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  1. We should keep this thread going. There will be many looking to cashout this year and next year.
  2. Hmm, I start to more and more of these type of posts. Seems like local top is in or near. ;)
  3. yo, with the incoming ~$100 transaction fee's. Couple days was gonna buy something on the ETH network and they wanted $40 gas fee and $10 for spending limit. I get why Eth was so popular at the beginning, after Bitcoin, but with whats available on the market for several years now I *never* understood why this is still a top tier chain. Requiring Layer 2's is kind of a sign the layer 1 is not that great.
  4. too much energy to maintain....with all due respect, did you actually kind of look into this or just hear it from all different angles of "how much energy it uses". Yes, it uses a lot of energy ( relatively ), but A LOT is solar energy. Also, compare the energy use of Bitcoin to the energy use of Fiat money. You'll be surprised and also realized you've been lied to.
  5. 1) I'd keep it on a decentralized wallet 2) try P2P 3) Once I am ready to cashout on a sizeable amount, I will look into countries I can open a business and get it out tax free.

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