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Posts posted by BuriramRes

  1. Well, here is the first stumbling block ...

    I guess our first step would be to obtain formal guardianship of him, which his mother would agree to and also his father if we could contact him.

    So, just some facts for confirmation.

    You legally adopted, under Thai law, your step daughter, your wife's daughter?

    What is the age difference between you and the son of your adopted daughter?

    If you have been unable to contact the Father of the son of your adopted daughter, how do you know he would consent to his son leaving Thailand?


    .My daughter just

    With the adoption of my daughter, I was not aware that I had adopted her.

    She simply got the shits about something in her family & wanted to take my name, so I was presented with a piece of paper to sign. I thought it was simply for me to agree to her name change, but I found out later that it was an adoption paper.

    Age difference is 68 years. I am 72 & my wife is 52. The plan is for her to apply for Australian residence along with her grand child.

    We met the father a couple of times when he visited our house. (nice guy). He also provided support for his child for about 2 years but he lives with his gf/wife in Bangkok. He has not been in touch with us or our daughter for over 2 years. We have not tried to contact him after he cried poor & stopped giving support.

    I am currently about to launch a website addressing on-line ordering within the restaurant business so this would have to gain traction before we actually have the finances to establish ourselves back in AUS.

  2. I am planning to shift back to Australia with my wife of 7 years. Our problem is that we have been bringing up our grandchild.

    He is 4yo and we would like to take him with us.

    His mother, my wife's daughter & my daughter by adoption, works as a masseur at a large multi-site Thai tourist resort. She really does not have the ability to keep him there as she lives in the resort in shared accommodation with other female workers.

    The young guy has lived with us virtually all his life and would be devastated if we were to leave him in the care of strangers, even if they lived together in our Thai house.

    I guess our first step would be to obtain formal guardianship of him, which his mother would agree to and also his father if we could contact him.

    His father is a nice Thai guy and he supported him financially for a year or so but is not on the scene now.

    Has anyone else done such a thing?

    If so, I would appreciate it if you would share your experiences with me.

  3. I am planning to export my Fortuner to Australia in the near future. I own it outright personally, no encomberances.

    It is easy for me to arrange the transport & the import at the Australian end (have imported a motorcycle previously having sent it from the UK).

    I can arrange for a roll on/roll off shipping service OK through a broker in Australia however I am not sure what needs to happen from the Thai end.

    Thought at first I simply need to get a vehicle passport from Department of Transport, but it seems that is simply for a temporary exit.

    Has anyone out there done this?

    Your guidance would be appreciated.

  4. Congrats, but not exactly your purchase is it?

    A useful addition is to get a 30 year lease on the land (In your name) which is just a limited precaution.

    And that is not a given either. I tried to arrange that but the local ampour lands office would not countenance it (saying me & my wife did not constitute an arms length agreement).

    I satisfied myself by having the Fortuner in my name!!

  5. So it is acceptible to not want to go where asked. They paid they decide where and when they go. Oh forgot.....thailand does not need happy tourists only their money.

    Usually the driver would be paid on pre-agreed destination/route, if it changes that means more time and more fuel - therefore he should have the right to say no or pay more please... story states they asked him to go back and forth and on routes that were not convenient. Chinese tourists are growing in number and the more that come the more they bring unusual expectations of what they should get for their money. They are invariably rude, ignorant, impolite, dirty in their manner (picking off fruit displays in supermarkets like they are a buffet is one example) and disrespectful to most they meet. Don't be surprised to see many more stories in the future of Chinese meeting un-"happy endings" in Thailand if they continue to p1ss off the locals in this way with their behaviour. whistling.gif

    In my limited experience, the passengers are expected to pay for the fuel as they go along.

  6. Thanks TJ. I assume some of those places such as the vehicle registration office near Regents School you're talking about are in Bangkok? I am on Phuket island. I'm getting my paralegal to have the paperwork translated, and I'll have the dealership tell me about the window tinting, so no worries about that. But for the Malaysia road permit, is that at the border? Meaning I need to get three things at the border: road permit, insurance, English lettering for the number plate. Correct?

    Don't you need to get a Thai vehicle passport to take your vehicle out of Thailand?

  7. Did my New Zealand passport via the internet. Very simple once you registered to join the government internal affairs site. Hardest part was getting the digital photo accepted, due in part to a very finicky computer algorithim at their end. Otherwise all good and got passport couriered from NZ about 10 days after application.

    CMKiwi can you please advise how you joined the government internal affairs site and all that stuff. I need to renew my passport and it seems intimidating from Isan. I don't know any NZers here who can identify me, as the foreign affairs website seems to demand. PM me is OK. thanks

    I simply weent to the NZ embassy (in BKK) & they were very helpful. I signed a stat dec saying I did not have any NZ people that can identify me. (The person does not have to be in Thailand, they can be a friend anywhere in the world). Betty, at the embassy stamped my stat dec & confirmed my passport was mine. I then filled out the form & mailed it to them, as I did not have a time constraint. It was very easy. It came through to me about 10 days after they recorded the credit card payment. Very good & easy service from the NZ embassy.

  8. How would they know? As long as your passport is valid what difference does it make which one you use to enter the country?

    They probably do not know. I have dual AUS/NZ passports. I have entered Thailand on either passport however if I get an extention I need to use the same passport. I tried to change passports at immigration & was told I had to leave the country then re-enter on the other passport. (I was trying to do that simply because my passport was expiring).

  9. If the pump is connected directly to the mains, you need a "non-return valve" in the input line such that if the incoming water pressure drops off or stops then you do not lose all your pumps priming, which could mean your pump would then run dry & possibly burn out. These are not expensive & could be purchased from any plumbing shop.

  10. If the US foreign policy would start to understand to work on decrease on contradictions (gaps rich-poor, arms trade, hunger) in the global society instead of pumping them up. Even in Europe the anti-Americanism is a growing fact. The hypocrisie is sometimes unmeasurable. I consider their foreign policy as creating more hate and as a result more conflicts. (Obama, did you get (illegal) Guantanamo closed now as you promised?)

    I couldn't agree more. US govt hypocrisy is doing a great job of increasing hatred worldwide.

    Izzat so?

    Yes, and it has been for the last 20 years.

    • Like 1
  11. Sorry! You are wrong, if BOTH parents agree, they can go to the children's court and the father will be legally accepted as the father, nothing to do with the child's age, in fact it can be done even when the child is only a few weeks old.

    News to me - and good news. Can you give the source of this interesting information, please.

    Surely the child would have to be old enough to have an ID card?

  12. Thank you very much for this very interesting Contribution to myThread

    I see, there are so many Things to consider - even a Marriage, to get control - but this is fair enough

    Lets consider your suggested "plan":

    I have a Child - I marry the Mother - what else could stop me to stay in control on any purchase of Land in Thailand or other related Subjects ?

    we have gone far already - much appreciated

    but I still waging my possible Actions in a Kind of return - what I can "win" - or never win ?

    You can possibly adopt the child. I have done this, not intentionally, when my step-daughter wanted to take my surname.

    It was put to me as giving permission to use my surname as she was pissed off with certain family members.

    I do not know whether I had to be married to her mother, or not.

  13. I had a similar thing sending money from Australia to the BKB. After 5 days I went to the bank & enquired. Was told to wait as it can take up to 3 weeks, so I waited.

    After that time I asked again & was referred to the international branch in BKK. They did a search & told me it had been rejected because although I had the branch number correct I had not also put the branch number as part of the account number.

    Went back to the Aus bank & they more or less wiped their hands of it.

    Contacted the BKB international again and got a transaction # & was told it had been sent back to the Bank of America in BKK.

    Contacted them & they said it had been sent back to Bank of America in Sanfrancisco.

    I contacted my bank again & gave them the information & they recovered the money.

    Next time it went through in 2 days.

    The moral of the story is: Banks do not give a tinker's curse wherever they are.

    The people in BKB could have fixed it if they had half a brain. They had all the info including my name & contact details.

    The sending bank should have been able to trace it if they wanted to.

    Bank of America were happy for the money to lie in their account for ever without taking action.

    ... when did they send it back, after you made a visit to the bank's international division? This is crucial for fact finding ...

    No, it stayed there until my AUS bank contacted them after I told the AUS bank where the funds were. I had to do the legwork myself. The Thai end only told me where they had returned it to (which was the BOA Thailand) I had to ring these people to find where they had sent it to & their transaction id. It was then returned to the Aus bank who then corrected the reason for the BKB's rejection. Next time it went straight through in 2 days.

  14. The one in charge has lost patience. "It's now or never" as Elvis would sing.

    Little Sis out of the country, just in case. Keep safe in Dubai (get some extra protection from those nice Emirati's due to the wicked Al Qaeda threat), family, in-laws, cronies and sychophants in enough key positions. All systems go!

    Going to be an interesting few weeks.

    Still takes the attention off the rice scheme, water management EIA, 2.2 trillion, etc

    Bring it on. It's the only way.!!!

  15. From all the information that I can find, Thailand's tourist income would greatly increase if the country made marriage possible for all people. The first country in Asia, New

    Zealand to legalized all marriages, is set to see an amazing influx of dollars. With this single move, Thailand would see a much increased tourist revenue if they did not make the regulations too difficult. It would be a good economic move!

    Surely these people are not the type that any country would want to attract!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (written by a NZ national)

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