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Posts posted by Matej

  1. There only were three annexations since 1945, which involved two sovereign states.

    Sino-Indian War(fall 1962)

    Mao Ce-tung's communist China took advantage of political and social riots in Nehru's India.

    2 days long Iraq–Kuwait War(August 1990)

    Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait, which resulted in the seven-month long Iraqi occupation of Kuwait.

    Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula(February and March 2014)

    Recapitulation: communist China, Iraq, Russia and Mao Ce-tung, Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin

    Russia is following the wrong footprints!

    Semantics, Crimea voted for independence first, then voted to join Russia.

    Russians used precedent set by Kosovo where part of a sovereign state was taken by force and eventually turned into an independent entity.

    Kosovo, of course, is not your list. Oh well.

    Of course I forget about independent referendum, sanctified by Hungarian neonacist party Jobbik, extremists, populists from whole Europe and communist parties. Also important is russian propaganda, ask ordinary russian countrymen if they want to have standard of living like the West and then announce referendum.

    Kosovo doesn't belong to my list.

    It was different type of conflict.

  2. Lets hope he will put Russia in a miserable state so we can enjoy Thailand without them. Oh thats right, he already did....

    The more miserable Russia will be, more Russian in Thailand/EU/USA will live, travel ...

    Russian businessmen, oligarchs enjoying Europe. Their families live in Europe, their money is in EU's banks.

    Russian don't believe in their own system ... Don't forget about that.

    Three months ago(in EU) I called the police on drunken Russian students disturbing the peace after 22:00.

  3. A medal for Crimea as evidence for "thousands of Russian troops" invading Ukraine now?

    Russians had 16,000 troops stationed in Crimea and everybody knew they came out to blockade Ukrainian military bases etc.

    I was talking about current fighting in Donbass.

    It's "there are WMDs in Iraq" all over again now, pushed by the same actors, same American neo-cons and amplified through the same media in exactly the same way.

    No one knows that, only Russian.

  4. You sound like the Russian media, the way they are spinning this. Nobody believes this other than the Russians. Actually, the Russians are being force fed propaganda as there's no freedom of speech there. Russian soldiers in Ukraine NOT under Russian control? On "holiday"? Impossible. No way. No civilized country would allow their soldiers to go to war in a neighboring country. Civilized being the key word.

    Concede part of their sovereign territory? I'm not sure where you are from, but would your country allow that to happen? No way. Impossible. Your country would fight for their land, just like the Ukraine people are.

    This would have never become a problem if Russia would have kept their nose out of it. I feel sorry for Ukraine. They've got enough problems without having to deal with a megalomaniac like Putin.

    No one has ever seen Russian soldiers in Ukraine, expect that dozen lost ones that have been released already. People *assume* rebel fighters have Russian soldiers, which is true in case of volunteers and soldiers on leave, but if they are under rebel command they do not make "Russian army".

    Russia shouldn't have allowed its soldiers to take leave and join rebels? It's not how it works, they provide as much covert support like this as necessary. it's par for the game.

    Ukraine is going to concede territory, they already lost, it's gone. The sooner they admit to this new reality the sooner life in that region can return to normalcy.

    Russian nose got involved after Maidan.

    No one has ever seen Russian soldiers in Ukraine?

    Do you really believe in what you are saying?


    • Like 1
  5. There only were three annexations since 1945, which involved two sovereign states.

    Sino-Indian War(fall 1962)

    Mao Ce-tung's communist China took advantage of political and social riots in Nehru's India.

    2 days long Iraq–Kuwait War(August 1990)

    Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait, which resulted in the seven-month long Iraqi occupation of Kuwait.

    Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula(February and March 2014)

    Recapitulation: communist China, Iraq, Russia and Mao Ce-tung, Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin

    Russia is following the wrong footprints!

  6. If the EU didn't believe in sanctions, they wouldn't do them. No matter what the US does. The US pressured the EU I'm sure. But forced? No way.

    Perhaps there's a reason they are all agreeing on this one? It's a fact Russia is at least providing military hardware to the rebels. And it's a fact Russian soldiers are there. Though Russia says they are just on holiday! LOL. Luckily, the world isn't fooled that easily.

    The ceasefire is only the beginning. Foreign soldiers need to leave Ukraine. And then there's Crimea. When will the Russians "un-annex" that area? LOL

    US pressured, US forced - semantics, Europeans found themselves hostages to US policy on Ukraine, or rather hostages to their governments caving in to US pressure.

    Russian soldiers in Ukraine are not under Russian command, they are on leave, vacationing, volunteering, making a quick buck, it's not Russian army in Ukraine, and from rebels pov they are not foreign soldiers and are welcome to stay as long as they want.

    Ceasefire is only the beginning, you are right, next Poroshenko needs to concede Crimea and Donbass and hope he will not be crucified at home.

    Russians, from the looks of it, would like to leave Donbass in Ukraine but with veto power on critical issues like membership in Nato. If Ukraine wants to keep Donbass it would never be truly free from Russian influence.

    Politics have become completely reversed on this one. Officially Ukraine wants preserve its current borders and Russians want it, too, but on conditions unacceptable to Kiev so we will have a game of "you take it - no you take it - no, you wanted it first".

    Rebels, for their part, want to consolidate their military gains and will not accept Kiev's rule unless Russia twists their arms.

    What are you smoking/reading? We want your weed/RIA novosti, ITAR-TASS(I'm sorry TASS) newspapers.

    Now seriously. If you really want to learn something about (geo)politics and why the world looks how it looks.

    Try scientific books about history of 20th century. For example: Modern Times: A History of the World from the 1920s to the 1980s by Paul Johnson it's a good start. I recommend this book to everyone not only to Russian people. Cheers.

  7. I hope France terminates this contract completely.

    If someone thinks that you can do business with someone who threatens and lie you ... sobering going to be very painful.

    We, the Westerners, should finally realize that Russia(Putin's regime) is an enemy; autocratic, oligarchic and expansionist state ruled by former KGB agent.

    You know I can sympathize with what your saying & understand where your coming from but.........

    In this case it is France that is being dishonerable

    They made a contract with Russia for XX ships for XXX dollars

    I am pretty sure they knew who Russia was when they made the agreement.....history.... foreign policy etc.

    I do not think they thought Russia is buying war ships to use in parades.

    Also I highly doubt anywhere in the contract did it say at anytime if we decide your acting improperly anywhere in

    the world we reserve the right to dishonor this contract.

    Instead it is likely France is paying back a favor to someone else...Maybe USA for Libya help etc.

    But in this case my opinion is it is France who is acting childish/foolish etc.

    But at the end of the day if they honorably return the deposit or what ever has been paid I guess it is their choice.

    Surely they also realize every action has a reaction. They took Russia's business for a reason

    they may later miss that business............ or not

    I'm guessing it's something to do with the EU's policy on military aggression. France is part of the EU and has to abide by Brussels ruling.

    Easy for the ships to be delivered to Russia. They just have to stop their support of the rebels in Ukraine. All this silliness would stop.

    France don't have to abide Brussels, France is a part of Brussels. Brussels is we. We, England, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia and so on.

    EU parliament, commission, council ... are democratic institution.

    This has nothing to do with where am I from. Saying NO to Vladimir Putin's regime is not russophobia.

    Putin's regime is a tragedy for the Russian people. They overthrew the USSR, under which they had suffered more than anyone

    else. But they have had the fruits of victory snatched away by the kleptocratic ex-KGB regime ... so called, elite, politicians, businessmen.

    Of course this contract is about money and profit.

    It's naive to think that Putin will stop, he is playing only games with Porosenko and the West.

    He can't stop, because it would mean that russian army was defeated. What would he say to russian nationalists?

    His propaganda, part of it, would fall apart.

    • Like 2
  8. to loongdavid:

    Is France a NATO Member? I didn't think it was, I could be wrong. I seem to think that many years ago France elected not to join as it did not want anyone else controlling it's nuclear capability.

    France is a co-founder of NATO; one of twelve. France withdrew from NATO in 1966 because Charles de Gaulle protested the USA's strong role in NATO and, according to him, too close relationship between USA and Great Britain, key members. Plus there was riots in French Algeria, he wanted to involved NATO in these riots, what Eisenhower and Macmillan(GB's PM) refused. France get back in 2009, under Sarkozi. This had nothing to do with nuclear capability ...

  9. I read an interview with a Russian military analyst a couple of months ago. He was saying that Russian military brass would prefer those ships not to be delivered and spend the money elsewhere. Buying them was a political decision, they are not really needed.

    My read on the topic is the same as yours... After all, why have the French build these ships when SEA is the hub of ship manufacturing these days... Now France has to refund the $$$ to Russia... Where are they going to get it from? My guess is a closed-doors deal was done with France to keep them liquid if they reneged on the deal... France's economy is in the toilet, along with the balance of the EU and it's only going to get worse once winter comes...

    France only have to pay back deposit, 400 millions euros, and it can terminate the contract.

    France/EU's economy is in the toilet? You meant Russian economy, no?

  10. Ouch! I wonder who will pay the ship builders for that then!

    I think Russia paid already, now they have to refund....

    Couple of destroyers going on Ebay. Will it be low start, no reserve or Buy Now or Best Offer?

    Vessels should buy NATO ...

  11. Russia does not believe that its neighbors should make their own decisions about their geopolitical future.

    Russia’s security, in short, depends on these countries’ insecurity.
    Russia particularly begrudges the former nations of the USSR their freedom, prosperity, and independence.

    These pose an existential challenge to the stagnant and autocratic model of government pioneered by Vladimir Putin's regime.

    We, the Westerners, should finally realize that Russia is an enemy; autocratic, oligarchic and expansionist state ruled by former KGB agent.

    Putin's regime disdains our values, justice, equality and especially individual freedom ...

    I think it's time to wake up ...


    • Like 1
  12. To assume that every African sitting around Bangkok is a potential scammer and should be checked is racist. White men con women online on a monotonously regular basis too and I'm sure many other nationalities.

    Put yourself in the position of the African men that are here for legitimate means ..I would feel pretty wound up to be lumped into the con artist category if I had legit reasons for being here.

    I don't think ripping off people is fair but reality is ... Nothing in life is free and if it seems too good to be true then generally it is.

    Yes, it would be racism.

    even though I'd like to know what are they doing there, Ratchathewi, same people, same place, grouping ...

    How many times I was told in Chaiyaphum, Khon Kean ... "you're broking Isaan women, go home, go away from Thailand".

    We can't argue/discuss like this: look, they are doing it too ... of course Thai women scumming too, and what?

  13. Can you say "DUH" boys and girls?

    I knew you could!

    Is it possible anyone who falls for this stuff deserves what they get?

    Are they not also trying to get something for nothing?

    How many Thai women work online convincing lonely foreign men to send them gifts or even support them?

    Remember boys and girls...

    "When you play with fire, sometimes you get burned."

    No sympathy from me!

    attachicon.gifimages (2).jpg

    That´s actually a good point, the hunter suddenly becomes prey! Guess it might be easy to trick some of the women as they may have had their own sucess in finding a naive sponsor and now think the found another fool.

    It's not this case. She was/is not a hunter, but just a naive Thai woman, waiting for a white prince white thick wallet and gym membership as many others. Yes, of course it's greed, get something for nothing ... for a police officer it should be a crime and nothing else.

  14. Almost everyday I see in newspapers ... Thai women being conned by foreign men, mostly from African countries, who pretend to fall in love with them ...

    could we suggest this balances out the foreign men conned by Thai ladies then ?

    your obviously making a suggestion that someting should be done about the African men pulling these cons, but should we not be calling the for the same action against the Thai ladies who do the same ?

    food for thought ?

    Police should do something ...

    I don't know Thailand's criminality statistics. It's worth to go to the Police with this?

    proberly not, the BiB would most likely want tea money out of you just to investigate it...laugh.png

    people have the habit of doing stupid things when it comes to greed, "Love" and a few other things, as the old saying goes it it seems to good to be true it generally is.

    someone in my wifes family got stitched up over a "job" in the UK and "admin/visa fees" cos they had dollar signs in their eyes, my Mrs show me the stuff the "company" had sent her relative, it was a pretty easy check to determine the company didnt exist at the address given in London, the phone number was a "mobile" number and the company's email address was a "@hotmail.com" all very "compelling evidence" that it was a scam, my Mrs told her relative under no circumstances send any money to this "company" and you know what happened next...whistling.gif and then the relative had the cheek to ask my Mrs for a loan because they had just lost quite a heap of cash to a scammer...facepalm.gif

    Thailand is cursed by spell called cupidity madness.

    I think there's a thin line between law and outlaw when it comes to the Police in Thailand.

    What can we do?

    Only wait until this society, law frame, justice ... mature step by step.

    We should be thankful that this country is not ruled by social engineers like Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia ...

  15. Almost everyday I see in newspapers ... Thai women being conned by foreign men, mostly from African countries, who pretend to fall in love with them ...

    could we suggest this balances out the foreign men conned by Thai ladies then ?

    your obviously making a suggestion that someting should be done about the African men pulling these cons, but should we not be calling the for the same action against the Thai ladies who do the same ?

    food for thought ?

    Police should do something ...

    I don't know Thailand's criminality statistics. It's worth to go to the Police with this?

  16. I'd like to warn everyone, especially Thai women, which are having online relationships with suspiciously wealthy and unbelievable generous men/women. Don't send money to someone you've never met. Never! It doesn't matter what are they saying, doing, which language are they speaking(including Thai) ...

    A few days ago my wife showed me a copy of delivery receipt and photos of iPhone, notebook, LV purse and so on, which she had from her facebook

    (e-)friend, asking me whether it's real or not, whether her friend will really get all these things from her new superman.

    I answered 'philosophically': she'll know when she'll get it and didn't pay much attention to it anymore ...

    Next day this friend of my wife was contacted by Thai woman from delivery company xyz, that she has package at airport in BKK, containing electronics, plus cheque for 100 000 THB, but first she has to pay import tax 30 000 THB and gave her some account number.

    She did paid and went to airport(100 km) to pick up a package.

    I think I don't have to continue.

    The worst thing is that she don't want to go to the Police. I don't know why, omnipresent corruption, image of the Police in Thailand???

    Almost everyday I see in newspapers ... Thai women being conned by foreign men, mostly from African countries, who pretend to fall in love with them ...

    Also I'd like to know what all those African men sitting everyday around Baiyoke tower are doing there? Enjoying Bangkok's fresh air and trees?



    • Like 1
  17. Hello

    Today I read an article in BKK Post, 'Sin City' races NCPO to clean up its act(Title page).

    Do you think it's possible to make Pattaya a better place, eliminate street prostitution, beech scummers, thieves, criminality in general?

    Or it's only talking(proclamations) and nothing will change?

    Beach operator: "I'm scared the NCPO will come and clean up the beach like they did to Phuket and Hua Hin ... "

    Does it mean that in Phuket is no taxi mafia anymore, less prostitutes and so on?

    Maybe it's time to see some positives in junta, no?

    LB prostitutes form Pattaya: "They pretend to be a customer or get some foreigner to pretend to be a customer. They negotiate the price and once we agree police reveal themselves and arrest us".

    (I guess there's a new job in Thailand for foreigners.)

    Another LB prostitutes form Pattaya: "What is new to all of us is that the police lock us up in the office until the morning ... ".

    Can I looking forward for better tomorrows or I'm only naive?


  18. They did suppress a showing of the movie in Chiang Mai even though it is not banned per se. So it may be 'suggested' not to sell or be seen with it.

    Police paid a visit to the gallery on Monday 9th June and demanded the cancellation of the screening, following the Junta’s demands. It was explained to the owner that the film was of a political nature and was linked to anti-coup protests. Nineteen Eighty-Four has not yet being banned in Thailand but it has been used as a protest tool since the beginning of the coup.

    Silent reading of Orwell’s novel at a BTS station in Bangkok and the use of the numbers “1984” in anti-coup demonstrations has caused the Junta to become uneasy about its content. The film depicts a dystopian future where everyone is monitored and can be arrested for “thoughtcrimes”. Other symbols such as the three-finger salute from the Hunger Games franchise have also been used despite warnings from the Junta.

    Chiang Mai City News

    There's a (public) list of prohibited literature or something like that? Restrictions/recommendation for vendros?

    When the coup was announced I was in Europe ... What can I say? I was pretty naive back then.

    I never have thought how deep the rabbit hole goes.

    Thank you for answer.


  19. Hello

    Today I wanted to buy 1984 novel by George Orwell, in Thai language, for my wife.

    In B2S bookstore, Sriracha, I was told that the book is banned because of the current political situation.

    It is even possible? I can't belive this. Where am I? ...

    I didin't choose this book because of the current situation in Thailand at all.

    I just wanted something with artistic value. Books you must read in your lifetime.

    I was asking about 3 books. Here are answers:

    Demian by Herman Hesse, we don't have, sold out

    Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, we don't have, sold out

    1984 by George Orwell, banned

    (don't have Thailand = sold out, I guess so ...)

    After 30 minutes I walked away with empty hands. Angrily.

    What are Thai people reading despite, how to have white skin and how to be rich in a few clicks on internet?

    Maybe I have to choose wiser and I will get what I'm expecting ...


  20. Hello to everyone.

    Yesterday, 21.6. was my wife and her friends taken by soldiers to police station and they were told that curfew is sill in force.

    They were going back home from restaurant when it happened, around 00:30.

    I thought curfew was lifted one week ago, nationwide.

    Does anyone know something more about the current situation in Sriracha?

    Thank you.

  21. Problem with one way tickets is that it's very difficult to find a ticket back "home" for a reasonable price in needed date.

    I'll be leaving to Thailand 1st of July for 2 months. Price from Central Europe is around 30 000 - 35 000 baht, for a return ticket.

    It's naive expect a sharp discount among all airline companies because of the coup, but I think there's slightly higher probability of catching a good promo action.

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