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  1. Point well made, and well taken. I guess I've been on this forum too long reading endless flames and trolls. Yes, I'm sure there is an American left, and thanks for pointing it out. I hope it comes to the fore in the coming months! I'd love to read what they have to say.
  2. It's funny how hated Trump is overseas, so it's difficult to imagine how I'll be better off with him as lotus. But I like to keep an open mind, and am very intrigued to know, if he wins, how he will pick up with Xi and the Big Poot. I think 3 is definitely better than two when it comes to superpowers slugging it out. It's the only reason I'm interested in the result. American domestic politics don't interest me. It's where the nastiest and most bitter clashes occur it seems, from a stranger's perspective. I only wish all Americans the best of luck. I have immense respect for them, despite what I might say on this forum, where it can get extremely provocative. I have American friends I met out here. Nothing but total respect. The best of the best!
  3. Despite it being extremely anti social and incredibly annoying to the point where I'm reaching for my Magnum .44, it's no more than what thousands of Thai wai loon do, and many foreigners of many nationalities and age groups also. Easy to stand unseen up on Sukhumvit or wherever with a noise meter and flag them as they race past and catch them down the road. 1000 THB fine and present the bike within a week to check no more mods.
  4. I think if you have a Wise sterling account, which will have a UK sort code and account number, you can withdraw the THB using Dee into that account at Wise's rates, then shift the £ into your UK bank.
  5. Despite it being where millions of them came from. Where they get their political theory from. Their religion. Their language. No, I'm saying that the term "lefty" is nursery level; "leftist" is just a vague insult unrelated to anything remotely political; and the concept of left wing doesn't really exist in reality in the US. But if you insist on your own Americanised definitions, go ahead, enlighten us. But without using the word "woke", as this is not a political doctrine, just a way of gaslighting your opponent. Nor "liberal", "snowdrop", "libtard", "mangina" etc etc. the vocabulary of the rightist factions.
  6. Good luck with any one of those. Seems making it great again could be extremely bad news for everyone else on this planet.
  7. Hey, I asked first. You keep out of this. If you want me to answer that put it back into its context. Don't deflect. Anyway, what is it with you @Yellowtail? You must have commented 50 times on this thread. Got an axe to grind?
  8. "Hate and demonization have always been the province of the left, going all the way back to Lincoln."
  9. Is there a God? Does it matter? Do I care? To me, there's just rabid right, who are all wrong, and the rest, who seem to be ok. I guess if there's a left there has to be a right, right? You put your left foot in, you take your left foot out, in out, in out shake it all about. It's got about as much sense as that. I'm a lefty too. I pitch with my left and bat right handed. Which side am I on? It's all playground stuff.
  10. What do you mean, the left controls education? You mean evolution is taught in schools, and not creationism? The history of slavery? Oh, you mean woke stuff! Like.... What?
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