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Posts posted by ToddWeston

  1. Sucker.....you fall for it...........

    It was just the instructions from the g/f to make you feel sorry for him and take him also to live with you.

    Why some people.....take them sooooo long to understand Thai people.......If ever......

    Have you actually been involved with raising a Thai child ? There are lots of good stories, including mine, I realise there are some bad ones out there but your generalization is off base.

    You used to be a solid poster & I enjoyed some of your posts, what happened ?

  2. .

    You found it, many thanks I was so busy filling all my water bottles at the free tesco water fountain thingy i forgot to grab it when I left.

    If you chuck a stock cube and some noodles in the hot water thing people rinse their cutlery in, you can have free soup too. Top tip.

    Been there done that, also asking for the muck leftover bin pretending it's for soi dogs.

    My latest is how to bankrupt sizzler, I can feed a village smile.png

    My next adventure is selling stolen cutlery from food courts on eBay.

    I can't find my knife and fork, hmmm, drat.............laugh.png

    Oh please share where I can find knives in a

    Food court, I'm only doing forks and spoons - maybe with knives added to my collection I can afford a chang.

  3. Buying a razor to an Asian guy (who shaves once a month)?

    Good one Dave!

    What's next ? Ice to Inuits? Sand to desert nomads?

    Hint : If you make an effort to actually know the person, you might be able to offer decent gifts.

    Maybe he shaves his pubes and nut sac. It's the thought that counts!

    That's my point: That's the thought that counts

    How much THOUGHT did he put in buying a razor to someone hardly hairy?

    Having received many gifts from the OP from his travels, I can tell you he puts a lot of thought into his gift giving for his thai family and friends.

    Try getting on his good side maybe and you'll see.

    And nooooooo David48 I didn't regift, hell I didn't even share smile.png

    how many hirsute asian guys do you know?

    A few it's one of my fetishes, I've even given my Thai family shaving brushes.

  4. Buying a razor to an Asian guy (who shaves once a month)?

    Good one Dave!

    What's next ? Ice to Inuits? Sand to desert nomads?

    Hint : If you make an effort to actually know the person, you might be able to offer decent gifts.

    Maybe he shaves his pubes and nut sac. It's the thought that counts!

    That's my point: That's the thought that counts

    How much THOUGHT did he put in buying a razor to someone hardly hairy?

    Having received many gifts from the OP from his travels, I can tell you he puts a lot of thought into his gift giving for his thai family and friends.

    Try getting on his good side maybe and you'll see.

    And nooooooo David48 I didn't regift, hell I didn't even share :)

    • Like 1
  5. I take another route.

    From Udom Suk BTS you can jump in a taxi and say "wat bang Na nok" 50 baht at most, you can also get off at On Nut and they should know the back way down soi 50 turning left on the back road.

    At the Wat there is a ferry that costs 4 baht, you pay on the other side.

    When you arrive on your left there is a guy renting bikes 80 baht for 3 hours I believe, he will gve you maps, there are two ways to get to Bang Nam Peung market which is the week end market - great fun in the market with lots of unique food, leave your bikes outside where te motor Sai guys sit. no locks needed and the rental guy isn't worried about theft. The nature bike ride is on elevated sidewalks amd very beautiful, the road route is sort of boring however you will pass a very old Wat worth a look. I've cycled most of the area including national park it's a great area.

    You can walk the elevated route of you decide not to rent a bike to the market 20 minutes or so and there are also motor sai for 20 baht to the market.

    Week ends are busy because of the market, I often go midweek to get away from the hustle and bustle.

    In the market there is a coffee shoppe well hidden, check it out.

  6. It is two sided: "proud to be gay" is strange. proud to be straight, proud to prefer slim women over fat women, proud to like fetish???



    See posting #15, Krataiboy: "I don't see anything for Tim Cook to be proud about when it comes to his sexuality. Being gay is not an achievement, any more than is being heterosexual or bisexual."

    That brings it to the point....

    You don't need to bother to respond to me. As far I'm concerned anti-gay posts insinuating that having a gay identity is equivalent to having a sexual fetish have no place on a forum for gay people. It's like the bigots saying let gays marry, what's next marrying your dog?

    On a Jewish forum, if a poster came on and said being proud of being a Jew was as senseless as being proud of having an anal wart, the Jews there would be very angry. But here, bizarrely, there are other gay people supporting this total lack of comprehension about what GAY IDENTITY means in the totality of people's lives. No it is not just what makes your dick hard.

    Sorry, I know, I ignored my own advice. Your baiting worked. I still wonder why these kinds of total attacks on the legitimacy of people having a GAY IDENTITY are even tolerated as acceptable in any way on a gay forum?


    Maybe the forum needs to be renamed:

    The Anti-gay forum (anti-gay gays also welcome)

    Then nobody will get the silly idea that this is as another poster mentioned on another thread intended to be A QUEER SPACE.

    And flaming and calling someone a troll is acceptable ?

    Your opinion is only your opinion dude and it's not always shared by other gay or straight members, there is no need to scream and be so negative all the time. This space is for gay topics not gay members exclusively.

    Edit - sent from my apple product with the gay ceo

    • Like 2
  7. It's news because Apple is one of the most important companies in the world and gay people are a small, often discriminated against, minority group. When Hillary Clinton becomes the first U.S. female president, it will be a similar thing, a barrier will be broken.

    "Coming out" as a PROUD GAY PERSON has been a very important factor in advancing CIVIL RIGHTS progress for gay people internationally. Although it is not safe to come out in many countries and in some countries coming out can actually be suicidal.

    Russia being so horribly homophobic, I do wonder if this is going to impact on the brand image in Russia. I am presuming yes. But not worried about Apple ... even if it is hurt a little bit in places like homophobic Russia.

    It is two sided: "proud to be gay" is strange. proud to be straight, proud to prefer slim women over fat women, proud to like fetish???

    It is like it is, no reason to be either proud or ashamed.....And the majority of people just don't care what other people do in their bedrooms.

    And I think 99% of the consumer don't care the CEO, at all. I have a Samsung phone, but no idea who is the CEO and if he is straight or gay.

    I don't understand that mixing of private things with business.

    For me it is just a cheap attention seeking. And it is just a question of time till someone who doesn't like Apple products is called homophobic.

    Spot on - I own lots of Apple products and love them, didnt know who he was before his publicity stunt and could care less now.

    Strange how some people get excited over nothing.

    • Like 2
  8. Fantastic video.   Sad that all we will have is memories.    It's good that he graced our lives with his humor.  

    Spot on.

    I still enjoy watching The Birdcage - I don't think I've ever laughed as hard in a cinema.
  9. Tesco meat selection at least in the Singburi, Chai Nat and Nakhon Sawan stores has gone to total crap. You used to be able to get beef, duck, chicken and pork all be it a small selection now there's a little pork and chicken and no beef or duck and most of the shelves are filled with prepared take home Suki bowls and veggies.

    Something happened. I don't know what it was. One day stocked and the next day, "Where's the beef?"

    Same thing happened at our Tesco at On Nut there was no beef for months, now they have Thai beef in the fridge and near the deli counter they stock Thai French which is okay IMO.

    Prior to renovating the meat and dairy section and fitting the fridges with doors it was always hit and miss, once that was done it's much much better. I love the milk (Dairy Home) however often it would spoil before the expiry which was most likely because of the poor refridgeration.

    As for time of the day, I like going just before noon, shelves are stocked and the second round of meat has been put out.

  10. Royal Bank charges me $45 dollars for a wire however out of our biz account they are free so I go online and do it that way, not sure I'm saving much as the account fees are very high.

    Bank of Nova Scotia wanted $75 and the think Toronto Dominion was about the same.

    I'm getting a cheque this week and Bangkok Bank told me 30 days to clear, maybe that's an option, I'm curious how they will show it on the statement if they credit say Friday but put a hold on the funds ? That could work since you need to season the money?
  11. Hey, when I get married ... and I probably will in Thailand.

    Do I have to wear something like this?


    If so ... dizzy-smiley-emoticon-1.gif

    It's Thailand. You can wear anything you want - the more outrageous the better. The Thais will love you - the farangs will mutter into their beards while drinking your free whiskey. Up to you! biggrin.png

    Yep these lads must be Monday babies to wear yellow.

    David48 let's hope you were not born on a Tuesday (pink)

    Anyone see something wrong with the pic ? how did they manage to get a framed photo of themselves so quickly.

    • Like 1
  12. God, what a bunch of sniping old queens on this thread. It's about two two guys who got hitched....sort of....not 100% legally, but hitched nonetheless. The Mayor gave his blessings.

    I'm a bit plastic and I wish to congratulate them.

    ....And if they invited me up to Udon for a night, I'd like to give them both a little present. They might not like the present, but I sure would like to give it to them.

    Now let's stick to the top, which can include political commentary on the situation for gay unions in Thailand.

    By the way what does sticky rice mean?

    Rice Queen - Farang who likes Asians

    Potato Queen - Asian who like Farangs

    Sticky Rice - Asians who like Asian

    I think I got that right.

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