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  1. 9 hours on Jetstar, Phuket to Sydney. Good flight usually. I do it 3-4 trips a year.
  2. Thai trains are usually late. And not by minutes. And they stop and leave passengers to get to their destinations without assistance. And the lines are often shared with trains coming from other direction. i.e. one line north and south. Fly perhaps.
  3. Not sure if my reply posted. We use Phantip travel.
  4. They had a 60 day visa. And a ticket back to NZ. The 20,000 baht request was a first for them at that border.
  5. At Sungai Kolok NZ friends were asked to provide proof of 20,000 baht. They had to travel back to town and locate a ATM. It can happen.
  6. Absolutely! Thank you????
  7. I have that card and a Citibank debit card too. The Citibank card allows osko transfers. HSBC transfers from my main bank take 3-4 days. I prefer Citibank for use in Asia.
  8. Heard from a professional person I visit that Malaysians are opening bank accounts in Thailand. Is this a simple task?
  9. What about contacting a fiduciary? I am not certain of their abilities as I live in Australia however we have the Public Trustee here and a friend is a fiduciary in California and told me her job is similar to our Public Trustee who can administer wills and bequests. Good luck to you.
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