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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. @Cupcake936 Can you tell us which immigration office this is? The one in Chiang Mai isn't friendly either.
  2. An antibody test is inaccurate because all antibodies fall off over time. It's our immune system that kicks in and produce antibodies again once the real virus attacks. We don't need any antibody tests just verification of the certificate.
  3. So what's the use of this vaccine passport aside from giving revenue to the Thai government?
  4. Yes, just can't remember the exact insured amount. There're 3 types of insurance. 1. Health insurance that don't cover Covid 2. Covid only insurance. 3. Health insurance plus Covid coverage So which type of insurance does the government wants us to buy?
  5. Anutin could just have a virtual meeting like Biden and Xi. WHO was the one who approved Sinovac, so there's absolutely no reason why Switzerland should reject people injected with Sinovac. Even USA and Australia accept these vaccines now. It's all political. Why does he need to go to Switzerland if not for a holiday?
  6. I wonder how this paying the agent method work, is it really fool-proof? What if the anti-corruption unit do an audit check? Then the retiree will get into trouble as well as the approving officer.
  7. I didn't have to show anything to immigration 3 months after my approval but my imm office is in Chiang Mai. If your imm office didn't give you a reminder slip that you must return after 3 months, then don't go. They will know anyway by looking at the past 12 months bank statement when you renew next year so it's pointless.
  8. You should have sent by express mail
  9. Yes, it was AZ. It was published in Bangkokpost but I am not allowed to link it here.
  10. But will immigration just stamp you in for just 2 weeks instead of the duration of your extension?
  11. Oh please! He's the last person we want to see in a tourism video. It would have been much better if they put somebody from the hit ancient Thai series (forgot what its name) or even Tony Jaa in the tourism video.
  12. That's what is happening in Myanmar now. Their people are suffering due to the poor economy.
  13. The biggest turnoff were the health insurance and the expensive one day quarantine. If they could just remove the ridiculous health insurance and do a quick Covid test that we wait for just 15 minutes, then more genuine tourists will come. I wonder what's the target tourists arrival for November? If the numbers fall short of the target, hopefully , the Thai govt would remove the two obstacles above.
  14. Sinopharm is not the same as Sinovac. I suggest you post his vax cert for us to verify what he took.
  15. Are you sure it is Sinovac? Because the standard formula was first dose Sinovac and second dose Astrazeneca. Recently, they have changed the formula to AZ + Pfizer. Perhaps you might show us his/her vaccine cert online (with name blanked out) to verify which vaccine she/he took.
  16. Temporarily losing hair is much better than having your leg amputated. Hair can grow back most of the time. There was a young Thai girl who got blood clots in her leg and has to be amputated after taking AZ as reported in the press. Sadly, she is no more.
  17. 2600 baht for both shots is inexpensive. Never heard of any Grainger hospital
  18. It's 2000 baht per shot but it needs two shots so the total is around 4000 baht
  19. My favorite Thai eatery's master chef told me he took it at Lanna Hospital. There's no need to signup at any website. Just go to the hospital and arrange for a shot. You might be able to get it on the same day. The charge is around 2000 baht per shot. You can also travel a bit further to Mae Fah Luang university medical center in Chiang Rai, they also have Sinopharm.
  20. As usual, everything is a bit of a mess when new rules come out. Imm. should actually list out the details like duration required, type of health insurance coverage (must it cover Covid?), the list of approved insurance companies in Thailand etc. This is more like a guessing game.
  21. Does anyone know where the Chiang Mai post office headquarters is situated? I need to send an express parcel abroad so I don't want a delay transferring the parcel from a small branch to the headquarters before boarding the plane.
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