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  1. Border run to Cambodia and back the same day via a van to Ban Pakkard? I'd rather avoid the hassle and wasted time of an uncomfortable border run if it's possible to extend at Jomtien.
  2. My 180 days stamp of being on a DTV will expire in a month's time. I'll need to do an extension at Jomtien for another 180 days. Considering that DTV holders must've already been getting extensions done since the beginning of January, there should be more than 2 months of people already doing this. I haven't seen anyone post any reports of this though. Has anyone done an extension, particularly at Jomtien and what are the requirements? Also, how many days prior to the last day on your stamp are you allowed to apply for an extension at Jomtien?
  3. Do all (private) hospitals have dual pricing, one cheaper price for Thais and one more expensive price for foreigners?
  4. Should a hospital still charge a patient a Nursing Charge when you reject getting your blood pressure, temperature and weight checked? Then you only went to have a consultation with the doctor?
  5. What tests would typically be expected? Just an Xray? In general, out of Memorial and International, anyone knows which one is usually better out of the two? What about for emergencies, which out of the two hospital is best?
  6. If I were to get this checked out at a hospital, which department would I go to see at the hospital? Would Pattaya Memorial or Pattaya International be best to go to for checking this out? Anyone have any ideas?
  7. So bars and Walking St will be open Tuesday 11th even if they will close at 6am on Wednesday the 12th?
  8. Just did my 90 report at Jomtien. When I came home and looked at the slip they stapled at the back of the passport, they printed one letter incorrectly in my surname. Is this going to be an issue moving forward? Will this be an issue with my next reporting when I do it online? Also, the 90 day reporting, if you do it early it seems that you have 90 days from the date of when you report. Eg. if you report 14 days early the 1st time, your next 90 day reporting will be early again.
  9. Why does immigration even require an electricity payment slip and rental payment slip? How is that relevant to extending a DTV?
  10. How did you even get a 5 year licence in the 1st place on an ED visa or a tourist visa???
  11. Now that the DTV has been around for over 6 months and people must be getting their 180 day extensions, what are the current requirements and when you did yours, was it pretty straight forward? Anyone done it at Jomtien Immigration in particular and how was it?
  12. Is this Lilly brand also from India? Does it work as well as the Apcalis brand?
  13. I have to physically go and do a 90 day reporting at Jomtien for the very 1st time. They don't allow it to be done online. What's the earliest day it can be done prior to the 90 days and also what's the latest it can be done?
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