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  1. There seems to be some denials by government on various aspects of the bill. They are out to get fraudsters and will be looking at info from banks in luding foreign payments etc it seems a quick Google will give som support to what I originally read and as support
  2. They have the ability to look at your accounts to see if you have additional inflow if cash for example from second homes and not declaring it to HMRC. They can also see if there is money being received that could be tracked to illegal iswsvsucjvas drug money , yes who would be silly enough to put that straight into a bank ...but , also they will be able to see if money is being sent regularly overseas for example Thailand and wallop pension frozen ... So there are a few reasons they will be looking even if you are not on benefits ....
  3. Be afraid if you are claiming for benefits over and above the basic state pension in other benefits such as pension credits . There is a lot of fraud from people who claim hardship and obtain extra benefits and many likely travel off to places such as Thailand for long holidays. So much fraud needs curtailing. I do express concerns that the basic state pension will be means tested even though you may have paid into the system for all your life. Fraudsters be afraid be very afraid !!!
  4. There are lots of replies to this . Yes I have read the original post . I have just had true installed in my condo a few weeks ago . I am using this as an example of my experience( yes I know not 3BB) They have cables up to all floors - only 8. I had to pay a deposit for the modem / mesh which I can get a refund on . So I am lucky. However TIT if the cables are not already to your room or floor someone has to pay. Yes in UK and EU the Telecon usually provides it, even to a flat ( but only so far....then often you pay.) BUT generally in Thailand if it isn't cable there you have to pay . As you said AIS has now taken over 3BB have you actually gone to AIS? That would be my recommendation and forget 3BB if AIS will take you on. When I was looking in my house previously they were very helpful . I would be interested what AIS suggests.
  5. Will be another fiasco .. about time they decided on the rules and stuck to it ... After COVID and being out of Thailand during that period I lapsed my retirement visa and decided to split my life .. still have money in the bank but could not bother with CM immigration and instead doing the tourist bit ... And a hop if required ...
  6. You would get a lot unless you have been frugal and invested your savings then kiss all that pension credit and stuff good bye as I know .. grrrr
  7. Not sure about that SIM but do consider Skype to phone if you have a WiFi package and want to call a mobile or landline that does not have WhatsApp etc. very reasonable cost you just preload Skype.
  8. I think the technically you can own land .... the foreign cemetery in chiang mai where you can buy your burial plot!
  9. Will be interesting what immigration will make of his ideas .. as he will not be contributing to the English economy and presumably not paying national insurance and tax I suspect he will not be expecting any of the benefits from the NHS housing benefits credits etc .... A bout of dengue and a hospital stay will soon see the GP fund me pages starting ..... Such is life
  10. The 45 days visa waiver made the country more attractive to me to travel . But was withdrawn . Maybe a reconsideration would be advantageous ?
  11. In Chiang Mai it is PEA who supply the electricity. If you do not pay them they can disconnect. HOWEVER you need to check if you have meter for PEA or the condo . If the condo and unpaid they can turn the electricity off. I previously owned 3 units in CM and had the meters changed to PEA as it was cheaper per unit than what the condo charged. Hope that helps .
  12. Actually I am travelling on insurance that has a maximum stay away which expires on 27th of this month when I leave Thailand for another sldestination . I then have a Thai travel insurance that kicks in for the next 120 days. ... I even if you have insurance you can get caught out. There are companies that insure under 65 even though the journey has commenced. I am over that age.
  13. Funnily enough I sold a condo earlier this year and went to CIMB to repatriate the funds to the UK . All paper trails from how I got the money, moved it to Thailand bought the condo sold it paid the tax and wanted to send money back . About 18 years between bringing and returning .Interesting the original documents mentioned issuing a Tor tor 3. It raised an eyebrow as it was an ORIGINAL transfer document rather than a bank book that nowadays says FET. When they finally understood funds were sent yesterday late afternoon and was in my UK bank at 11pm the same night . Full marks to CIMB and the rate was not bad .( Yes it was more than baht 1 m )
  14. Yes visa free or waivers are great . I used to have a retirement visa but thought spending the money travelling was a better idea after COVID and reduced my property portfolio to just a small condo now . I only visit thailand on a visa waiver. The change back from 45 days with 30 day extension to 30 +30 was a bad move. Perhaps I could be spending the cost of my return flights to Penang,3 nights hotel ,can fares food and general expenses boosting Thailand by a small amount ... but for that simple change .... Oh well back in a few days until Christmas then onwards ....... Bring back 45 or even to 60 + extension. ( I get 90 days without an eyebrow raised in Malaysia ....)
  15. Hello sorry for the delay in replying . I thought the op wife was not Thai ? . My wife was Malaysian but got a British passport 45 years and did her NHS service. To get a visa without complications we opted for baht 800000 each yep baht 1.6 m . However now we don't bother and spend less time in Thailand and due the visa waiver .. .. Good choice after many years ...

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