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Posts posted by blueyeshk

  1. They sue monks , arrest SMS grandpas, but what about the inventors of this rice policy for damaging the kingdom and their reputation being the leading rice producer with the highest quality now they have to store and fume with bromide million tons of stored rice. Not that I think bromide is harmful we do it for decades but only in the right hands and with secure standards in place and there it becomes scary. If they think they have to why they don't just give the farmers directly money even for doing nothing?. Potato lover!

  2. They sue monks , arrest SMS grandpas, but what about the inventor of the rice scheme for damaging the kingdom and their reputation being the leading rice producer with the highest quality ,now they have to store and fume with bromide million tons of stored rice and there is more to come. not that i think bromide fuming is harmful in the right hands we do it for decades but that is exactly why i am worried knowing the hands and standards used.Why they don't just give the farmers directly money even for doing nothing. Potato lover.

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