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Don Johan Negombo

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Posts posted by Don Johan Negombo

  1. For me , i recommend Sri Lanka, i dont really know why not more forigners come there. Its more westernized cos of 500 years of colonies of portugese,dutch,british, And state works, People can speak english and you can live a normal western life , still with a 2600 year old buddist herritage. Which they are very proud of and respect. Not sleazy sex selling all over the place like thailand. (sorry) i needed to say that cos its not fun with family to walk around and get offered pussy all day long .


    And the woman looks great too, i really suprised why not more europeans goes to Sri lanka, alot of sweds now germans,  I guess still people are scared of the war? no the war is over. and the infrastructur is good, internet is really good everywhere.  


    And cos of the mix race herritage you can even find thai looking woman if you miss them !! LOL. U can find all colors and faces trust me . I moved back to Sweden after 7 years and i had really not high expectation cos to high standard in Sweden ;)  But i was not dissapointed at all. I had my love stories for sure. 


    i did a search for sri lankan wedding on google here is some pics.









    Prathibha 60.jpg

  2. I completly agree. Its so many places in the indian ocean no human from our civilisation today has viist. You probl find aborignals as best. Such as Diego Garcia had the earliest african/asian population but they ship all to Madagascar ..to make a militarybase..most probl more islands of same senarios in these areas.

    And everything south of Maldives, US Navy has a strong gribb, they dont let people near these areas...they will send out a boat or treath to shoot or kill even fishermens if they are close to Diego Garcia

    RT@vaitor Map: These are the two new possible corridors to find missing MH370 with the current available information - pic.twitter.com/TmBUinPMxZ


    The south looks like a watery death to me. I am going to vote for the northern area.

    On a side note, why has the western area been excluded ?? Does Malaysia Airlines know

    something they are not telling ??

    I think because India/Sri Lanka would have picked up MH370 on radar if it had gone deeper into the Bay of Bengal, and Diego Garcia if further West into the Indian Ocean .. that's only a guess

    However, it now seems that MH370 had enough fuel for Beijing +2.5 hours, but flying at lower altitude increases consumption. IF the red ovals in the diagram are correct, then looking to the hight North and Deep south would suggest that it had, or acquired, even more fuel

  3. You have thousands of islands there ...in the south.

    I really think people shuld stop thinking the hijackers would fly over paki, and indian boarders, two nuclear nations would not let a un identified object pass there..that also means china who also have nuclear bombs

    RT@vaitor Map: These are the two new possible corridors to find missing MH370 with the current available information - pic.twitter.com/TmBUinPMxZ


    The south looks like a watery death to me. I am going to vote for the northern area.

    On a side note, why has the western area been excluded ?? Does Malaysia Airlines know

    something they are not telling ??

  4. I agree.

    However not sure if everyone knows . US, UK maybee dont even know all the possible landing and bases they created for WW 2. With right organisation, money, time i am sure some people could have made a own 10 000 foot landing strip if this was a planned hijacking. LTTE "Tamil terrorists" is well known for even succefully made submarines, attack airplanes that was better than even WW 2 standards from both Thailand and at hidden islands.

    Enough money and a good secret organisation could do and plan it for sure.

    Seems pretty simple. Instead of wasting time looking in the ocean, it is really a research project.

    With the simple question, what island in the Indian Ocean has a deserted 10,000 foot landing strip.

    Latest report from Malaysia was that the last ping was received after the plane had been

    in the air for 8 hours. I believe that is a longer time period than what the plane had been fueled

    for. So clearly it has landed, refueled, and taken off again. With the plane fully refueled

    somewhere in the Indian Ocean, the search area would be so large as to unsearchable...

  5. Its earlier comfirmed it was an error in the roaming, its happen to me before that my phone has been off , but people can connect to me when i was abroad.

    After this news conference and talk that the plane was still communicating at 0811 a couple of things pop back into thought.

    The report of people receiving claims from a previously unknown group

    Relatives reporting when they called the phones of people on the plane the call would connect and ring out.

    I wonder what other earlier dismissed reports need to be examined again.

  6. No way its have flyed to Kazakstan to close to india and pakistan, both nuclear powers they would send up attack plane pretty fast.

    Diego garcia is american base, but have tens of thousands of islands around it ... You have tens of thousands of islands in indian ocean , maybee 100 k ! .

    I am sure they flyed to some old landing strip. Trust me , Drug cartels , paradise islands hidden from the rest of the world like the movie "Beach" exists...for the people that know, ..

    Would be pretty simple if they planned and located a old made ww 2 landing stripp..they might have all the facsilities there to stay with hostage for years.. No one could find them or report them

  7. "Striking similarities" from 19 83 crash


    The richest man in Sri Lanka and his Learjet 35A simply disappeared on February 13, 1983. The $3.6 million Learjet bound for Colombo took off from Kaula Lampur at 8:41 pm carrying Sri Lankan billionaire Upali Wijewardene, his Malaysian lawyer S.M. Ratnam, Upali Group Director Ananda Peli Muhandiram, pilot Capt. Noel Anandappa, co-pilot Sydney Soysa and steward S. Senenakye.

    Eleven minutes later, the pilot Aanandappa requested and received permission to climb 8,230 meters (27,000 feet). Malaysian radar reported Upali’s jet cruising at 744km/h over the Indian Ocean, Kinght-Ridder Newspapers reported.

    At 9:02 pm the aircraft suddenly shattered the speed of sound, traveled at 1,352 km/h before it lost all radar and radio communication.

  8. Three days ago on this forum , i told that i heard alot of fighter jets pass my area from the main airport in Sri Lanka. To the East to Nicobar islands. And i assumed they was on something in the indean ocean , cos no reason for these fighter jets suddenly after 30 years of war ended in 2009, no need to train no need to check any other things.. They did at leat two starts per hour daytime from the airport with fighter yets during these two days.

    I can now comfirm from European evnign newspapers that Pentagon has comfirmed that they belvie the plane is in Indian ocean. And they have hangar ships ont he way. As i said in the Morning on this forum, Local sri lankan medial stated that fishermens had seen big activity and movments from American Naval base Diego Garcia in the Maldives islets. But The americans did not comfirm..

    Also now late ....19 00 UK time i got report from a friend, that Sri lankan goverment and Navy have stopped all fishing boats going towards Nicboar islands and international waters. It also idicates they have found something.. It can be so the US navy using submarines aswell to locate the plane that is why they dont wants to have thusands of fishing boats in the area of search.

    I still belive the plane is on the ground, most probl landed in some of the tens of thusands small islets....who might have a WW2 base with airstrip enough to land on. Hudreds of half built or left out bases in the indian ocean from the WW2 exists.


    Swedish evning newspaper comfirm pentagon statsment of US navy heading towards Indian Ocean .




    latest news i heard from Radio.

    23 30 Local time "thailand time 01 06 "

    Massive US Navy hangar ships with several aircrafts on board + several smaller service and pesonal carrier ships have been spotten on East coast of Sri lanka . Also roumors of a collon of more than 20 Black tinned windowed offical cars from the airport towards the capital ,

    Most probl to the east coast if they might have set up a "command center" for the operation towards indian ocean if they found something these people most probl are heading towards the US navy boats or this place.


  9. It might be that the US ships are going to check for Cocos islands ? ...would be a perfect location to land a plane in some of these small islands ...maybee they know some places with a old airstrip and allready prepared hostage taking in a hangar and yes...what a story..

    I starting more and more to belive this is a totall hoax, maybee de plane never went down just moved back and landed and the passangers are hostage in malaysia

  10. Heavy movment of military yets (can be lighter scouting jets) , third day in sri lanka towards niccobar islands to the east. Also in the South More ships from Diego Garcia (the american base) is moving to the east of indian ocean according to local news. But no reason stated by the American embassy why or if they going to search for the missing yet.

  11. They just wants to give out some news everyday, to keep the pulse high...cos they dont find anything. (or allready have found it but dont tell)

    If the plane have gone down somewhere after Nicobar islands, you have many small islands with aborignal population. They dont have a clue if they would see debrees, they would prob row out in a boat and take all things they can take into the djungle..and build it on the houses.

  12. Honestly...just pure stereotyping people that just cos they was iranians they suspect them to be terrorists. And that the malaysians said they did not look asians was also a bit strange. cos Iran is in Asia. basicly Asia as a word comes from Sanskrit and the early indian-greeks called the lands of "Greater India" which was from middle east , persia,pakistan,afganistan, parts of Kazakstan, bangladesh, ..

    So they are Asians . Secondly its kind of obviouse that Malaysia hiding alot of information . About the signals. They might allready have found the airplane , but they dont wants to tell the world? cos its to scary or sick reality of the incident?.

    By the way i still belive the plane has crash landed somewhere outside Nicobar Islands - Sri Lanka -maldives or in indian ocean huge area, Thousands of islands are there with most probl a few with air strips...made from WW2. And they might be hostage there , or dead. I dont know but to much info is very wierd from Malaysia

    Just food for thought. There are many theories about what happened. Let me add my 2 cents of what I'm thinking at the moment.

    The flight has been hijacked in my opinion. So far no evidence of the crash. It is a relatively small area where the plane had disappeared and nothing so far. At this moment about 10 countries are involved in searching the plane, but no results. I don't believe in an alien theory, so I would go with a terrorist theory.

    2 Iranians boarded the plane with fake passports. So far media reports say that they had no connection to a terrorist group, because the mother of one was waiting for him in Germany. That they are just illegal immigrants. On the other hand let's ponder that Iran has been for the last many years under threat of being attacked by US. Let's not forget what happened 2 years ago with an Iranian terrorist group in Bangkok where they made a mistake and blasted themselves. I wouldn't be surprised that the young generation in their 20s or 30s to become active extremists!

    Iranians have no problems entering Malaysia because it is a Muslim country.There is an official statement from Malaysia that the flight changed its direction before disappearing. Then just hypotheses. The plane might have been hijacked, all the signals have been blocked, anti-radar equipment have been used. The plane might have landed somewhere in the middle east or Maldives. Allegedly Malaysians have spotted an unauthorized flying object over Andaman Sea. (Why they are searching over there, right now?) At this stage presumably the people on the plane have been killed and the plane is going to be used for a future major terrorist attack in a well populated city.

    These are just speculations and food for thought.

    What number of young men in the entire world could in a pair pull off a hijacking like that? One guy was 19(?) or so, and the other a young guy as well. If it was taken over and controlled, it wasn't by this pair. It would be older guys and probably many more who'd be able to take things over quick enough that no alert messages were sent, and also disable any systems so that no passengers could use the in flight phones to themselves make a call or send so much as a text message out from that system. Just takes a credit card swipe and I don't think that system is any way related to the aircraft communication systems.

    An earlier article I linked to was an interview with the travel agent who sold the tickets, and she said she had originally booked two separate flights for the two, but those reservations expired, and then only later booked this flight. The request was for the lowest priced flights to Europe, not this specific route or airline. So it is hard to believe by pure luck, they ended up on a flight where they had the technical familiarity with the aircraft model and airline, which also happened to have enough flight time over water so that they could pull something off outside of radar coverage.

  13. The photo hoax "error" is exposed and debunked allready.

    Its just a bad copy , that made it with same legs.


    Take a good look at the bottom of the Photos of the two men accused of useing the stolen Passports.... CCTV picture shows the when from the right side. It looks as if the men have the same legs.... How is it possible or even the likelyhood of photos being captured like this with out being Doctored...

    If thi is the case to try and provide supposed survelience photos... It a poor excuse for being lax in your required duties.... Is this why it took so long to release...and why its extremely difficult to find any of the photos online now Because they are being systematicly removed???? because this photoshopped photo had errors in it that were not corrected before its release????

    I had to dig though days of acticles online to find a copy most are gone now... But its still out there. System would not let me copy or open link. Most has been removed but part of the trail is still there!!!! They missed it!

    My Post was declined as I tried to Quote a link... Saying I could not or do not have permission to do was I was doing... Wait 8 minutes! (Why) I had not posted anything today as we have not been home since 0930 this morning 3/12/2014....

    (who is being monitored here... and by whom... and Why? What have I done other then help eery single Thai I have ever know! For 8 years? I think... Or did I show Thai that Farangs are not as what Thailand was them to believe we are....????

  14. Well i said for two days ago in this forum, that sri lankan air force started to do alot of missions suddenly... to the East...Which highly pointed out something was going on. And facts are that its thousands of islands betwin sri lanka - Andaman islands "Nicobar islands" and Maldives to the south. Litteraly maybee tens of thusands small to middle size islands that will not show on the normal global maps.

    Its well comfirmed to many of them no human beeing have sat a foot. But roumors have gone for years that some islands have bases, and even built or half built ww 2 landing strips made by US, British. Even these days Chinese army roumored have built underwater submarine bases and "garages" and such things ...its impossible to patrol and protect indian ocean .......And also Drug and crimnal elements using these islands for smuggling.

    I am sure the plane will be found intact in some of these islands....Which for sure you can possible land, but probl dont start a big airplane.

    Or we talkin about a New Bermuda Triangle smile.png

  15. The Swedish biggest newspaper just now breaks a story that a realitve to an iranian man , who he said was going to fly to Malmo Sweden to get assylum was flying under the stolen italian passport . So it was most probl two passangers to be smuggled in to europe.

    And reason why they go trough malaysia would be that Iranians dont need visum to malaysia cos they are islamic i guess.

    So if this story is true, then we can sertanly scrap the terrorist theory, Cos the Americans have clearly said that there spy sattelites images does not show any sign of a explosion in the air.


  16. I agree. You also have some type of Aborignal population that lives outside the normal life, if it crash in the jungle , no one would maybee report it or seen it.. same would apply if the plan in someway have past Malacca straight to the side of Andaman islands. The nicobar islands you have thusands of small islands where..aborginal population lives , They still attack any forigner comes near there islands. I saw it on youtube..Very intresting...

    Only armies in these areas with some tech is Americans and Indian army...

    @sirchai, I dont think Cambodia is so far out of the question, particularly with the search focussed in Vietnamese waters.

    The Cardamom Mountains is a mountain range in the south west of Cambodia, jutting into southeastern Thailand. The highest elevation of the Cardamom Mountains is Phnom Aural at 1,813 metres (5,948 ft) high. This is also Cambodia's highest peak. This range of mountains formed one of the last strongholds of the Khmer Rouge, and many parts are largely inaccessible. The inaccessibility of the hills, however, helped to preserve the area.

    Compared to Vietnam, Cambodia isnt a densely populated country - at least not in the rural areas - and its not a country blessed with technology. At that hour of the morning, how many Khmer farmers would have been looking up at the sky to see a plane flying overhead ?

  17. I Agree.

    Everything in my eyes point on a coverup or that the goverments feel its not good to leak out what actually happen?.

    However if the plane pass Nicobar islands for sure the Americans would know about it . Diego Garcia Americas most important (according to me) is outside Sri lanka and Maldives. its a Huge base since the WW 2 . Not many people knows what is going on there . Some people say planes with talibans and " unwanted" persons ends up there....why not.... Fishing people have spotted strange objects and planes in the air that have no wings. Mybee they testing new weapons or aircrafts there aswell?


    I think its a coverup . It might have landed, and the passangers maybee are in detention to the media storm is low and they will slowly be returned to real life.

    Or all goverments knows what happen, and even found the plane but not telling the world.

    Please forgive this rather long post but I'm trying to answer a few points from a few overnight and recent posts...

    The Guardian article explained clearly that it would be possible to disappear from all radar/monitoring at the given lovcation by switching off the various transponders, and by dropping below about 29-30 kft. From it's previous 35 k, this drop in altitude could be acheived in well under a minute..

    Secondly, I've seen numerous comments about a reported change of direction from 25 deg to 333 deg (and also reports about changing to 40 deg, which is what previous/later flights did). 333 deg takes it in a north-westerly direction - i.e. towards Thailand, or if it were still turning in that direction, then it would explain why there is SAR activities on the west of Phuket.

    A direct westward routing (i.e. heading 270) from the position of last notification would take it over southern Thailand (somewhat consistent with visual reports), And onwards to the Nicobar Islands, one of which, Car Nicobar, is about 500km west of Phuket, and has a reasonable length runway.

    Further in that direction, Sri Lanka, and the Indian peninsular are well within fuel range, and possibly with the spare fuel carried, as far as Somalia or Yemen, or even Iran (I'm unsure how much more fuel would be used flying at low altitude, compared to normal).

    As to the black boxes, as I understand it, they only activate to give a signal in the event of a crash on land or water, and would remain unactivated on a normal landing.

    I'm not trying to speculate - merely trying to consider some of the more far reaching possibilities.

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