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Posts posted by haiku

  1. Hello All,

    Loy Kratong is on the 12th of November this year according to the Thaivisa calander. Is that the last big day when the parade heads down Thapae to the river and everybody sends their lanterns down the Ping then the big fireworks are set off etc etc?

    I’m told by some that the 13th is the last big day. And other say the 14th because it a Friday.

    Anybody know for sure?


  2. I was at the American Consulted today (Monday, and I forgot they’re closed) and next door at the municipal offices, some protesters with banners and signs with loud speakers were creating some fuss. Several police and paddy wagon were on stand by. It seemed heated with some very upset looking folks. Anybody know what that was all about? Just curious.



  3. On a different thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=195553

    INTJ told a success story on getting his non O multiple in KL.

    And Mr. Potato’s post http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=191451

    back in late may got his 1 year multiple entry B in KL. So KL still might be the current hot spot for multiple entry visas. I plan to go down in August to renew my non immigrant B

    I currently have a single entry non immigrant business visa valid for 3 months. I obtained it in Vientiane, only because we I was pressed for time to return to my home country in the US. My passport has history. I previously had a 1 year multiple entry B which I obtained in the US last year, and Penang from the year before. I also have a 1 year wp and all required documents. So I’ll give it a try. Hopefully I’ll have luck.

  4. Hello all,

    If one wanted to find good help in Chiang Mai, say for a restaurant or guesthouse or bar, how would one go about it? We have Thai friends of friends who sometimes work out, but to get fresh blood is nice. Experience isn’t necessary, but some English is useful as the client base is farang. Someone mentioned bulletin boards at one of the universities. Anybody know about that?

    Also, can anybody out there recommend a good security company for posting security guards overnight? The folks we currently use are unreliable.

    Appreciate any info.


  5. Hello All,

    Just wondering if anybody else made the trip to KL to obtain the 1 year multiple non immigrant B.

    I need to renew my non immigrant B in August and was hoping someone could share their experience.

    gusgorman mentioned he was going down on June 9th, perhaps he can tell us how it went

    I currently have a single entry non immigrant business visa valid for 3 months. I obtained it in Vientiane, only because I was pressed for time to return to my home country in the US. My passport has history. I previously had a 1 year multiple entry B which I obtained in the US from last year, and Penang from the year before. I also have a 1 year wp and all required documents. Nothing from the labor department though. Hopefully I’ll fair well. I’ll let you folks know how it went if I end up going to KL. Or maybe Singapore is a sure thing.

  6. Thanks Reimar,

    It a Gateway Laptop DS 450x We’re using Windows XP Professional.

    We were on Yahoo checking email, left the computer for a while. When we returned, there was something there about “dumping physical memory”. I rebooted (a mistake, I’m sure) then on start-up the NTDETECT Failed error message came up.

    If worse comes to worse, we will go see someone at Pantip or Icon computer here in Chiang Mai. We’re just hoping we didn’t lose everything. Luckily we have all our pics and music discs.

    Anyway, if anybody knows what happen…


  7. Hello All,

    Can anyone tell me what this means…

    NTDETECT Failed

    We get this now when we try to boot up the tired old Gateway at home.

    Also, anyone knows of a good computer doctor here in Chiang Mai should we need to have someone fix this problem. I’m afraid we’re not very computer literate.

    Any help appreciated.


  8. The Forest Industry Organisation is holding their 60th Anniversary from Dec 4th till today at the office of the Forest Industry Organisation, Keaw Nawarat Road, near the Juvenile Court intersection. The fair includes: wooden products, forest trekking exhibition and elephant performances.

    Yes, I believe that’s the one. I was told that it was down pass McCormick Hospital.

    It being the last day, I myself may head out there.

    Thanks Nienke

  9. Hello all, I’m told of some craft fair at a “Northern Industrial Park” somewhere here in Chiang Mai. Anybody knows about this, or where it is this Northern Industrial Park? I never herd of it. Any help would be appreciated.


  10. The story I have heard from Thai friends is that not only is Thapae Gate to be relaid but the whole of Walking Street over the next few months. Apparently it has caused some consternation among Sunday traders as the market will be closed for several months.

    I here that some officials were visiting businesses on Ratchaithi asking how they felt about moving Sunday market there while they worked on walking street.

  11. haiku, when u pass by carrefour on the superhighway. then index living mall, then there is a pet shop called Raksat. they owners are very nice people and can help you out. in front of their shop are many names and numbers of local breeders. there is posters for rottweilers as well.

    good luck.

    Great, thanks tigerbeer. I’ll check Raksat out.

  12. Hello All,

    Any of you Chiang Mai folks know of any dog breeders locally? We’re looking to buy a Rottweiler here in Chiang Mai and are wondering if anyone can recommend a reputable breeder.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


  13. Hello all,

    I’m looking for a basic room to rent anywhere within the walls of Chiang Mai. No special amenities needed except maybe a fridge. Private bath with hot water is a must, but A/C is not necessary as I don’t plane to live there just hang out or sober up before I head home to Hang Dong. Kinda don’t want to pay anything over 4K per month.

    Any recommendations,



  14. The day before you arrived we had a light shower :D I did think it was going to rain last night after all that wind though. You'll probably see a shower in the next week, but don't hold your breath :o

    Yep, unstable winds are forcast for the next few days, which might bring some rain. :D

    Where can one get good weather forecast for Chiang Mai online?

  15. post-18328-1142768264_thumb.jpg

    Hello All,

    Some of my Thai friends and I were at Huay Kaew Falls, and came across this guy. My friend was getting ready to jump in the water to catch some kind of fish, and we spotted this snake just over where he would have been wadding. Can anybody identify it? Is it venomous?


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