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Posts posted by Nooky2

  1. I am an electrician with 44 years of experience and graduated from an approved Electrician course.

    Perhaps I can help.

    If you have a voltmeter, measure from the machine to something that you know to be grounded,

    Such as a metal pipe or rod in the ground.

    If you see anything more than a few volts, you have an electrical leak that is touching the cabinet of the


    Even if you don't have a bad leak, find a screw on the back of the machine or anywhere on the machines

    Metal cabinet. Attach a #12 awg or thai equivilent to the cabinet of the machine and run it outside to

    A metal rod driven in the ground at least 4 ft. A copper ground rod would be better.

    Before attempting, wet the area where the rod will go, it will make it easier to drive the rod and give you a better ground connetion.

    After this, it should take care of the electrical,leak.

    A rubber rug in front ofnthe machine and rubber sole shoes not flip flop will help.

    Once you run the wire and ground it, when you turn the machine on, if you have a bad electrical leak,

    It may trip a breaker or blow the fuse to the washer circuit.

    If that happen, you need someone to find the leak and fix it.

    If you can look at the connection from the machine to the receptacle. Hopefully you will have at least

    A 3 wire hookup. 2 hot wires and a neutral. Preferrably a 4 wire hookup. 2 hots a neutral and a separate

    Ground. Usually the electric meter will have a ground at the place where it is mounted.

    That is required in most western countries. I don't think Thailand worries about it.

    ChuLai 6768

    You should be renting yourself out. I think you would be swamped

    I am surprised you would make such a statement after claiming 44 years of experience. In a 3-wire config there are not "two-hots". Maybe in your country but not in mine and not in Thailand. In Thailand, you have a 220 volt "hot" and a neutral, then a ground. There are not two hots.

    In the US the electric companies achieve 220 volts by center tapping their 220 volt transformers. Center tapping (divides the voltage by half) to achieve 110 volts for common receptacles and using both sides of the center tap connection to achieve 220 volt for appliances such as dryers, stoves, and heating and cooling. So you have a full 220 volts from a full 110 negative and 110 positive where peak-to-peak voltage you will have single phase 220 volts.

    In Europe and many other countries such as Thailand you have a straight 220 volts throughout the house for all receptacles. So you have a single voltage here where in the US you 2 voltages, 110 and 220 volts. The configuration for wiring receptacles in the US, Europe, and Thailand are the same. Not the same voltage but the same wiring configuration.

    The only place you will see 2-hots, a neutral, and a ground is in the US where you need 2-hots to achieve 220 volts. Here, you don't have that configuration. Only 3 wire.

  2. > For AC black is positive, white is negative.

    Oh dear. And you claim to be an Electrician !!!!

    It depends on the country, but Black is Neutral and White is switched Active.

    Positive and Negative have no relevance when discussing AC.

    Your statement is completely untrue about polarity. If your statement is true then how do you explain 3 phase motors or appliances? Try switching ANY of those connections and you could potentially fry your devise.

  3. Here's some updates:

    I checked the outlet and it has 3 wires attached:

    attachicon.gifwiring 1.jpg

    ... so I have earth wiring, but don't know yet if it is functional or not. What is the easiest way to test this? Which electrical testing device should I buy to test this?

    My plug doesn't have 3 prongs:

    attachicon.gifplug 1.jpg

    ... indicating it is not earthed. Should I merely buy a 3 pronged plug and try to attach that? Will the washing machine cord have 3 wires? If so, why did it come with a 2 prong plug? It would be most likely that the machine was purchased with this plug already attached - I can't image the landlord changed the plug at any stage and that he knows much about Thai wiring.

    Post # 35 by ThaiTrav drew my attention.... I've been amazed at how fast the front panel of this machine is rusting. I've been using it for 2 1/2 years, so it's probably 3 - 4 years old. The bathroom is on the sunny side of the house so the room tends to be hot and dry as it gets the hot afternoon sun and is on the top floor. Perhaps there's a leaky seal in the machine and water is making it's way into the electrics.

    You are wired for ground at the receptacle but the ground has been broken off the plug so it will fit into a 2 prong outlet. So you have no ground going to the appliance.

  4. Does anyone have a good person that can rewire my whole house? I'm in the nonthaburi area near the main amper maung offices. I want to chagpnge my single phase 2 wire service to 3 phase 5 wire service and rerun all my outlets to usa/EU standards.

    Good luck with that. I haven't seen a competent electrician here yet. They may exist but they would be hard to find. Most will lie to you to get the job and then get their neighbor to help them figure it out.

    You must have 3-phase motors that you want to run.

    • Like 1
  5. You possibly have a fault with the machine and should get it checked. Regardless of a fault or not you should earth the machine. Best way is drive a bout two meters of 5/8" reinforcing into the ground (leave 6" out) and connect a wire from the back cover of the machine to the reinforcing rod with a hose clip. Try and keep the land surrounding the rod damp for better earthing.

    Actually, they have a clamp specifically for the grounding rod which is much stronger and less chance of loosing contact. You don't need to leave 6 inches out of the floor. You can clamp your wire on the end of the rod and then finish driving the rod nearly flush with the floor.

  6. I was a master electrician in the US and what I have seen for wiring here is absolutely frightful.

    You may have two problems. The ground as most are talking about here eliminates the problem IF the polarity is correct. The Thais don't understand that AC and DC have different color codes. With DC black is ground and AC black is hot or positive. They wire everything here as if it's DC. Every house I have lived in here had polarity problems. Some electrical sockets are wired for black or white on the hot side which will give you an electrical shock when you use something such as your washing machine or other appliance. Most times they will wire the panel correctly and reverse colors at the outlets.

    So to explain what is correct. For AC black is positive, white is negative. On your electrical outlets, where you would plug an appliance in there are two sizes of slots. the small one is positive/black, the large one is negative/white. Obviously the round slot is ground if you have it. Also, when connecting your wires to the outlet from the inside, the positive is gold colored and the negative is silver colored, then the ground is green.

    In your electrical panel you will usually have two bars to connect your white and green wires. One bar for white, one for green. These bars are connected together by a screw or wire and then a ground rod should be driven and a wire connected to these bars and the ground rod. The black wire goes to the fuse/breaker. It is rare that a ground rod exist at the panel and this is where you would drive a ground rod at the appliance. You can drill a hole in the concrete large enough for the rod then drive it in and connect a wire from the rod to the frame of your appliance.

    You will generally only see other colors such as red or blue for 3-way light switches.

    To summarize:

    black wire / gold screw / small slot / hot

    white wire / silver screw / large slot / neutral

    green wire / green screw / round slot

    If your polarity is correct then continue with the grounding as others have suggested. You don't want to ground your washing machine it the polarity is reversed. Fix that first.

    1. Defeatists on here

    Never heard so much crap,Ulot moan more than my mum lol.Lets give it a try and see how it goes.I bet some of u who have moaned,drive on the pavement,wrong side of the road,and try to bribe officers

    Not defeatists, just think that it would be better to tackle the problem at the source and to prevent crimes, scams etc. How on earth does the thought of a court make tourists feel safe from criminals? It is not the courts role to prevent and detect offence and provide a safe and orderly society that is the role of the police with the assistance of governments. The courts are where you go after the incident and not before it happens. You won't be going to the courts to negotiate the price of your extortion before you hire a jet ski. These courts will not have the Phuket mafia or other criminal elements packing up shop and fleeing it will still be business as usual.

    I doubt very much that the scammers are going to allow you to walk away prior to paying up just so you can go and book a court date. You will still be surrounded by thugs and have a firearm shoved in your face until you empty your wallet.

    IMO a true statement but where else in Thailand can you go? This court may be the only option because there are no options now. I doubt it will work because nothing else has helped foreigners before. And whose to say they are going to help expats? Maybe only tourist.

  7. "hard city to meet men in" Never! Walk into any bar, and there are dozens of great guys sitting (sometimes horizontally) there, ready to be your new friend.

    But have these guys come seeking farang women or are they running away from them.

    Running away.

    My question to the OP is: Why do you care what people think? Thailand is not a good place to wear your feelings on your shoulder. Most people here don't care, so why should you?

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