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Posts posted by thaigirlwatcher

  1. 47 minutes ago, Pasumwan said:

    Another American who still thinks he's in Vietnam War. Waiting for a napalm strike... ????

    That is disrespectful statement to the American and allied troops, including the UK, that served in that horrible war. IF he has PTSD from the war he needs help not public scorn. 

    Also, why don't the Thai police use tazers in a situation like this? That's what we would do in the States. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 7/12/2019 at 9:16 AM, from the home of CC said:

    As the U.S. feds look to get ready to legalize (they can't let us canadians have all the fun lol) you'll see it loosening up here. When America legalizes it will reverberate around the world..

    Wishful thinking. The US will not legalize MJ as long as Mitch McConnell leads the US senate. He is vehemently again MJ reform. 

  3. On 4/23/2019 at 8:03 PM, jonclark said:

    Without wanting to put a downer on the whole story, the headline and the actual detail of the story are two quite widely divergent ideas


    "Cannabinoid works for cancer" when compared to  "..its studies had shown a cannabinoid extract could help treat lung cancer ....in mice."  These are very different claims and to interpret or present those claims as cannabinoid being an effective treatment for cancer in the human population is simply wrong (at this stage).  There is literally no details here to explain how cannabinoid gave these results in this experiment, i.e. the biochemical mechanism cannabinoid used to 'attack' the tumor cells.


    At this stage stick with smoking a joint, whose therapeutic properties are far better and well known as a treatment for any type of cancer.

    I believe no research unless it is replicated in a peer-reviewed scientific journal in the Western world. This is misleading at best and giving false hope at worst. 

  4. 20 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    Call in the Dutch, let's build a big dike/wall starting at sukumvit road and encircling Pattaya.  add some massive pumps, etc.

    They are the best hydraulic engineers in the world. I have read that years ago the Dutch did send a proposal for flood control to the Thai government but that the Dutch refused to pay bribes to the locals. They refused so Somchai Inc. got the job(s) instead and the results are obvious. 

    • Like 1
  5. 21 hours ago, robblok said:

    Plus ban all diesel pickups and other diesel vehicles from the roads. Too much tax cust have been given so people could have cheap but polluting big pickups. Normal cars on benzine are less polluting. 


    Best thing would be if they really went on finding the cars that belch black smoke and go after them all the time not just sometimes.

    Thailand does not have to "reinvent the wheel" to solve this problem. It's been done before. Just look at the history of the CARB, the California Air Resources Board. LA in the 60's and 70's was much like Bangkok, Pattaya and Chiang Mai today. I've been to all of them. The difference being that this Board had the backing of the California residents and the State government and could draw from the vast technical knowledge in America then and now.  They also had the authority to impose onerous fines if laws are violated. Just follow their guidelines. Problem being that their success took decades and no, they didn't use molasses dropping drones either. 

    • Like 1
  6. 20 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

    hope that doesn't put Thailand in the cross hairs.... He wasn't too please with Harley D.

    He can't do shit against Thailand. This is just one of many unintended consequences of the self-proclaimed "stabile genius." If one is a student of history he will see that we, America, tried that in 1929 with the Smoot-Hawley tariffs and we all know how that turned out. 

  7. 14 hours ago, Valentine said:

    My daughter had food poisoning last week most likely from eating at one of the Franchises in Central.

    Eating anywhere in Thailand is always a gamble. Fish farming in filthy water. Overuse of pesticides and herbicides is rampant. How long was your food sitting in a hot truck or on a loading dock?

    Did the food handlers use sanitary methods in the kitchen? Too many sources of error. Got food poisoning once in Phuket then sick from dodgy liquor in Pattaya. And don't forget contaminated ice in drinks. I could never relax in Thailand. No plans to return after >10 visits over the years. 

    Bon appetite. 


    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  8. On 7/5/2018 at 4:39 AM, xtrnuno41 said:

    Water is what you have every day, as for shower or drinking. You drink the bottled water, so process error with drinkwater supplier? Ofcourse there are many of them, but maybe one is the wrong one.

    But if you take a shower, wash, brush your teeth you take the city water and will get water in. No matter what.

    Dont know what system is making the water, but you can kill all with an UV -lamp installation. In former days they used chlorine, but changed it to UV handling. Seems to work here.

    Chlorine is still used in all municipal water systems in America. Cheap and a century of experience.  In most cases the brief exposure of water to UV light does little to kill pathogens and it's effectiveness must be monitored in real time. I also learned in lab school that some pathogens are killed by UV light but others are unaffected. If chlorine is not available in domestic water then another, but far more expensive, option is reverse osmosis but remember that both of these systems require full time management of the technology by well trained operators keeping honest documentation. 

    Infrastructure is a low priority in Thailand and other developing countries. Look at the flooding in the same places for decades. They are also dealing with water and sanitary sewage systems that are old and both under designed and under maintained. 

    After 2 trips to Gastroenterologists on earlier trips to Thailand I've learned a few lessons. I only become relaxed about food and water when I make it back to America to be honest. 

  9. 9 hours ago, elgenon said:

    There are periodically huge recalls of meat. Mostly from contamination. The lobbyist-led US government lets the industry police itself.

    Remember that even if meat is contaminated with pathogens those microbes are easily destroyed with proper cooking whereas fruit and veggies are eaten raw with perhaps a quick slash of water on the food before eating which isn't nearly as effective as cooking. 

  10. 7 hours ago, northernboy said:

    Of course, they are not Mafia members they are not Italian. They are just a bunch of fun-loving group of Thai assistants, who love helping their Indian Boss in a quarrel.

    Nothing to see here just move along or we will charge you with =damaging Thai societies Image. 



    I also say that it's unfair to say that all mafia are Italians. Just look at the tuk tuk and jet ski mafia in Phuket as two of many examples of mafia in Thailand. 

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