
  16. Why is everybody sending money to Thailand these few days? I think the staff at Wise is overwhelmed.
  17. I don't think we can open up a Ruble fixed deposit account in Thailand.
  18. I also believe that those scanners also capture the face of the customer just in case there is an outbreak of people catching Covid in the building and they need to trace back to the source. Sometimes, the guard might be half-sleepy, distracted or gone to the toilet when an infected customer comes in.
  19. It's a device to measure your body temperature. It is used in many big stores such as Makro. I even have to stand in front of a machine for it to take my temperature. It's related to Covid.
  20. People have the right to do whatever they want with their body, just like people have the right to choose whatever vaccines they want in their body.
  21. Putin should have recalled all its citizens abroad before making an invasion. There was no warning whatsoever and their citizens have to suffer.
  22. Sorry, there are just too many threads in this forum. It's difficult to find a doctor with just T as his name. Anyway, I might pay him a visit myself someday.
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