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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. I don't know why immigration need a bank statement when all the same details are already printed on our savings bank book. Does anyone know? Isn't this unnecessary work?
  2. Another misleading statements - 'quarantine free'? It is certainly NOT quarantine free, it is quarantine 1 day plus you must have Covid test and expensive health insurance. That will put many genuine tourists off.
  3. I think it doesn't really matter whether it is genuine or fake because if one reach Thailand and get a Covid positive test, then one has to spend the next 14 days at a hospital at one's expense. So all these vax record and Covid test before flight are actually quite redundant.
  4. Each hospital has its own certificate format and where does the QR code point to? For international usage, they should use a vaccine passport where there is a central authority and not a specific hospital.
  5. It doesn't matter whether the local issued cert have a QR code or not, most importantly is for international use, a country should have a standard vaccine passport issued by a central authority ie. health ministry with a QR code.
  6. The US CDC card can be easily faked because it's hand-written. USA should really make something like the vaccine passport in Thailand that will vouch for its authencity by the health ministry.
  7. That only applies for non-OA and not non-O, is it? The min 400,000 baht should be sufficient for emergencies.
  8. The Chinese are allowed in, they are just not coming to Thailand.
  9. Then what's the purpose of the yellow vaccine passport if it is not used?
  10. TM6 will not be scrapped. Thai just love photocopying tons of documents to keep Thai people employed. - TM6 - TM30 - 90 days report All these are really redundant in this digital age, why do they need these to do our visa extensions?
  11. The website conveniently 'forgot' to tell 'tourists' that we still have to quarantine for one night. The 5000 baht is for one night quarantine. It's not ridiculous, it's their way of making all the necessary procedures. The Covid test itself cost around 3000 baht. It's not 'test and go' as reported.
  12. Wouldn't it be better to go direct instead of going through a broker?
  13. Great! The last time I asked, they said I needed an expensive Covid test even though I was fully vacc. Thai citizens get it for free but not foreigners.
  14. How is Mr Prakan compared to other insurance companies in Thailand?
  15. There are some farang who prefer inactivated virus vaccines instead of Pfizer. Watch the video below for the proof. There are a few hospitals in Chiang Mai who offer Sinovac or Sinopharm.
  16. Israel have given booster shots for several months now and they use primarily Pfizer with high vaccination rate. Two doses is not sufficient as studied in Israel as there were lots of breakthrough cases. For the proof, read the article below https://www.timesofisrael.com/4-million-israelis-have-received-third-vaccine-shot-health-ministry-says/
  17. Any Covid test in BKK or CNX on return? (for fully vacc)
  18. 40,000 for a 1 year volunteer visa? This is too much.. Why not just go for other visas like education?
  19. Since it has 'passed the lowest point', you should have increased and not maintain the rate.
  20. I was thinking of doing a short trip out of Thailand and then come back a few weeks later. Where can I buy this health insurance while I am still in Thailand to prepare for my trip? Which health insurance do you recommend that will not be expensive but cover all the imm. requirements?
  21. 'Supplied' meaning they 'gave it free of charge' or you have to pay 50 baht for it?
  22. Thai people have trouble understanding Latin characters, believe it or not. I also had my name and address typed in wrongly on the first vaccine cert, but they changed it within 15 minutes at the same hospital after my second vax shot.
  23. This is really confusing. 1. I hope somebody clarifies whether the health insurance is required for people on 1 year visa or just for tourists? 2. If it applies for people on 1 year visa/extension, then how long should we be covered for? 3. Must the insurance also include Covid hospitalization?
  24. I don't understand this statement here. Kirovs estimates he may have to pay 350,000 Baht towards hospital and quarantine fees if his insurance provider won’t cover it. I though the compulsory health insurance is supposed to pay for it? If not, what is the insurance for?
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