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Everything posted by vi2004

  1. I used ChatGPT to translate it. The translation that came back points to the document being a confirmation of coverage. I was hoping though that someone here has seen a similar document already and can confirm that this is indeed a confirmation of coverage under Universal Health Scheme.
  2. Hello, I have started a topic a while ago about being registered at a Thai hospital under Universal Health Scheme and the costs arising from potential complications during pregancy. So this is kind of a follow-up to this topic. We managed to register my girlfriend at a local hospital. Attached you can see the document we received. - Does this document confirm that she is covered in the mentioned hospital under the Universal Health Scheme (30 Baht)? - If so does this confirmation also mean that she would be covered at this hospital for all costs from potential pregnancy complications like premature birth? - Should we try to get any other document or are we fine with this? Thanks a lot
  3. Thanks for all the answers. One more follow up question: Once the girlfriend managed to register at a local government hospital how can you document that? Is there a way to get a written confirmation that the registration is completed? Is it possible to get this from the hospital? Thanks a lot
  4. Oh my god! 1 million on the first day??? I mean I know why I am concentrating on finding a way to eliminate this kind of risk. But this amount is crazy. Bumrungrad is the only hospital I found online that is mentioning their NICU prices. It says 18.510 THB per day. This is a way I would be interested in. Government hospital with this semi-private channel. But if I understand correctly the costs in this government hospital that occurr from complications (NICU) would only be taken care of if that was the hospital my girlfriend is registered at. If she is not registered there we would have to pay for that ourselves. Is that correct? Any idea of NICU costs in a government hospital?
  5. Thanks again for the answers. This is very helpful. I am starting to get the idea. - How is that house book requirement even working in Bangkok? I can only image that there is a 7-figure number of Thais living in Bangkok Metro who are registered in other provinces and are not in the Bangkok landlord's tabian ban. Do they travel to their home province for treatment or when they are pregnant? Do they all pay themselves in Bangkok? - Just to clarify if I understand it correctly: Being registered at a government hospital in Bangkok has the advantage that one can go there if any health problem arises. Without registered hospital these exams would not be covered. But: Emergency visits can be done at any government hospital and will always be covered? Does that include complications from pregnancy? - And lastly because I think this question got somehow lost here: If my girlfriend gets pregnant there would be no problem to pay for monthly checkups and a birth delivery package in a decent private hospital. That is all good. My concerns are only regarding the case - which hopefully never happens - where the mother or the baby (!) need an extended stay at (N)ICU or something like that (which can in some cases be financially extremely tough). Is it even feasible to go to private hospital during pregnancy and birth and only switch to the assigned government hospital (or any government hospital if that qualifies as emergency) in case of the mentioned complications? Or does it make more sense to do it all at the government hospital from the beginning and maybe pay extra for a Special Clinic that government hospitals seem to have inside? Thanks again all
  6. Thank you very much Sheryl for your quick answer. 5. And Universal Care System ("30 THB") is not the same as section 40 where one can pay 70, 100 or 300 THB per month? So in terms of the hospital services that you described and that are covered under the Universal scheme it doesn't actually really matter if you pay voluntarily into the system or not? Like I said, I am just trying to understand the local system. 6. In terms of getting assigned a hospital I guess the best course of action would be to make a short wishlist of government hospitals and then go to the next SSO office and see what they say? My girlfriend is not on any house book in Bangkok but in her home province. We could probably put her on the rental contract in Bangkok though. In our extended area the first government hospital that comes to mind would be Ramathibodi Hospital. That extended area would probably be everything around Rama 9 and to Victory Monument and Petchaburi Road. Any hospital recommendations? 7. My main thoughts behind my initial questions are these: If my girlfriend gets pregnant there would be no problem to pay for monthly checkups and a birth delivery package in a decent private hospital. That is all good. My concerns are only regarding the case - which hopefully never happens - where the mother or the baby (!) need an extended stay at (N)ICU or something like that (which can in some cases be financially extremely tough). Is it even feasible to go to private hospital during pregnancy and birth and only switch to the assigned government hospital in case of the mentioned complications? Or does it make more sense to do it all at the government hospital and maybe pay extra for a Special Clinic that government hospitals seem to have inside? The market for insurances that cover this case seems to be very thin in Thailand. Again, thanks a lot for your help!
  7. Hello all, I have a couple of questions regarding the Thai SSO system. Trying to get the grasp of it. 1. A Thai woman who has been an employee but missed to pay voluntarily into SSO after the termination of the contract, will be eligible to SSO under section 40 only? 2. If that person is paying into SSO voluntarily 300 THB per month can she get assigned a government hospital in Bangkok and what is the criteria for what hospital gets assigned? Can a hospital be chosen by herself? 3. If that woman gets pregant what services (monthly examinations, giving birth, ...) are covered by the SSO? If any this is only true for the assigned government hospital I guess? 4. If there a complications during birth or after birth (preterm delivery, need for NICU for the baby, .. ) what of these costs are covered by SSO? Guess, I have more questions, but these are the most important ones for now. Thanks a lot
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