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  1. Probably this was monitored only by comparison against historical Thai/non-Thai visitor ratios. Someone overdid the usual scam percentage and the resulting anomaly raised suspicions? These things happen all over the World. I remember years ago truck drivers working for a haulage company in the UK would assign a "standard" fuel consumption to all new trucks and each driver was told the "standard" for every truck. This was always worse than the actual fuel consumption of the trucks but the fuel bills always matched this assigned consumption and the drivers and fuel outlet cashiers split the difference.
  2. Clearly not the Captain's fault - the island jumped out in front of the ship...
  3. AFAICS from the e-Visa website, Poipet now appears to be ok for e-Visa entry, so there is no need to apply on paper in Poipet? Am I missing something? BTW, I have just spotted that, WEF 1/1/25 the e-Visa prices have REDUCED to $30 for Tourist and $35 for Ordinary, so these are now the same cost as the Visa On Arrival, although in the past I always thought the extra was well worth it just to avoid the visa melee at my usual port of entry, PNH. I am aware that Thailand-Cambodia-Thailand is now blocked for a same day bounce at Poipet (BTW that block is reportedly avoidable with a purple hued portrait of Vajiralongkorn in one's passport), but had not previously heard that Cambodia-Thailand-Cambodia is similarly blocked. I'd be tempted to try a portrait of Hamilton. Has anyone had success with that?
  4. So until now they were not deployed, or not trained, or both?
  5. ....show that the BIB are not just monkeying around. 🤣🤣🤣
  6. Note to self: Don't fight back unless you want the Ladyboy's friends to join in for the usual 6 Thais against 1 farang scenario. Walking away, despite the continuing attack, can be the smart option.
  7. Imagine a totally ficticious scenario: A Thai lady goes to a guy's condo to "party" in exchange for payment. Normally everyone is happy and also happy to ignore the fact that this arrangement is illegal, but on this occasion the John turns unexpectedly violent. Happily though, the lady escapes from the violent client reasonably unscathed but probably without her agreed fee. The lady wants to file a complaint for the assault, warn others about this violent guy, and she perhaps even still hopes to collect her party fee. So, what can she tell the cops? A story such as that told by Ms Fah?
  8. They are all hot in Thailand. It's the climate.
  9. Many thanks. How recently did the B500 get you the exit stamp? B500 is a lot of money in Cambodia, so it seems a lot, but if it gets the job done then it beats staying in a risky fire-trap Poi-Pet hotel! (I previously stayed in the one that burned down a few years back!) Has anyone had success with less than B500? BTW, the relevance is in showing that the difficulties were not always there & are clearly "unofficial". Poi-Pet VOA office always skimmed tea-money for a "processing fee" (and no doubt still does) from those seeking a VOA, but I expect that their income has taken a nose-dive following the introduction of online visas and so they've come up with this scam in order to recover some lost income.
  10. I did that crossing in one day without any issues, not to extend my visa, but for a meeting in Siem Reap and then back to LOS, but it was over ten years ago before the current scam started. When I did it the only stress I encountered was the rush getting back to the border before it closed! I understand that now one has to stay at least one night in Cambodia in order to get the exit stamp without the scam, although in your place I may have been tempted to put some portraits of His Majesty in my passport before handing it to Khmer Immigration. Has anyone succeeded with that approach? If so, how many portraits were required?
  11. There will no doubt be a lot of the "financial leakage" to which you allude, but such "leakage" helps to ensure that these major infrastructure projects do go ahead and Thailand benefits as a result. 30 years ago No swampy, No skytrain, No subway, No Airport Rail Link, Etc. Thailand is moving forward!
  12. No-one with money has to spend life in jail in Thailand, an alternative can always be purchased.
  13. That's the problem with prisons, no accessible high windows to fall from.
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