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Everything posted by EricTh

  1. If you are healthy, I don't see why not, to save a boy's life. Why not let the doctors decide whether you can donate? They usually have a list of questionnaire.
  2. Two unrelated victims accusing the same person of sex crime on the same day and you still think he is 'innocent'? Would a 12 year-old child who didn't know him before that day lie? There is also a truck driver witness on that day who saw the incident.
  3. I find it interesting that Thailand is the only country that forces its criminals to reenact the scenes. Is he going to show his private parts in reenactment scenes? Just like how he showed 'it' to the poor 12 year-old girl?
  4. Guess what. Sinovac was approved as vaccinated in USA and Australia recently for travellers but not citizens...... https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/australian-regulator-approves-chinese-covid-jab-sinovac-for-travellers-20211001-p58wdj.html The move brings Australia into line with the United States - one of its largest competitors in the international student market - and ahead of the United Kingdom in approving the Chinese-made vaccine for travellers but not locals
  5. What is a police force search box? Is that an official website in your home country?
  6. Tourists also can get the jab. You can either get the paid vaccines or the free vaccines. The only free vaccine I can think of is the one in Chiang Mai. Make an appointment at McCormick Hospital before you come. The phone number is 053-921-777
  7. He got it in Chiang Rai and not Chiang Mai. He paid 2000 baht and not for free.
  8. Here's a secret. Ethnic Tai actually came from China, they're not the natives of Thailand. The natives of Thailand are the Mon and Khmer people.
  9. Agree. My old eyes got tired quickly after reading just a few lines without any paragraphs so I stopped reading altogether.
  10. Wow! I didn't know about that..... Read the letter below. Dear, sir/madam If you are a foreigner (at least 40 years old or older) and have never been vaccinated (COVID-19 vaccine), you can come to the vaccination site of the McCormick Hospital on 5st October at 9.00 am. Apologies for any inconvenience. Yours sincerely, Covid-19 Response Team Chiang Mai Public Health Office.
  11. I thought that all the major cities would have the Pfizer jab for foreigners? Why just Chiang Mai? Yes, you can get the Pfizer jab in CM if you are under 60 but over 40, go to CM forum.
  12. There is nothing tattooed on the forehead but there is such a thing called "certificate of good conduct" for those who want to stay in Thailand for more than x months. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/while-abroad/criminal-record-checks.html#:~:text=Go to your local police,history of a criminal record.
  13. One jab isn't going to be protective against hospitalization.
  14. Did he have any criminal records before coming to Thailand? I think Thailand should start vetting dangerous criminals from now on.
  15. Nobody mentioned the trauma the little girl went through? She was punched in the mouth by an adult and had to look at the unzipped private parts of the attacker before a truck driver stopped and helped her. I am just wondering whether this guy had any criminal records back home in the USA before he entered Thailand.
  16. I am also using Instarem, it doesn't cost me anything to cancel a transaction if I haven't transferred the money to Instarem yet. Instarem allows me 18 hours to transfer the money (at the fixed exchange rate) to them so in the meantime, if I change my mind I can cancel without any cost. You guys might want to change to Instarem instead. Their fees are also much lower.
  17. No, the agent can't help with that. They can help with the queueing at immigration office/translation/filling up form/making sure all the required documents are completed etc.
  18. I go into swimming pools quite often. I notice that almost all Thai will take a short shower just before going into the pool, the ones that don't are usually foreigners from certain countries. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. In this case, when in Thailand, do as the Thais do
  19. If you have 1 million baht in your bank account since Aug 27, you are good. Just change your tourist visa to 3 months non-O visa first. You don't need to apply for an extension of 1 month on your tourist visa if you get your non-O visa before the expiry of your tourist visa. You should have no problem extending during the last month of your 3 months non-O visa if you maintain the 800k. If you hate all the hassle, you might want to hire an agent to do some of the tedious work.
  20. Only the major ones like USD, British pound and not every country in the world. Do restaurants in the USA accept currencies in Lao Kip or Vietnamese Dong? I doubt so.
  21. Where is your moobaan, by the way ? Looks like a nice neighbourhood.
  22. Oh, so it seems they have lowered the age limit from 60 to 40 now. Most of the 60s and above would have been vaccinated by now.
  23. I think they mean this yellow book below ....
  24. Usually the bigger chain of restaurants will enforce this like McDonald, KFC, Burger King.... only the small eateries won't enforce this.
  25. So the purpose of the Thai vaccine passport is to convert to another vaccine passport (Green Pass in the case of EU) in other countries? So EU won't accept the local vaccination certificate issued at the hospital?
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