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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. Just curious, what are the symptoms for gluten intolerance?
  2. There is a news article on Bangkok Post dated 26 Nov 2021 stating that we can download the vaccine passports in our Mor Prom in the future. The article is confusing readers because it mixed the two different terms together i.e vaccine passport and vaccine certificate. We already can view our vaccine certificate in our Mor Prom app. So this should be called e-vaccine passport.
  3. So it's not 90,000 baht per dishwasher but 90,000 baht shared between 9 workers? lol
  4. Since you are 45 years old, you will be eligible to apply for retirement visa in 5 years time. Why not study Thai (education visa) for a few years, then change to retirement visa when you turn 50 years old. You need only 800,000 baht. I have less than 2 million baht and am retiring comfortably. The business environment in Thailand isn't good for foreigners unless it's a huge factory because you have to hire at least 4 Thai workers.
  5. I find that those politicians who had an army background look at the world as 1 dimension with a macho-oriented view (men and women traditional roles). Putin is another example of an army man who opposes same sex marriage.
  6. No issue meaning? Did you have to be quarantined for 1 day and do the Covid test before and after arrival in Thailand? Did you have to buy the 25,000 usd insurance if you didn't have one before this?
  7. Thailand should really follow Taiwan's example and allow same-sex marriage. A lot of western countries have already approved it. It looks like Pheu Thai is more progressive than the current government.
  8. Having minor side effects for one or two days like slight fever, slight headache, tiredness are completely normal. If there is no reaction, then the vaccine is useless because it shows that we are not fighting the virus. There is one Thai girl who took AZ but got her leg amputated due to blood clots. These are serious side effects that we want to avoid.
  9. Don't quite agree with this statement. Govt offices have the obligation to give correct information to the public. I sometimes get different information from the volunteers and the officers inside the immigration office. It goes to show that when they make rules, they don't make detailed rules in black and white which makes it ambiguous and costly. I can understand the thread starter's grievance because he did lose his deposit. I was also given wrong information sometimes by immigration but that was only a small penalty compared to his.
  10. Can you recommend a good brokerage company that is linked to a good bank like Bangkok Bank, Krungsri or KrungThai? I have wanted to open one but due to communication problem at the bank....
  11. Most Thai that I see on the streets do wear masks. It's mostly the farang who don't like to wear masks. There is a similar case in Malaysia who got fined for refusing to wear mask. She even called Malaysia a 'communist' country for mandating mask wearing. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2021/11/01/maskless-karen-fined
  12. I do see a lot of new farang faces coming to Chiang Mai this month. Most of them don't want to wear masks. The problem is that the Thai police are nowhere to be found. The fine was already set a few months back.
  13. Thanks. I might want to get a booster shot if the government enforce the law.
  14. @Justanotherone You got it wrong. Foreigner is allowed to have savings account that bear interest. I have been doing that for years even though the interest is pittance. Thai officers can be quite dodgy because there is no official written record of what is right or wrong. If you buy the house in your son's name for own stay then it's more legit than buying for investment purpose. If your ex-wife doesn't take care of the child at all, you can file for full custody.
  15. That's inexpensive. In Chiang Mai, they charge around 2000 per dose. For two doses, it is around 4000 baht. Is this a private hospital?
  16. Which country did you enter? Which paper did you show as vaccination proof?
  17. Each dose 2180 or two doses 2180? If each dose , then it should be 1000 baht? then it's quite inexpensive.
  18. Not sure about Bangkok but in Chiang Mai , you can get it at Lanna hospital. Maybe pay a visit there.
  19. Just give us a discount and soon it will be back in the green.
  20. Correct. About 15-20% of Thai citizens are ethnic Chinese, they are the largest ethnic minority although it is not officially reported.
  21. In Thailand, the government did compensate those who died from the vaccines. The USA should follow Thailand and be more responsible.
  22. The funny thing is that hospitals and immigration still need you to get an expensive Covid test even though you are fully vaccinated. It's better to verify the authencity of the vaccination cert rather than subject people to Covid tests. So what's the point anyway? We don't mind having a Covid test if it is inexpensive and the results are out quickly but this is not the case.
  23. A lot of Thailand tourism advert are quite misleading. They only smile at you if they want a lot of money from you. In this Covid times, many people are unemployed and there is food inflation.
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