Regardless of these sensational stories in the media about the dangers of cannabis, I do believe the Thai govt missed a terrific opportunity to regulate and tax the growers and vendors. Look at how it works in the USA, where you can only purchase weed legally from a registered marijuana vendor, and can only purchase products grown under license. Often the products come with a QR code link to an independent assay of that particular batch. This provides greater assurance of the quality of the product in terms of THC levels as well as knowledge of the strain and whether any pesticides or chemicals were used in the growing process. Finally, the state adds ~20% tax on all cannabis sales, providing pretty decent revenue. Of course regulations vary from state to state, so that example is just a generalization.
But what we have in Thailand is unknown vendors offering mystery product (strain unknown, THC levels uncertain, potentially grown with pesticides), sold on the street without any tax revenue whatsoever.
I'm the biggest stoner I know, but now that it's legal I'm still not gonna buy from some rando dealer. I'd much rather pay 20% tax if it means I can be assured the product I'm ingesting is safe.