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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. Didn't you explain to them that you are learning Chinese instead of Thai? Where did you learn Thai in the first place?
  2. As long as you got the letter from your school, there shouldn't be any question asked. However, you still need to go for extension every 3 months.
  3. My British classmate went for extension two years ago and his extension was rejected because he couldn't pass the verbal Thai language test.
  4. I wonder why the international community doesn't just oust the military govt and give back the power to the common people? Isn't that what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan?
  5. What I meant was the so-called 'extension' or 'renewal' of whatever they call it.
  6. Not the first time but the subsequent 'extension' every 3 months. You're lucky if they didn't test you.
  7. You need to go to immigration every 3 months to 'confirm' the visa. The immi officer will sometimes give you a Thai language test before approving. I guess you are learning Thai at a Thai language school?
  8. This crypto currency is just another pyramid scam. It's just like paper gold , it's only worth paper. The investors who withdraw last will lose big money when everybody start to withdraw their money. I wonder why Thailand approve it in the first place.
  9. The biggest cities in Laos (Vientiene, Luang Prabang etc) are connected by that train and it's all that matters as that is the economic hub of Laos. There are no high speed train in Thailand connecting Chiang Mai to Bangkok to Phuket. I've slept on these snail-trains in Thailand (which takes long hours) and it's uncomfortable and bumpy. That's why I would rather take VIP buses that takes shorter time but with more comfort.
  10. Taiwan has already passed the law for same-sex marriage. Most other European countries have already done so. Thailand is famous for its ladyboy so this contradicts their image.
  11. It's time that they penalize those people who use fake vaccine cert for their Thailand Pass. I do agree with Anutin on this.
  12. Laos has a new modern high speed train system but Thailand is acquiring old slow speed trains? Thailand is falling behind Laos
  13. CM should really have a bus system similar to Bangkok which is affordable and convenient. The red taxis and tuk-tuk are ripoff and not many locals take these. The amount of motorcyclists during peak hours is terrible now, more people should use cheap public transport.
  14. I remember that they did increase to 30 baht at one time
  15. All banks in Thailand have tons of photocopying and signature. Thai people just love paperwork not knowing that we are in the digital age and not 100 years ago when paper was the norm.
  16. Do we need to have separate Covid and the 50k USD policies? I thought the 50K USD policy would have covered Covid. Which insurance company did you use and how much did you pay? I might need this in the future.
  17. In my opinion, it's better not to mix and match different vaccine technology. We won't know the side effects until after a few years. Moderna and Pfizer use mrna tech whereas AZ use a different adenovirus tech to produce the spike proteins. If you have taken AZ without any adverse side effects, then just stick to AZ. Different people have different reaction to different vaccines.
  18. Whether it's sandbox or test and go, it depends on which country you are from and whether you are fully vaccinated. Even if you reapply, it's the same.
  19. So Thailand would be closed to tourists in Jan again?
  20. Which approved insurance company offer the cheapest rate for the exorbitant USD 50k insurance requirement?
  21. UK just reported its first death by Omicr and also many hospitalization cases so it's not mild as earlier reported
  22. It is not empty, they are filled up with Laos fresh produce such as citrus fruit, durian, pineapple and other similar items that Thailand also produce. China has a huge population with a huge appetite.
  23. The food prices in Thai market have gone up recently so hopefully this will bring down the price. Blame the Thai government for not building the high speed train to connect to Laos with too much red-tape. China would be a great market for Thai goods such as rubber, rice and durian. Thai people should speed up the building of the railway for increase two-way trade that will bring prices down.
  24. What about boarding the buses? Is there any checks on covid tests etc?
  25. Now I understand why the Thai government insist on tourists getting health insurance before approving the Thailand Pass. Shouldn't his relatives be able to claim from the health insurance company? How does the Thai government verify whether a health insurance cert is genuine or fake in the first place?
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