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tubby johnson

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Posts posted by tubby johnson

  1. gone are the days when you could grab a girls ass, and it was fun for both partys,,

    or even talk about there ass for that matter,

    but girls were as bad,

    did you ever live TJ,

    have fun as a kid growing up,

    ever sit with a girl and experiment,

    bloody nora, lighten up mate

    Think tubby will campaign for CCTV cameras to be installed at the back row of cinema's next. laugh.png

    The barstool bores on this thread consider sexual abuse as nothing but a bit of "fun as a kid growing up" and an "experiment".

    (shakes head in disbelief) ... Please remember to always use condoms and never -- I repeat never -- have children.

    "Grab a girl's ass" = fun for both parties? Leave the Dark Ages behind, welcome to the 21st century.

  2. The BBC needs to clean up its act. Yet another filthy rapist. Hope he gets a taste of his own medicine in jail.

    Did I miss rape being one of the charges.

    I am thinking that Mr TJ would not look out of place wearing a white hat with KK on it !

    Oh, of course! Not rape, just sexual assault. No big deal. Women should toughen up and stop complaining. Case closed.

    Please enlighten me: what is KK? ... King Kong? Katoey Kickboxer?

  3. Interesting to note the hysterical reactions of the DLT Thailand Fan Club. A summary of your enlightened viewpoints so far:

    Sexual assault? No big deal. It's called consensual sex among some of our charming farang friends.

    The victims: Guilty. How dare they complain about a bit of harmless groping!

    The accusations? Baseless, need to be dropped promptly.

    ..... Move on everyone, there's nothing to see here. Just a bit of consensual fun.

    A disconcerting rush to declare the accused innocent and smear the victims.

    Do you read the <deleted> you've written before hitting the posts button?

    You are the only one getting hysterical.

    There is, as far as I can see, no "DLT Thailand Fan Club."

    No one has said that sexual assault is "No big deal" nor has anyone called it consensual sex.

    No one has called the alleged victims guilty. (I say "alleged" as until Travis is found guilty, that is the correct legal term.)

    No one has called the accusations baseless; that is for the court to decide. But you don't seem to believe in the courts; he's been accused so that's enough for you to decide he's guilty. "Let's not waste time and money on a trial; just find a rope and a tree" seems to be your view of how British justice should work.

    No one is rushing to declare the accused innocent; simply people pointing out to you the basic principles of British justice; but you wont stand for that; as above.

    You are rushing to declare him guilty without knowing any of the evidence. That is certainly not enlightened!

    Read some of the comments posted by the barstool intelligentsia, my friend.

    You'll see that DLT has already been absolved, the allegations trivialised, and his accusers demonised.

  4. Interesting to note the hysterical reactions of the DLT Thailand Fan Club. A summary of your enlightened viewpoints so far:

    Sexual assault? No big deal. It's called consensual sex among some of our charming farang friends.

    The victims: Guilty. How dare they complain about a bit of harmless groping!

    The accusations? Baseless, need to be dropped promptly.

    ..... Move on everyone, there's nothing to see here. Just a bit of consensual fun.

  5. Some educated responses so far from the local barstool intelligentsia:

    pacovl46: "no DNA proof or video footage" ..... Always make sure never to leave a trail so those annoying girls will get laughed at all the way home from the police station.

    balo: so it wasn't sexual assault, just consensual sex ..... Glad you've cleared that up beyond any doubt.

    Exsexyman: "Is he accused of rape, didn't see that on the charge sheet? Not that sexual assault is in anyway defensible if he is found guilty, but there is a difference." ..... Ah yes, of course there is a difference. Sexual assault is so much more pleasant than rape. Every girl agrees.

    b19bry: So it was all the groupie followers' fault for "throwing themselves at him" ..... Good work,Sherlock.

    It's heartening to read so much compassion and not a trace of bitterness towards those girls.

    Where did i say sexual assault was so much more pleasant, i didn't did i? I said there was a difference, i also said it was indefensible if he was found guilty. In law rape is a far more serious charge than sexual assault, that's a fact. He hasn't been charged with rape, yet you referred to him as a "Filthy Rapist". Presumably you have privileged inside access to evidence that wasn't even available to the investigating officers? Thought not. I'm afraid the only bar stool 'intelligentsia' here is you mr tubby.

    If for once you tried to understand the girls' viewpoints, you'd know whether sexual assault feels any better than rape. I doubt your "difference" is much consolation to anyone.

  6. Some educated responses so far from the local barstool intelligentsia:

    pacovl46: "no DNA proof or video footage" ..... Always make sure never to leave a trail so those annoying girls will get laughed at all the way home from the police station.

    balo: so it wasn't sexual assault, just consensual sex ..... Glad you've cleared that up beyond any doubt.

    Exsexyman: "Is he accused of rape, didn't see that on the charge sheet? Not that sexual assault is in anyway defensible if he is found guilty, but there is a difference." ..... Ah yes, of course there is a difference. Sexual assault is so much more pleasant than rape. Every girl agrees.

    b19bry: So it was all the groupie followers' fault for "throwing themselves at him" ..... Good work,Sherlock.

    It's heartening to read so much compassion and not a trace of bitterness towards those girls.

    Tubby, you have already labelled this guy as "Yet another filthy rapist".

    Where is your proof of this ?

    It's obvious you put more store in the justice of a 'witch hunt' or 'kangaroo court'

    How is that an educated position ?

    Is blaming the victims an educated position?

  7. Some educated responses so far from the local barstool intelligentsia:

    pacovl46: "no DNA proof or video footage" ..... Always make sure never to leave a trail so those annoying girls will get laughed at all the way home from the police station.

    balo: so it wasn't sexual assault, just consensual sex ..... Glad you've cleared that up beyond any doubt.

    Exsexyman: "Is he accused of rape, didn't see that on the charge sheet? Not that sexual assault is in anyway defensible if he is found guilty, but there is a difference." ..... Ah yes, of course there is a difference. Sexual assault is so much more pleasant than rape. Every girl agrees.

    b19bry: So it was all the groupie followers' fault for "throwing themselves at him" ..... Good work,Sherlock.

    It's heartening to read so much compassion and not a trace of bitterness towards those girls.

  8. Can't help feeling that the 'sins' of 20, 30 and 40 years ago are being judged by the political correctness of today.

    That doesn't mean that I condone the alleged sexual misconduct but I think that looking at events in the context of the time is important.

    Values and attitudes do change over time and things that were 'acceptable' in a previous generation are not anymore.

    Society has changed its attitude to a lot of things in 30 years and perhaps DLT has too, but his alleged sins of the past are going to be judged by the values of today.

    Not saying what's right or wrong, just making an observation.

    When was sexual assault ever acceptable in your lifetime?

    You're in the 21st century now, not the Dark Ages. Behave accordingly.

  9. I once accidentally farted in someone's face for at least 10 seconds .... but it was in Portugal and he was over 60 years old.

    In Thailand, though, you should never show the middle finger or the sole of your foot. Don't insult Asians or make them lose face in any way.

    Stay cool, avoid confrontations over petty issues.

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  10. Most men I meet have just two types of monologues disguised as conversation:

    1. They boast about their achievements, intellect, wealth;

    2. They moan.

    In both cases, when trapped by one of these bores, you have several options:

    - Avoid eye contact.

    - Fiddle with your phone as if you've just received some important messages.

    - Suddenly change the topic, for example from their whinge about Thailand to yesterday's sports results. That will shock them into realising that you haven't been paying any attention throughout their speech.

    - Touch them on the elbow and ask them a completely unrelated question. It's very effective for jolting them out of their ego bubble.

  11. It's a great-tasting, proper beer, provided you drink a fresh batch. I drink it every time I travel to Laos, which is about twice a year, and the Beer Lao in Vientiane is fresh from the brewery.

    I always check the expiry dates on everything I buy. When drinking Beer Lao in Thailand, check the date on the bottle. The ones in my fridge were brewed on 26 June, so still reasonably fresh.

  12. The rot starts at the top. The complacent and corrupt Ministry of Education and greedy diploma factories are mainly to blame. Parents too, whose allergy to books retards slows down their children's development.

    Thailand's TOEFL test scores are consistently the lowest in the whole of Asia. English majors graduate from private universities unable to write or converse in English.

    This country's only recourse is to remain in its low-cost manufacturing hole. Service jobs are impossible to outsource to better-educated countries. That's Thailand's saving grace, so there will always be jobs as security guards and prostitutes for the masses of men and women who quit high school each year. But the people deserve better from this smug and kleptocratic government (... unless they voted these crooks into office, of course).

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