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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. @JoeBloe No, there is no legal basis for your gf to claim anything from you since you both are not married. It's a personal decision whether you want to give anything to her at all. After giving her monthly expenses every month for the past 10 years, you have done enough. It's time she looked for her own job and rely on herself. Since the child is from her previous marriage, you don't have any responsibility towards the child or her.
  2. Dhanin Chearavanont is a Thai citizen but with Chinese ancestry so are many Thai pm like Thaksin. Around 15-20% of Thai citizens have Chinese ancestry so what's so strange about this? http://eastasiaorigin.blogspot.com/2017/07/main-ethnicities-in-thailand.html
  3. A term deposit is acceptable, I have used term deposit account before to present to immigration before for retirement purpose. We can always withdraw our term deposit prematurely in case there is an emergency so I don't see any problem with that. A mutual fund/investment account might be risky though... but a term deposit is always safe albeit with lower interest rate.
  4. Something is not right here. The monthly transaction is only required if you don't have the minimum of 800K for 5 months per year. I think your 'friend' isn't telling the truth.
  5. I went to Krungthai bank just to make a small withdrawal of 400 baht. They photocopied my passport and asked me to sign on it.
  6. You can via online transfer but it is monopolized by a single company called Deemoney.
  7. 31. We need an expensive Covid test just to do a small operation. (I wanted to do a minor cyst operation on the hand, but they wanted a Covid negative test which cost more than the operation itself)
  8. I doubt any rich foreigner will park so much money in Thailand just to get a long term visa, especially with the pathetic interest rates and poor economy. It is so much easier just to a visa run. Some tourists even live more than 6 months per year doing visa run.
  9. I doubt the endless photocopying will end. I don't know why they need photocopies of my passport and visa extension every year when they already have it in their database presumably. 'copy pate 1,2,3.....etc' When we tried to argue with immigration regarding all these photocopying, they can be quite rude.
  10. So what's the use of 90 day reporting if it is useless in tracing foreigners who overstay and criminals? That's why I say, there should be a criminal check on long term tourists or expats.
  11. The prices are ridiculously expensive.
  12. As reported in Bangkok Post, there are about 500 cases detected at that market. The market is closed from Oct 9 to Oct 22, no wonder the prices of food have gone up recently. Not sure whether this will affect the opening of CM on 1 Nov if the numbers worsen.
  13. The Mor Prom app contains your vaccine certificate. The vaccine certificate has your address in Thailand that you provided. I don't see anywhere written on our passport nationality. You should ask a Thai person or pay a Thai person to setup Mor Prom for you on your phone.
  14. @billaaa777 The normal way is to register via Mor Prom since she's Thai. There are many Thai people who still haven't had a jab so she has to wait according to her age. The elderly gets priority.
  15. That is true for normal virus but Delta is a deadly virus. It will cause symptoms in more than 95% of cases, so if you have symptoms such as fever and breathing difficulty, don't tell me you won't go to the doctor especially in this pandemic? As far as I know, Americans don't like to be poked up in the nose, it's not a good feeling if you ever had one Covid test, let alone regularly like you imply. Americans don't even want to wear mask let alone go for a Covid test voluntarily. So the 'most tested country' is without any evidence and just a heresay. Do you have any videos of mass number of Americans going for voluntary Covid testing? (not vaccination but just testing)
  16. That is for Oct entry but after 1 Nov, there is no quarantine for fully vacc.
  17. That's strange, I got my vaccination certificate at the same hospital as my jabs after the 2nd jab. Perhaps there is a miscommunication because of the language barrier. You might want to bring someone who can speak Thai with you to the center.
  18. I thought after 1 Nov, there's no need for any quarantine nor covid insurance for fully vaccinated people? Just the Covid test before departing USA should be sufficient. It's best to come back after 1 Nov to avoid the quarantine.
  19. Does anyone know what Calcite Lime is called in Thai? My lawn is too acidic and I need to put some alkaline into it .
  20. No, you still need to do two tests. One in home country and another one in Thailand. Being fully vaccinated doesn't mean you can't be infected anymore (a common misconception among the uneducated) , it just means that the symptoms won't be as severe as requiring oxygen/ventilator to breathe. I wonder what will happen if one is tested positive in Thailand? Will he be sent to hospital or send back to home country.
  21. When daily cases reach high numbers, Thailand might close the border again after a short opening on Nov 1. It's just another half-baked plan just to bring in tourist money. With the two expensive Covid tests required, not many will come.
  22. What are the flowers that are taboo for Thai people to look at? I heard that white flowers are for funerals and shouldn't be given to anyone except in a funeral. How about yellow flowers that hang from a pot?
  23. The Baht strengthened quite a bit after his announcement. Let's hope there won't be another U-turn again. For those who tested positive after arrival, will they be sent back to where they came from?
  24. An 7 day average mortality of 1400 in the USA ain't considered 'safe' which is one of the highest in the world. Compare this to Indonesia's case of 60 and Malaysia's case of 95 7 day average mortality rate. These two countries aren't even on the list.
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