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Posts posted by Soikhaonoiken

  1. 5 hours ago, Kadilo said:

    Some pretty big projects there showing continued confidence that tourists will return once things resume to normal. 

    I wouldn't get to excited in the future of tourism, 

    New Hotels are years in the planning, from acquiring the land, to all the red tape on access rights, etc, etc,  

    Many hotels take 5 years+ from start to finish, many of these hotels would have been planned long before the pandemic.... 

  2. 6 hours ago, ezzra said:

    What would Thailand do or be without the donations of other countries i wonder? how come a rich country such as Thailand can not buy their own like all the other countries do? Thai people being a proud nation hate to loses face and all, aren't ashamed to be getting a handouts again and again?...

    Totally agree,, you beat me to it... 

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