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  1. Yeah, not sure why he didn't do an online or even an over-the-counter bank-to-bank transfer. But I think you may be underestimating banks if you thought he was trying to hide his other acc. Once any banks log on to the central system, they will know all your other bank/credit card/loan/etc accounts, balance, transactions, credit history, spending - the works. Unless the other account is under an entirely different person's name and ID. You may be able to 'hide' the transaction by making physical withdrawals, but not hide your other bank accounts if they are under your name and ID.
  2. 'Authorities' and 'vigilance' in one sentence?
  3. Maybe because it's assumed that most people are asleep from midnight onwards and not many people drink in the morning, except tourists maybe, while most people may start drinking during or after lunch, or have an early 'happy hours' hence making the 2-5 ban more obvious? Just guessing.
  4. I'm with this Somchai 🍻
  5. Only a single condo in the Nana area? For the record, these sort of 'troubling situations' happen in MANY areas and, dare I say, in most parts of the country. And it's not just limited to Thailand. MP Phanthira Nwamjerm - either you're a an ignorant muppet, or a xenophobic racist. I think you're both, with a lean towards the latter, I'd venture.
  6. I follow a few portrait photography pages on FB. Sometimes the admins post portraits of really beautiful women. Instead of commenting on the photography or even the beauty of the women, one should read of the comments from this lot. 'Despicable' doesn't even begin to describe how small their brains are. Or course not all are bad. But there are enough to paint a rough picture. Enough said.
  7. Maybe Thailand kept them as bargaining chips with China, who knows? I read that this not-so-secret secret deportation took place after some high-level meetings between the two governments. Maybe this is Thailand cashing in their chips for some Chinese favour? Can they be this foul? I wouldn't put it beyond them, if I'm honest.
  8. Agreed. As they say, you need a bully to deal with a bully. It's as simple as that.
  9. By the way, the images and videos of people greeting and hugging the returning refugees could have been just a show. The CCP is perfectly capable of putting on a show like this, and it is nowhere near 'beyond them' to do so. For all we know, the people hugging them are actually CCP members telling the refugees to 'you're back, you won't be going anywhere so do yourself (and your family) a favour - shut up and do as you're told or face worse consequences'.
  10. If it was all above-board, why didn't you make a pre-event announcement and clear the path for this 'exercise'? Tell the public the refugees want to go home, let the refugees speak, then send them off properly - not in taped-up buses under the cover of night. Why is there a need for secrecy (not that you lot can keep it well anyway!). The way you guys are clutching at straws now is just so amateurishly pathetic. Sought intervention from PM Puppet... 555555 This puppet wouldn't know where Xinjiang is if nobody pointed it out to her. So it seems PM Puppet's father isn't the real puppetmaster. It seems he's just an older puppet and the real master is Master Xi. A lot of Thais are outraged (and this time, rightly so) when people say Thailand is the 23rd Chinese province. I told them 'direct your anger at your government, because ultimately they are the ones who brought this insult and shame to your country'.
  11. This is what I've heard from some people. Unverified and may just be hearsay, but somehow it sort of makes sense. China is practising a form of 'genocide' (don't know if there is a better term for what I am about to share). But instead of openly murdering people, they are sending hordes of Hans to mix with the Uyghurs in Xinjiang. The Hans are 'encouraged' to live with the Uyghurs, brainwash them to tow the CCP line and, ultimately marry and start a family with them. This way, it will dilute the Uyghurs' genes, culture, identity etc. to a point where Uyghurs will simply cease to exist in the future. Maybe this is why they want them back in China - they do not want even one to be spared of this 'conversion'. Maybe this is just another conspiracy theory, I don't know. Just sharing.
  12. It boggles the mind doesn't it? Every time someone spills a bit of tea, everyone is 'outraged' and worried about how it will affect the 'clean' image of Thailand. And then they do this...
  13. Why is there a need for a new law? Existing laws are enough already to 'restrict operating hours and bolster security requirements'. If you bumbling idiots bother to enforce them! Since you people don't, the new law is going to be just another piece of toilet paper. Or another avenue for you clowns to siphon more money.
  14. Yes, surprised that the 'netizens' aren't 'outraged' like they usually are over everything.
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