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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. Sorry, my brain was not working well today. What I meant was bank letter and not bank statement. My two bank accounts were in two different banks.
  2. If there is a dramatic increase in 'elderly farang' in Thailand, Thailand might raise the financial requirements because they might not want too many retirees , I think.... Has the number increased or decreased during the past 5 years? It would be good to know the statistics.
  3. No, I had 400k in two different banks for my retirement before, the immigration had no issues with it. Just the trouble of getting two bank statements.
  4. @Judysha Thanks for the organized reply which is easy to read. 1. Are you on long term non-O visa or tourist visa? I am just wondering whether health insurance is required for non-O visa as well. 2. How long does the health insurance cover? 1 year or 30 days??? 3. What is the order of doing things in terms of buying air ticket, covid test, applying for thailand pass?
  5. Agree. This morning there seems to be an increase of farangs eating at my favorite Thai eatery and almost all seem like they are the elderly type/retirees coming to Thailand to escape the winter. Hardly called 'tourists'.
  6. Is there a link to an article that says these countries are opened and when?
  7. So if we just want to travel to a foreign country for 10 days and come back to Thailand, which is the best insurance if we can't buy from AXA?
  8. @sam6345 Yes, I agree with you. Things are getting tougher and tougher every year for retirees with more and more requirements. If I had known, I wouldn't have come to Thailand either. Unfortunately, some of us still have commitments in Thailand and can't really pack up and leave. Best of luck in your new country.
  9. Why don't you inform the officer that you will be going back to UK after applying for the extension during the consideration 1 month period. After the extension is approved on Dec 22, you can bring your passport to the Thai embassy in UK to have it stamped. I guess it can be arranged that way.
  10. I thought I remember that Superrich at the airport has a different rate than in the city. I never convert at the airport because the rates there are usually bad. Just exchange enough money at the airport to tide you over for one day and exchange more at the town for better rates.
  11. I already applied 45 days before my december expiry date and got it approved but his is a marriage extension and has different rules. I believe there is a 1 month consideration for marriage ext unlike retirement extension.
  12. It's ridiculous, how much did you pay for the insurance and for long does it need to cover?
  13. Unfortunately, the whole world doesn't have a single standard format. Each country has its own format(s). It's open to forgery. Even the USA covid certificate is hand-written and just contain the same info as yours. There're no photo, passport number, QR code there either. I think the USA card was accepted because many Americans came during the Nov 1 opening, why shouldn't yours be accepted? I got vaccinated in Thailand , the cert doesn't have any photo but it does have my name, DOB, passport number and QR code there.
  14. Unfortunately, there are still many people who believe in the Big Pharma companies instead of natural remedies.
  15. Are there any other places in Chiang Mai province that has hot springs other than Sankhamphaeng? There are also no public vans going there nowadays. I heard they were closed for several weeks due to a Covid outbreak there.
  16. Yes, I am aware of that but didn't they actually took the Covid test before boarding to get the Thailand pass?
  17. Coming from China doesn't mean they are Chinese citizens. They could have been foreigners or Thai citizens working in China.
  18. Did you not read there are many breakthrough cases in USA, UK and Israel? You can google for it or watch in Youtube for the evidence. Vaccine doesn't prevent you from being infected, it prevents you from being hospitalized with severe illness. What is important is that all the passengers were supposed to be Covid negative when boarding the place. It goes to show that negative Covid cert & fully vacc cert can be bought or faked.
  19. How did these 6 got the virus in the first place when they are supposed to be fully vax and also negative test before boarding?
  20. It's better to close the U-turns when it's only 1 km drive ahead for the next U-turn/traffic I've seen many daredevil run-across from lazy Thai who just don't have a sense of safety for incoming traffic. They are just too lazy to drive less than 1 km for the traffic light.
  21. I asked about this at immigration office today but they said they don't know and I need to ask at the Thai embassy which I find ridiculous when I am already in Thailand. Are there two sets of rules? one for tourist and one for long term residents?
  22. These few days is still quite hot in Chiang Mai so it's hardly 'started'. I think it will only start in end of november of early december.
  23. @thaibeachlovers With so many desperate people who wants to go through all the silly documentation and hoops, there is no lack of people coming to Thailand.
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