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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. It's the same with Chiang Mai. When I first came here many years ago, they didn't require bank statement and 90 days report. Nowadays, they even require my bank book to be updated on the same date as the bank letter even though the amount is the same as the bank letter. I didn't make any withdrawal or deposit one week before the bank letter. I explained to imm., if there are no withdrawal/deposit, the bank book will not be updated even if we put the book under the machine. This is a pain in the ass.
  2. @Resident Alien I think it really depends on your branch instead of nation-wide ruling. In Chiang Mai, they do require a 12 months bank statement to ensure that the balance didn't drop below 800k. This is in addition to the bank book photocopies, I know it sounds like double work but that's Thai immigration.
  3. This statement is grossly incorrect. There was some official news articles several years ago about the train system and protests but I can't find it now. I read Thailand news almost everyday for the past x years. Just because one 'government official' told you that doesn't mean anything. Most government officials don't know anything aside from their job duties. I have different government officials telling me contradicting 'facts' all the time. The only story that is true come from the top government official and not any ordinary govt official.
  4. The last exodus in April 2021 caused the Delta spike which has not dropped to below 200 daily cases before April. This time it might be the Omicron spike.
  5. Mind telling me which insurance company is that? I think 2000 baht is quite reasonable.
  6. Why go to an agent when he can just pay another 100 baht to get another bank letter for another bank account. One can total up two bank accounts to make up for the 800k
  7. The statement must be signed and chopped by the bank officer or else it's not considered legal. My bank officer chopped and signed on every page of my bank statement which is a pain in the ass for him
  8. How much did they charge you for that?
  9. We have to pay extra to use the pool. There is another payment counter just beside the pool that we need to pay to use the pool.
  10. That's a lot of money just to come to Thailand for two months.
  11. Once Thailand has a vaccination rate of 80%, it should open to all tourists but it hasn't reached that percentage yet.
  12. @Edward Abbott I have a question regarding the health insurance. How long must the insurance cover? I heard that it should cover the whole length of the visa but I also heard that one month is enough so it's confusing. How much did you spend on the 10 days quarantine at the hotel?
  13. Not all are anti-vaxxers but anti-booster shots. Vaccines have been proven over the past few decades that 2 shots is more than enough to build immune memory. To mandate a third and even fourth booster shot (Israel) within a short time span of 1 year is unprecedented. If two shots don't work, why should a third and fourth booster of the same vaccine work?
  14. We can't stop the omicron from spreading just like we can't stop the delta from spreading from India. Hasn't the world learn from past experience? It has already spread to 89 countries. https://time.com/6130002/omicron-variant/
  15. What are the names of these so-called 'Oxford uni' research team and their background. Interestingly, their names was not published which tells volumes. One need to trace whether this research team are in anyway connected to the big pharma companies.
  16. Many people don't understand that the purpose of vaccine is to produce the immune memory B and T cells and not antibodies. It's our immune memory that produce antibodies when the real virus attacks and not the vaccine. I studied microbiology at university.
  17. The data in Israel has already proven that having 3 jabs didn't work, they are considering a 4th dose.
  18. @Bluetongue Immigration is quite strict, even if it falls below by 10 baht, they will notice it because it is 7xx,xxx They will scan for the 8xx,xxx for the required months. When are you going to immigration to renew? Do update us on the outcome.
  19. I am skeptical because these so-called studies are probably paid by the big pharma companies to promote their vaccines. Let me give you an example, if I take rice but my muscles don't grow no matter how hard I train in a gym, taking more rice won't help either. One should take protein instead to make more muscles. The old vaccines target the original virus and not the severely mutated Omicron virus. What we need is a new version of the vaccine targeting the Omicron and not booster jab of the original vaccine. Anyway, we already have immune memory T-cell and B-cell which will produce the required amount of antibodies should the old virus attack. I laughed when I heard Israel is having a fourth booster jab now even though the third booster jab is supposed to be 'effective' against the omicron.
  20. This isn't true because the pandemic is already close to two years and we see a lot of Thai still surviving beyond 3 months.
  21. How much is the Alaskan cod? Must be pretty expensive. How is the taste compared to local fish?
  22. Partly true but I would think that the tuk-tuk and Song Taew somehow protested/complained to the authorities because the buses were eating away some of their income. They didn't want cheap transport for the tourists. Chiang Mai had once planned to build a BTS train system like that in Bangkok several years ago but due to protests by the Song Taew/Tuk-Tuk group, the project was cancelled.
  23. Do you know that negative reports can be bought in the market or even faked back in Israel?
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