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Posts posted by k9guy62

  1. Hmm....you know when the military junta first took over I thought to myself finally there will be some common sense decisions made for the welfare of the people, all the people. I have no idea where the rocket scientists that came up with the data that wide earring holes and tattoos automatically equals anti-social behaviour. Let's look at the corruption in every facet of government throughout the wonderful country of Thailand. Here's a news flash for the climate scientists responsible for the anti-social behaviour data. More corruption throughout Thailand gets committed by men & women with nice haircuts and nice suits.

    The crimes these people perpetrate against the people of Thailand have cost the good people of Thailand millions of Baht and many their ways of life. Now along comes some brainiac that thinks that tattooed people and people with large earring holes will engage in antisocial behaviour. What a crock! There's a saying: People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. How about the government keep its promises to the good people of Thailand and make Thailand a better place for all. The fact that a man or woman wants to go and is enrolled in vocational school already speaks volumes of the efforts of that person to want to better his life and make his country proud.

  2. No I'm not going to click on this story. In fact this story makes me sick and it makes me angry. Perhaps the Australian News Crew was attempting to do something positive by their actions as they filmed interviewed people participating in the full moon party, but honestly it does not help anyone much less visiting Australian tourists or any tourist for that matter who flock to the full moon parties.

    I will put it to you as simply as possible and some may be offended by these two analogies but they are true and they address the point that I am trying to make. If I invited any of you to a dog shit fight because I said to you: Come, it's a lot of fun and no will tell you what to do. Are you going to get mad and angry at the local authorities? I told you it's a dog shit fight and it's fun, but chances are you're going to get dog shit on you during the fight. If I tell you don't put your hand on the hot stove because you will probably get burned and you do it anyway are you going to get mad at my stove and interview yourself because you burned yourself after I told you, that you would get burned?

    My friends western society is in decline, very bad decline I might add. It's time we started taking responsibility for our actions. Thailand is a lovely country. I love this place, people are friendly and if you treat the people with respect, they generally return the respect. This is not the Thai government's fault or it's authorities. The fault of the people getting injured and wacked out on drugs is no one else's fault but their own. The <deleted> at Channel 9 take your camera and put it where the sun doesn't shine and perhaps you might find your brains up there and start using some common sense.

  3. Does anyone besides me find it repulsive in nature that a journalistic piece has to be created to make people aware of the horrendous amount of corruption in this country? I find it truly disappointing and hope that this new government can bring this mentality of corruption amongst government agencies to a halt. In order for corruption in general to stop, the government is going to have to lead the way. Thai people need their leaders to lead for a change instead of being seen as constantly fleecing their citizens. I love this country but it is disappointing to see so many good people having to struggle just to make ends meet.

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  4. Conscription is not a logical manner to obtain quality police officers. As many others have said already, you need to pay a worthy salary. Pay your police like your life depends on it. Right now not only do peoples lives depend on the police. The country is badly in need of police officers who take pride in their police force and their country. Loyalty and works both ways. If you recruit men who want to be better officers you will have officers who will want to strive to better themselves and make their department and their supervisors shine. If you conscript you are liable to get men who are unhappy to do the job to begin with and will be tempted to engage in corruption. Thailand has so much to offer to both Thai nationals and foreigners but some people in government are satisfied with continuing with the old ways. You have to think outside the box and be proactive in your efforts to recruit quality men and women. The junta is on the right track but they have to take bolder strides.

  5. Electronic dog silencers do work. I am a dog handler by trade and have some experience in this field. Like anything else there are different qualities of said silencers. You can buy them as a permanent fixture for your home where you aim them at the area where the target canine will receive a dose of the high frequency blast which causes a great deal of discomfort to the animal with no permanent side effects. Eventually the canine will eventually learn to associate that his barking is creating discomfort to him so he begins to decrease his barking. I will tell you there are many high drive, high energy dogs that eventually learn tolerate the high frequency blast and will eventually work through the pain and begin to bark again, but this is rare. There are even hand held versions of these devices that work quite well also. Just google them initially as bark collars and all the different versions of these devices will come up for your review. Good luck, hope this information is useful to you.

  6. I use Harry's Boutique they are located on Suhkamvint. Their phone number is as follows: 081-6893820. They have great prices and their work is top shelf. Once they take your measurements they will keep them on file and you can call them and order your clothing from them and they will send it to you wherever you are. I had a couple of suits made there one was an Armani and the other a Hugo Boss style suit and they look and fit wonderfully. They have a wonderful selection of materials. The best part is they are not high pressure in any way. Hope it all works out for you.

  7. I've been to Phuket, Pattaya and lived in Bangkok for two years. I like Bangkok because it's central to everything else. Like one of the other members said, there's no taxi mafia and tourists in BKK are a dime a dozen. There's loads to see and do however, I've been in Pattaya and like one of the other members said, it depends on what you like. I found that Pattaya is much cheaper than BKK to live, the restaurants are cheaper. There may be less restaurants than BKK, but there is still plenty to choose from. If the sex tourist thing is your cup of tea then you will be right at home. You can find the same things in BKK which are probably slightly more expensive, but I guess it just depends on where you want to be. Life by the sea is a great, the sunsets and sunrises in Pattaya are great and you don't have to be stuck in traffic jams all day like in BKK. Hope this helps.

  8. Again the truly sad thing here is that the punishment for a crime like this will only result in a small fine for each of the thugs involved and maybe a few days in jail. If the shoe were on the other foot and a foreigner beat the snot out of local for defending himself the fine will be much higher and the punishment will probably be much harsher. The Thai government and local authorities enable these thugs to continue engaging in this activity. The law needs to be enforced equally on behalf of foreigners just as it would be for a Thai on Thai offense. Crime really does pay in Thailand, which is truly very tragic.

  9. I agree with the opinion of some of the other members. With the ridiculously low fines and punishments these clowns get, Thai authorities serve as their enablers. Crime does pay in Thailand for Thais who wish to victimize foreigners. If the shoe were on the other foot, the foreigner would get buried under the jail. Crime and punishment for Thais victimizing foreigners is a sordid business.

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  10. The incompetence of local officials ceases to amaze me. If these people truly want to clean up their mess they will have to bring in foreigners or locals who can be vetted, trusted and have no ties to the local community. Initially they may have a hard time interacting with the locals. However, if these people are placed in positions of power as I have described, and these people in turn are allowed to pick their own teams based on integrity then they can go out into the public and begin using a community policing model to gain the trust of the locals and tourists. Phuket needs a image makeover desperately and the only way to do this is to throw out the bad apples. Once these bad apples are found then it's time to start squeezing some nutts and let them know that their corruption and rackets will not be tolerated. A zero tolerance stance with no early warning telling the locals when and where they are going to be should be standard operating procedure. If they hurt the law enforcement element attempting to fix this problem then law enforcement needs to hit back twice as hard to make their point. These outlaws have gotten away for too long with their bullshit and it's high time for the bullshit to stop.

  11. 75 years - wow. My faith in the Thai justice system is fully restored now.

    Brother, you need to pay closer attention to the article in question. The 75 year sentence looks great on paper, but if you read closely, this woman will not spend another day in prison other than her initial intake. She is getting off with probation and a fine. I truly hope she compensates in full those victims which she has defrauded, however this woman is getting off with slap on the hand if you asked me. As long as Thai authorities keep handing out sentences like this one, the Thai government continues to serve as an enabler to Thai's who want to continue to defraud foreigners and their fellow Thai's. Thai sentencing guidelines are like a dog with no teeth when it comes to their own. Heaven help you if you're a foreigner and you have perpetrated a crime against their people because they will break it off in the ole keester.

  12. It ceases to amaze me the irresponsibility of Thai government officials. I guess they don't realise that their actions regarding these pathetic fines will only cause more teenagers like these idiots to engage in similar activity. 500 Baht really? I have to agree with other opinions here that this fine is almost as despicable as the action itself against this foreigner. Again this is a clear cut case of: Aww shucks I guess we better do something so we don't look pathetic to the rest of the general public. I guess it will take a foreigner to lay one of these idiots out and send him to the hospital before Thai officials take a more aggressive stance or they may just choose to go after the foreigners for simply defending themselves. Either way if a harsher punishment and fine had been levied I think future incidents could be averted.

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  13. It's nice to know that an effort was made to sack up this POS. However, it still pains me to think that since he is Thai that he will probably get some kind of crazy lenient sentence. It ceases to amaze me how much this country wants our money, and how important it is to the economy of Thailand yet we don't get the same kind of protections afforded to those who commit crimes against Thai's. What am I talking about? Even Thai's that are victims don't get justice if the assailant comes from a family with money. I just hope this POS gets the proverbial book thrown at him.

  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Yingluck go on record to say that Thai's had no reason for concern this year since the whole country was better off now due to the actions government had taken to prevent flooding during this rainy season?

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