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Posts posted by historyprof

  1. Swiss

    FYI, the U.S. does NOT require health insurance to obtain a tourist visa.


    I know that... but I also know from personal experience that US hospitals will NOT treat you until you have paid upfront for the treatment... and that is the big difference, in Thailand you DO get treatment before you have shown money...

    Not entirely accurate. With few exceptions, even private hospitals must stabilize any person in a medical emergency. That goes 100% for any government facility.

    correct, but based on a documentry I saw, at certain hospitals in the US, once the patient was stable and couldnt pay, they were kicking them out the hospital, putting them in taxi's or dropping them off at bus stops...as not to incurr further costs

    Try google, "The dead of night: 8,000 patients a week kicked out of hospital from 11pm to 6am"

  2. The other problem with HP logic is that he is probably so old and senile now that he forgets what it was like at 20.

    I too came here in my 20's and now in my 40's and have very different experiences than HP. I am not jaded nor have I lived here off and on. Which sounds to me like a load of crap. You either lived here for 40 years or didn't. There is no off and on. You count the years you were here and you don't count the months and add them up over 40 years.

    I lived here for a few years in my 20's went to the West, got married and had a family. I came back to retire 15 years ago and have lived here ever since. So, like I said I have lived here on and off during the last 40 years. I have a very clear memory of when I was 20. When you get old it is the short term memory that goes first. I think being married I spend about half as much as I did when I was single.

    My wife saves me a lot of money. For example, single I bought bed seating at the movies; with the wife never happen. Single, I bought drinks for my date. The wife drinks water. Single, I went to Go go's. The wife does not care for them. All in all she saves me about 400,000 per year. So I think immigration is right on in the 800,000 to 400,000 single to married ratio. But that's just me. You may be different.

  3. Before I learned to speak Thai I thought I knew Thailand. It was only after I learned to speak Thai I realized that before I spoke Thai I didn't have a clue. When I was a young man in Thailand I thought the old rich guys got all the hot girls. After I became an old rich guy in Thailand I realized I was right. So 50/50. I was wrong about the language and right about the age and money.

    Thai immigration thinks that a retired guy alone in Thailand needs 800,000 baht a year and only 400,000 if he has a Thai wife. Do you really think they don't know what they are talking about???????

    • Like 1
  4. i hope my post didn't come across as too rude to you older chaps, i understand that as an older guy 'looking after' a wife or long term girlfriend may be part and parcel of the relationship. I didn't mean to suggest you don't love her or that she doesn't love you but the fact is if the money runs out and shows no sign of coming back she will leave you - countless horror stories abound of old farangs who dropped their retirement money on a house blew the rest and the wife kicked them out when the funds stopped flowing. A younger guy doesn't have to budget for ongoing assistance to a partner or her family he can get a girl who will pay some of her own way and has the option to pick and choose until he finds one that will, once costs for wife/girlfriend and her family are removed i am simply at a loss as to how people spend the sums they claim to. In my experience people that claim big expenses generally are paying very high prices for their condos unawares that places down the street are half the price for the same quality, the eat in 'high class' thai restaurants where the bill is quadrupled but the food is no better than the 30-40baht neighborhood restaurant. If the op wants to stay in chiangmai he can get a room at green hill place for under 10k a month, 1k a month for use of the awesome pool, 4 for elec and water, internet and wifi free,( purchases a bike for 25k and the only cost for transport then is fuel), that still leaves him 30 k a month.

    How do people spend one thousand baht a day every day?

    or the people who say they could scrimp by on 60k a month, if you spend 15k on rent and utilities, you are still left 1500 baht a day - where does it all go?, perhaps some of you chaps are paying double the going rate for bar girls, are you really getting more joy or just spending more because you think it will make you feel better, are you really getting value for the inflated amount you spend, do you spend that much just to feel that your somehow more 'successful' more hi-so than penny pinchers like me smile.png

    I eagerly await the howling screams of 'cheap charlie' from the old timers smile.png

    Current count of horror stories are 2 retired guys to 8 young offshore workers/teachers/IT pros, and on and on.

    Where do you get these countless horror stories? The deck in Thailand is stacked from retirement visa's to cheap prescription medication. The country wants old guys with cash. Is this news to anyone?

    you've never heard of some old bloke being kicked out by his wife when the cash runs out? maybe you need to keep your ears open, i met two guys who had it happen to them when i was in chiang mai. They are the horror stories i was referring to are when an older guys finds the bulk of what was to be his retirement cash tied up in a house that isnt in his name.

    I work in Thailand. I live in Thailand. I have done so on and off for 40 years.

    80% of the horror stories I have heard have involved young men with Thai families that don't live full time in Thailand. That is an accident waiting to happen. Age has nothing to do with it. When the cat is away. This is not a new concept.

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  5. i hope my post didn't come across as too rude to you older chaps, i understand that as an older guy 'looking after' a wife or long term girlfriend may be part and parcel of the relationship. I didn't mean to suggest you don't love her or that she doesn't love you but the fact is if the money runs out and shows no sign of coming back she will leave you - countless horror stories abound of old farangs who dropped their retirement money on a house blew the rest and the wife kicked them out when the funds stopped flowing. A younger guy doesn't have to budget for ongoing assistance to a partner or her family he can get a girl who will pay some of her own way and has the option to pick and choose until he finds one that will, once costs for wife/girlfriend and her family are removed i am simply at a loss as to how people spend the sums they claim to. In my experience people that claim big expenses generally are paying very high prices for their condos unawares that places down the street are half the price for the same quality, the eat in 'high class' thai restaurants where the bill is quadrupled but the food is no better than the 30-40baht neighborhood restaurant. If the op wants to stay in chiangmai he can get a room at green hill place for under 10k a month, 1k a month for use of the awesome pool, 4 for elec and water, internet and wifi free,( purchases a bike for 25k and the only cost for transport then is fuel), that still leaves him 30 k a month.

    How do people spend one thousand baht a day every day?

    or the people who say they could scrimp by on 60k a month, if you spend 15k on rent and utilities, you are still left 1500 baht a day - where does it all go?, perhaps some of you chaps are paying double the going rate for bar girls, are you really getting more joy or just spending more because you think it will make you feel better, are you really getting value for the inflated amount you spend, do you spend that much just to feel that your somehow more 'successful' more hi-so than penny pinchers like me smile.png

    I eagerly await the howling screams of 'cheap charlie' from the old timers smile.png

    Current count of horror stories are 2 retired guys to 8 young offshore workers/teachers/IT pros, and on and on.

    Where do you get these countless horror stories? The deck in Thailand is stacked from retirement visa's to cheap prescription medication. The country wants old guys with cash. Is this news to anyone?

  6. Yes, everything being equal youth will have the advantage. But normally age has some advantages that are not always visible. Experience, security, nest egg, etc are all attractive. Add to that the confidence that is shown in a real man. Few young men or boys can show same without appearing cocky, it just takes time. Too many factors involved when selecting a mate.

    Youth, looks and money will always trump wrinkles & money and I say that as a 46 year old so I'm hardly talking up my own shop here.

    I'm just telling it like it is.

    I believe the quote you are looking for is, "Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill." If you would like to know how it really is try google, "Old Age & Treachery by Waylon Jennings & Willie Nelson."

  7. I already said, 60's -- and I've said it many times on ThaiVisa and elsewhere that with many of the most desirable women in Thailand, you don't find them; they find you.

    So you can understand the concept of a thai girl of lets say 18-21 being much more comfortable having a date with a chap who is in the 20's or 30's rather than 40+?

    They would see it more as a date, rather than a business transaction? How can you expect a girl of that age to be comfortable dating a man nearly three times her age? unless of course they are money grabbing snakes which i have no intention of getting involved with anyway. And before you say that they are all like that and that i'm kidding myself, theyre not, and i'm not.

    You are not going to have a date with a Thai woman until you at least speak Thai. Age is way down the list of requirements. You have to get Thai Ized. You have a wife at home for land and business connections and children and a Mia Noi for dating. But the first step is to become fluent in The language. Age? Don't worry about it. If I had to put a number on it I would say age was about 22nd in importance. After, what kind of aftershave you wear and before what kind of socks you like.

    Can i ask how old you are?

    My first two years in Thailand I was 22 and 23. I was consistently angered as the hot girls went with the rich old guys. I could't compete. I didn't have a plane or a chauffeur driven car. Back then I thought old guys were men over 40.

    But I really must commend you. I thought the topic was you wanting some feedback on your budget from men who had more experience in Thailand than you. Now I discover you are an expert on Thai women and know without a doubt about their likes and dislikes. Good on ya. It took me years to do what you seem to think you have done in days.

    • Like 1
  8. I already said, 60's -- and I've said it many times on ThaiVisa and elsewhere that with many of the most desirable women in Thailand, you don't find them; they find you.

    So you can understand the concept of a thai girl of lets say 18-21 being much more comfortable having a date with a chap who is in the 20's or 30's rather than 40+?

    They would see it more as a date, rather than a business transaction? How can you expect a girl of that age to be comfortable dating a man nearly three times her age? unless of course they are money grabbing snakes which i have no intention of getting involved with anyway. And before you say that they are all like that and that i'm kidding myself, theyre not, and i'm not.

    You are not going to have a date with a Thai woman until you at least speak Thai. Age is way down the list of requirements. You have to get Thai Ized. You have a wife at home for land and business connections and children and a Mia Noi for dating. But the first step is to become fluent in The language. Age? Don't worry about it. If I had to put a number on it I would say age was about 22nd in importance. After, what kind of aftershave you wear and before what kind of socks you like.

  9. Au Bon Pain breakfast, lunch Fuji. Shopping at the mall and home for dinner. Cost food 3000 baht. Bus to the mall and taxi back 300 baht.

    As for the dumb young and old debate most countries, indeed even tribal societies have an age requirement on being the leader; if I'm correct there is not a limit on how old you can be. I think it is, rather, you must attain a certain age before most people trust you to make wise decisions.

    In my experience in Thailand over the past 40 years 90% of the foolish money was spent by men under 50.

    There is a Thai proverb about, "Follow the old man and the dog will not bite." Certainly is true around my house.

    I guess one could pass up the Wagyu beef at Fuji and the new salmon appetizers and the cheese cake muffins at Au Bon Pain.

    To sum it up my sage advice is spend 3000 baht on food every Sunday and if you want a friend get a dog.

    As I read posts like this, including mine, I wonder who is the most deluded the OP or the WMT's* who answer the OP.

    I don't think anyone has mentioned how much it costs a person not to speak Thai in Thailand.

    In my case, I did put a pencil to it and I saved 30,000 baht per month by speaking Thai. Your mileage may vary.

    *Walter Mitty Types

  10. I've lived here on and off for 40 years and had cars, jeeps, trucks, helicopters and tanks for transportation.

    The public transportation system is great and now I don't own a car or bike. Even smaller towns have song taus and tuk tuks and/or car and motorcycle taxis. I keep the phone numbers of a couple of taxis on the fridge and never have a problem getting around. A new AC taxi is 60 baht for 5 miles and 250 baht for 30 miles. There are also vans and busses of all sizes.

    The whingers will whing about safety of vans but will never quote how many miles are driven per problem.

    Nakhon Chai Air is the best bus company; never any problems.

    Most big companies provide busses for employees to get to work.

    Cardiac ambulance trucks can get me to the hospital in 15 minutes and have all the heart stuff on board.

    There is snake truck here that collects dangerous snakes in 10 minutes, they also take care of burglers. I know all about the car/gun male complex thing but I really don't need that kind of subsitution so I do fine with public transportation.

    • Like 1
  11. I think the type of links you want are at BritishPathe.


    Or, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL DEMPSEY ARRIVES IN BANGKOK (commander Allied Land Forces South East Asia (ALFSEA), arrives in Bangkok, capital of Siam (Thailand)). Dempsey steps down from an RAF Douglas Dakota transport aircraft and is greeted by Major-General Evans, commander of 7th Indian Division. He is introduced to senior officers. He is saluted by a guard of honour of 89th Indian Infantry Brigade, which appears to be mostly Gurkhas.

    Or British troops of 1st Battalion Queen's Royal Regiment go sightseeing in Bangkok, capital of Siam (Thailand 1946).

    Or. http://www.britishpathe.com/video/garden-party-in-bangkok

    Or. (http://www.queensroyalsurreys.org.uk/ww2/burma/012.html) and other units in the Bangkok area the first major event was a formal ceremony having great symbolic significance for both sides: a surrender parade at which senior Japanese officers were required to hand over their swords.

    Thanks for that.

    THere seems to be no link for "British troops of 1st Battalion Queen's Royal Regiment go sightseeing in Bangkok, capital of Siam". And I've looked and can only find a blank Imperial War Museum blog with that title.

    I like how one film shows Mountbatten with Democracy Monument right behind him...

    Here is the description, "Small group of soldiers of 1st Queen's looking at a map of Bangkok. Closer shot. Shot looking at the map over a soldier's shoulder. Two soldiers board a samlor, or three-wheeled cycle taxi, and the rider cycles away. Shots of a samlor passing. Three soldiers walk towards the National Assembly. Soldiers pass a large equestrian statue on a pedestal. Three soldiers enter a cafe, sit down and order drinks. Drinks are served. A soldier, with his Queens flashes clearly visible, drinks from a glass and smokes a cigarette. Four soldiers enter the grounds of the Grand Palace. A British soldier and a smiling Thai soldier or palace guard. Walking through the grounds. The group passes an elephant statue. View of two demons guarding the entrance to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. Walking around the temple. Group on the bank of the Chrao Phraya river with the Memorial Bridge in the background and beached local boats. Two soldiers examine a cart of vegetables on the riverside. View of the bridge showing damage by Allied bombing. Local boats; a basket of vegetables is put aboard one of them. Group of British soldiers walk away from camera."

    I saw it once but darned if I can find it again.

    • Like 1
  12. I think the type of links you want are at BritishPathe.


    Or, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL DEMPSEY ARRIVES IN BANGKOK (commander Allied Land Forces South East Asia (ALFSEA), arrives in Bangkok, capital of Siam (Thailand)). Dempsey steps down from an RAF Douglas Dakota transport aircraft and is greeted by Major-General Evans, commander of 7th Indian Division. He is introduced to senior officers. He is saluted by a guard of honour of 89th Indian Infantry Brigade, which appears to be mostly Gurkhas.

    Or British troops of 1st Battalion Queen's Royal Regiment go sightseeing in Bangkok, capital of Siam (Thailand 1946).

    Or. http://www.britishpathe.com/video/garden-party-in-bangkok

    Or. (http://www.queensroyalsurreys.org.uk/ww2/burma/012.html) and other units in the Bangkok area the first major event was a formal ceremony having great symbolic significance for both sides: a surrender parade at which senior Japanese officers were required to hand over their swords.

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  13. Go to the bank and get American Express travelers checks. I get $1000 denomination. Plan on going to more than one bank as they don't usually keep too many $1000's around. Keep the receipts and the checks in different places. I always make a copy of the receipts and store on line in my email account. It's not much paper to carry only 30 bills for $30,000. It is easy to exchange AMEX at any bank in Thailand and if I remember you get a better rate for them than cash.

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