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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. Really? Does that apply to all family members of a retiree?
  2. I've said many times in Thaivisa, the rules in most countries in Asia are not the same as western countries. Many accidents happen due to misunderstanding of traffic rules between foreigners and Thai. Drivers do not have to stop at crosswalk unless there is a red traffic light at crosswalk. Pedestrians have to be careful and pass only if there are no incoming cars.
  3. It is completely legal to pass from the right as they have the right of way and going straight. Most Thai people don't have a 'what if the front driver turned suddenly' scenario. Knowing the poor driving habits of most people, I usually won't overtake unless I am pretty sure the front won't suddenly make a right turn.
  4. The buggy man was wrong, one should always look whether there is any car coming from behind before turning. If it was a truck or bigger car coming from behind, the one getting hurt would be the buggy. If the teenager had slowed down, he would have less serious injuries. Now there's a long-life injury, poor kid. I see many Thai people also turning left/right before checking whether there are any cars coming from behind.
  5. Then it's actually part of the package that you paid for the first SHA hotel.
  6. Which hospital is this that give free Covid test to foreigners that is unrelated to the 1 day quarantine? I would like to go there.
  7. I think it's already included in the package for the one day SHA stay. It's not free. You paid 5000-6000 baht and it includes the test.
  8. lol. Then how did the tourists got their Thailand Pass if they don't recognize foreign vaccines? I think it would help if you have a vaccine passport from your home country.
  9. Only when the cases are low which will take a long time. Thai govt is very paranoid.
  10. True. One tourist did disappear after taking the test but before knowing the result. It made the headline and a hunt for him. He was charged and fined. Possibly deported.
  11. No,it's not free of charge if done at a government hospital. I have asked this before, foreigners must pay at around 3000 baht per test. Only Thai citizens get it for free.
  12. Strange, why would Songkram affect the officers? Could it be that many foreigners come to Thailand just for the water throwing event? I personally would leave Thailand during that period before Covid.
  13. So what's the difference between travel bubble and test-and-go?
  14. Mind telling us what would happen if we were to renew near Songkram?
  15. 25 baht is cheap. I think I will use Kerry in the future.
  16. But wouldn't you also lose money on the unnecessary flight to KL? I read some posts that said one month insurance is enough even though your visa is longer so it's not necessary to buy the air ticket to KL. I think UbonJoe might answer this with more accurate information.
  17. What do you mean by KL? Do you mean Kuala Lumpur? Why do you need a cheap flight out to KL?
  18. I have used DHL in the past for paper document delivery so there was no custom charge on receiving end. It was cheaper and faster than Thailand Post. Never mailed any electrical products before. I presume yours is electrical product.
  19. With their constant flip-flops, anything that comes out from their mouth will be subject to change.
  20. It's ironic that Malaysia and Singapore are still closed even though more than 80% have been fully vaccinated.
  21. EricTh

    Action camera

    I ordered online from Central but they cancelled my order after I have made my payment without giving any reasons. Their customer service is the worst ever. Can't get through every time when we get through after 4 hours of waiting. They push responsibility to other people in the company all the time. Now I have to wait several weeks for my refund.
  22. 60,000 baht is only for those non-English teaching jobs. For English teachers, I've seen foreigners being paid 20,000++ baht
  23. You may not have a problem but... Please note that some people are allergic to cigarette smoke like coughing and nasal discharge. Would you want the same thing to happen to your family members who are allergic?
  24. From my experience, most smokers will only start to change when doctors tell them 'you have lung cancer' and they have difficulty breathing. No amount of photos of dark lungs or statistics are going to change their mind until it is too late.
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