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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. Different people (volunteers and officers) at immigration might give different answers , that has been my past experience. Yes, it's quite chaotic, I know. That's why it's best to get personal experience from foreigners who actually did it before in the past 1 or 2 years.
  2. I have already mentioned that there is NO passbook. I'm amazed that most people here don't read the short paragraph here properly before answering.
  3. It is possible to get a 60 day extension on a Non-O 90 day visa? I've never heard of that. The tent at left is manned by mostly foreigners (volunteers) from Phillipines, Malaysia, Northeast India. Most are not Thai citizens and they are on volunteer visa or similar. Thai citizens usually don't speak English as good as them. These volunteers don't usually give the correct answers which I found out several times. I think there might be a miscommunication there. What the volunteer said is that you must do a 1 year extension and there might not be a 60 day extension. You have to leave Thailand and reapply. All Thai citizens know what is 60 days in English, you don't have to say 'hok sip wan'. It's you who might not understand what the volunteer said.
  4. That's because of several issues. I had several past encounters where the volunteers outside told me different answers from the officers inside. So I won't rely on information from the volunteers anymore. They are sometimes not reliable. If you notice, the officers inside are not willing to explain much and their English is very limited. Many language miscommunication have occurred in the past. It's best to ask fellow foreigners who went through the same process before and low chances of miscommunication due to lack of fluency in English.
  5. Has anybody done retirement extension based on online bank account with no passbook? Other forummers have reported being able to do it in other immigration office. How about Chiang Mai?
  6. I think this is a grey area due to the new rules. By right, the current extension should only look at 12 past months (12 months statement) from application date. That's what my officer did. So theoretically, your monthly switch should start from the month of your next extension so that the officer can see the past 12 months movement. In previous extensions, I think a 3 months monthly transfer before extension date would be sufficient but might not apply with the new rules. It's best to ask the immigration officer to confirm where a 3 months monthly transfer is sufficient instead.
  7. I am wondering which money transfer service has the best exchange rate to send money OUT of Thailand as there are less options than sending money IN to Thailand.
  8. So immigration will actually accept the 12 months statement from an online account in lieu of a bank book? I think it would really save me some time if I don't need to photocopy the bank book pages for a non online account.
  9. This is another online bank account, does that mean that you need 1 immigration letter and 2 statements for visa extension from the same bank? How much would be the charge?
  10. Bad news. Krungsri just decreased their Mee Tae Dai interest rate to 0.9% from 1 Feb 2022. https://www.krungsri.com/Krungsri2020/media/Banking-Rate/deposit-rates/en/deposit-rates-01022565-en.pdf
  11. This is from their website. *Interest rate is 1.5% p.a. until further change as announced by SCB. So SCB can change it to a lower rate anytime. Mee Tae Dai interest rate is quite good because I have been using it for a few years now. This SCB 1.5% might just be temporary (I hope not). Let's keep each other updated. Has anybody asked immigration yet whether they can accept online accounts and which documents do they need from the bank for a visa extension?
  12. Like I said, I haven't used Deemoney before. Wow! I didn't know that sending via Bangkok Bank is much better than Deemoney. Deemoney is obviously a rip-off, I think that's why Thailand won't allow Transferwise or Instarem to transfer money out. So the best option to transfer money out of Thailand is Bangkok Bank? I will keep this in mind should I need to do the same in the future.
  13. I am coming from Central Festival. I will pay them a visit and see whether they can key in my tax id. Thanks.
  14. I asked them several times when they told me that they don't key in tax id. They kept on repeating the same thing 'no tax id in system' The answer is a firm no from them. There were two officers involved. They thought that I didn't understand but I do. Is yours in Chiang Mai? Which branch is it?
  15. Strange, I opened the same account but they refused to key in any Thai Tax ID. Is your branch in Chiang Mai?
  16. @LauChan You can change schools but you can't use the existing education visa. You need to get another education visa by applying again. The education visa is tied to the school because they provided the documents to immigration. Why are you changing the school?
  17. The exchange rate is poor for SWIFT bank transfer, the bigger the transfer, the more money the bank gets. 1400 is only the fixed fee, the other profit comes from the exchange rate difference. So the bigger the transfer, it's better to use Wise/Instrarem/Moneydee
  18. Life is more difficult for tourists coming to Thailand with this new rule. Yet there are still so many who wants to come.
  19. That's only true for certain banks but not SCB. I asked SCB to key in my THai tax id for this purpose but they said that their system doesn't accept any tax ID.
  20. Cost is not 1,400 baht, transferring via a bank gave you poor exchange rate because they markup the exchange rate. Bangkok Bank must have earned quite a bit from your money transfer from exchange rate difference. If you had used Transferwise, you could have saved much more money. Unluckily Transferwise aren't allowed to transfer out of Thailand (only into Thailand) Why didn't you use Deemoney instead? I am not sure about how Deemoney exchange rate compare with Transferwise
  21. One no-vote? What is a no-vote? I thought there are only 3 types. Yes 219 No 118 Abstain 12
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