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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. That's what most foreigners thought before they started to learn Thai. Thai is a completely different creature than European languages. I've known many foreigners who still can't speak Thai at an intermediate level after 10 years in Thailand let alone read/write Thai. Believe me, most Thai teachers can't teach properly. I believe you also need to sing the Thai national anthem (without much of a foreign accent) which is quite difficult. Not many farang have gotten Thai citizenship due to the financial and language requirements.
  2. Is it going to consume more petrol for the same mileage as compared to older models?
  3. The original statement goes like this 699baht for 10 years. There was no 'annually' word there.
  4. In my many years in Thailand, the most number of farangs customers I've seen are in Bangkok Bank. I've seen very few farangs in SCB or KrungThai.
  5. Are you kidding? All public and private schools are closed during Songkran. The course will start on 29 March and end on 4 May but it is closed on Songkran. Is this what you want? https://dukelanguage.com/schedule-calendar/
  6. Each depositor in each bank is only paid up to a maximum of 1 million baht. If the economy collapse, all the banks will be in trouble so how can the government bail all of them?
  7. Regarding zinc, it's better to eat natural zinc (and not those multi-vitamin synthetic zinc which is not as good). Oysters is the richest source of natural zinc , so you can eat oysters everyday and see the results. Avocado is also good for healthy fat that is essential for producing sperms.
  8. Some sounds do not exist in English and Thai such as the French 'r' which is quite difficult to pronounce. I learned a few basic French courses before while in university.
  9. It's just a matter of time that Ukraine will be taken given that Russia is a superpower at least militarily. There's no way that Ukraine is going to win the war without the intervention from NATO or USA militarily. Financial sanctions from the west won't help much if China is still buying from Russia.
  10. Why did you choose him/her as your doctor? Mind telling us?
  11. Some (not all) of these private hospitals charge high fees just because they think most farangs can afford it given their stronger currency. Of course, the waiting time and quality of care would be better than state hospitals. It's a good idea to shop around and not be restricted to only Bangkok. Why not try the other private hospitals in other less expensive cities? In the meantime, try to stop smoking (if you are), and have enough zinc in your diet.
  12. I am a bit confused here. I read that for marriage extension, it is 400K for just 2 months before application and not 12 months. Or did I read incorrectly? It's retirees that need minimum 400K for 12 months.
  13. 699 = 70 baht per year versus 200 baht per year. So Krungthai is actually cheaper, why is it a huge profit?
  14. That's not true, read the news article below https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/viral-images-show-people-color-anti-asian-perpetrators-misses-big-n1270821 She pointed to separate research from the University of Michigan Virulent Hate Project, which examined media reports about anti-Asian incidents last year and found that upward of 75 percent of news stories identified perpetrators as male and white in instances of physical or verbal assault and harassment when the race of the perpetrator was confirmed.
  15. If your government did the same thing, would you not be in the same situation? It's called compassion which transcends national boundaries.
  16. I'm not Russian so you're targeting the wrong person. I am just worried for the Russian tourists who are already in Thailand who are not involved in what their government is doing.
  17. I agree Krungthai is always crowded but I notice SCB is also very crowded. What are the majority customer profile for each bank? Krungthai Bank - government Bangkok Bank - foreigners SCB - ? Krungsri - ?
  18. Yes, I've seen the SCB branch at Tesco Lotus in Ruamchok closed. It's cost-cutting and persuading people to do transaction online.
  19. It's easy to solve the problem, just transfer online from Krungthai to SCB and then withdraw 1000 bank notes from SCB ATM. Or you can go to withdraw at Krungthai counter.
  20. So what does that mean? That Russians in Thailand can't exchange their money to baht in Thailand?
  21. French is not a tonal language, how would a tone-deaf have trouble?
  22. Then what's the point of photocopying the bank book when the 12 months of bank statement show the same thing as the bank book?
  23. One trick is to put the bananas together with some apples in an enclosed paper bag (not plastic bag), it will ripe faster. But you have to buy a lot of apples which will defeat the purpose
  24. Thailand Post quoted me exorbitant fees for the document (below 500g) that I wanted to sent last time. 880 baht is inexpensive. Which Thailand Post office is this? Anyway, it's about the same price as DHL. It doesn't mean that just because HK is nearer to Thailand, it will be quicker. All flights will only take less than 1 day, it's the number of flights going there and the economy of scale that determine the price. If there're lots of packages going to a certain country, the cost will be lower. It's just like the ticket for only 1 passenger in a plane is going to be more expensive than a plane full of passengers.
  25. Correct. There are many ways to cheat a self-administered ATK test so it's useless. Who would want to hand in a positive ATK test and risk being quarantined at a hospital on day 5?
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