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Posts posted by Nooky2

  1. I have been in Thailand for quite a while and every foreigner I have worked with has been a disappointment. Some more than others.

    I spent my entire adult working life abroad. I always had plenty of expat friends and an active social life.

    Then I moved here. Like Nooky2 I have been mostly disappointed by the foreigners I've met. I'm not really sure why, but after eight years I have no close friends and zero social life.

    I'm not unhappy. Just disappointed.

    Same here.

  2. I will respond in the same manner as the OP.

    1. You must go, but you must protect yourself.

    2. Get a different job hopefully with the same company, none the less you must move.

    3. Tell her nothing.

    4. When you have everything in place, move your stuff to your new job and home.

    5. AFTER, you have done these things, IF you feel you must speak to her that you are going, THEN you can do it. ONLY after you have have completed the move. Don't tell her where you moved to or any new information.

    6. Don't look back. This girl is destructive. She feels like she is entitled to something but that's not your problem.

    7. If you inform her of ANY of this, she will hurt you somehow to prevent you from leaving.

    8. Get a new girlfriend. If the same happens, repeat the above.

    9. Be strong.

    Why do I never see Thai guys having to do any of the above?

    The last one I witnessed the girl was given 1,000 baht and told to make her own way back to Issan.

    The OP made the classic mistake of moving the girl into his apartment, if any of you guys are considering this, take note and think again.

    Do what the Thais do, move in with the girl at her place, or rent a place in her name, then when the crap hits the fan, move out.

    Absolute perfect addition to my post. Thanks

  3. I will respond in the same manner as the OP.

    1. You must go, but you must protect yourself.

    2. Get a different job hopefully with the same company, none the less you must move.

    3. Tell her nothing.

    4. When you have everything in place, move your stuff to your new job and home.

    5. AFTER, you have done these things, IF you feel you must speak to her that you are going, THEN you can do it. ONLY after you have have completed the move. Don't tell her where you moved to or any new information.

    6. Don't look back. This girl is destructive. She feels like she is entitled to something but that's not your problem.

    7. If you inform her of ANY of this, she will hurt you somehow to prevent you from leaving.

    8. Get a new girlfriend. If the same happens, repeat the above.

    9. Be strong.

  4. Ok, I'm going against the grain here. Maybe it's unlawful to distribute laughing gas in a balloon. And it's over priced. So is everything else in Thailand for foreigners.

    But what a great idea! People are happy and maybe laughing! That's a bad thing?

    What laws prevail in Thailand? Only when someone (government) cannot make a profit. I say, HAVE SOME FUN!

    Maybe it will help their bloated tourist estimates.

  5. This is another typical misinformed and selfish dick talking.

    Farmers growing foodstuffs, usually at a loss, or no profit should be subsidised, otherwise no-one eats. You can't live on chewing gum. I grow rice myself, and I've cut back production so we have enough organic rice to eat all Year, because to try and make a profit on larger scale production is futile, and next to impossible. Believe me, if you spend 100,000 baht on growing rice, you will end up selling it all for 100,000 baht, (as long as you don't fall victim to weather and disease), and have no compensation for your labour.

    I long for the day when Thai's wake up and realise there's a bigger picture outside of the uneducated bubble they have been forced / encouraged to live in. Ironically enough, these Southern districts are and always have been staunch Democrat supporters, and possibly why Thaksin and his long term vengeance plan encouraged much of Issan to plant rubber all those Years ago, when he could. It doesn't take a genius to know if you flood the market with a certain commodity, it's going to lose it's value. I would be surprised if his mates would plant anything other than the commodities that are guaranteed to rise (ie, anything apart from rubber), because once you invest in rubber, and plant, you can only use the land to co-plant other consumables for around 3-4 Years tops on the same land.

    It would possibly be worth more if you could eat the stuff, or make fuel out of it - food prices are being pushed up by the fact that the poorer demographics - the sheeple have, or are all still planting rubber, tricked into seeing huge easy profits before anything, and consequently easily tied into subsidised / debt laden tree investment programs controlling their future livelyhoods and choices. Over the next Years there will be an exponential increase in the amount being tapped, whilst their lands are tied up completely and enslaved, so they can all kiss goodbye the thought of an easy buck, aswell as being able to put cheap food on the table.

    Rubber doesn't need so much looking after - certainly not as much as foodstuffs. Last Year, prices were up to nearly 100 baht per kilo for 'key yang', and much more for sheets of the stuff - which means the common man saw the long established tappers everywhere making fortunes - as a consequence, this Year, much of my area is now new rubber plantations - destined for nothing.

    I believe the government is already sat on a massive stockpile of the stuff, and have been buying it in well above the market rates, so where's the possible resolve ? Are they trying to ruin the Country completely, while they still have the chance ? The South is full of wealth, and I doubt you would meet a well established poor rubber farmer down there. Many of them sit on their <deleted>, and let someone else look after and tap the trees for them for a percentage, so what's driving these people, other than downright short term greed ?

    What good is closing down the Country's highways possibly going to do, or do they think building up resentment and detrimentally affecting other people's lives is the way forward ? Black hearted, whinging spoilt children.

    Selfish dick?

  6. It is a preference. When I was raising a family it was important to me to own my own home, As years passed and a divorce I still owned my own home.

    When I moved to Thailand I rented and will continue to rent I am retired on pensions have savings. I do not need to worry about making money for my old age I am already there. I refuse to buy anything I can not walk away from. I am a free man. Except for my wife. If I decide to move to some other local not a problem. I bought my own TV and refrigerator and will just give them away.

    Owning does not give me a feeling of security it gives me a feeling of being owned. I don't know what will happen in the future but I will be able to deal with it. When the Wife's mother dies there is the possibility that I may move on to some where else. The wife likes Bali.

    Exactly how I feel. And to add..

    If you are working here, renting is the only way to go if you need to change jobs you can easily move. I feel buying a home here is a permanent thing because selling is near impossible. Of course, it depends on where your house is located and how much you want for it.

    And the OP mentioned buying his wife a house. For me, that is always the wrong decision. It makes you expendable in nearly all cases.

    • Like 1
  7. The Ministry is also looking for options preventing such problem

    The source also believes that some embassy officials might have a hand in the illegal trade of Thai visa stickers.

    How to prevent this problem? Well, do not employ any Thai at any embassy anywhere, including the ambassadors. Problem solved, Ministry can thank me later...

    The usual Thai bashing has begun. A small reminder: hundreds of visas were illegally issued by the US Embassy in HCMC a few years back; the same happened at German Embassies in some of the old Soviet block countries. And I do not think they were hiring Thais.

    As a note about embassies here.

    In order to work at an embassy you must be a Thai or a foreigner that has obtained residency not needing a work permit. Thailand will not allow embassies to issue work permits and Thailand will not issue work permits for foreigners to work in embassies, therefore; at least 95% of embassy workers are Thai. Diplomats are excluded.

    • Like 1
  8. There is no such thing as good pizza in Thailand. All a rip off.

    Try find local companys if no access to scoozis

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I tried Scoozis but I really didn't care for their pizzas. I did only try once.

    I looked at other pizzas being served and they didn't look interesting at all.

  9. There is no such thing as good pizza in Thailand. All a rip off.

    I agree with you 99%....but there is one place I know in Chiang Mai where I am sure you too would think otherwise.

    Steven at PizzanPasta can make a pie!


    Nice pics!!

    I haven't seen a real pizza in many years let alone taste one.

  10. You think this guy posed for this pic to be displayed for hundreds or thousands to see? I don't think so. Typical, let's see how foreigners look now and let's get the worst example possible. Ok. This guy works great. We can show foreigners are losers and everything that Thais say about foreigners is true.

    Ok. Success. On to the next "let's make the foreigners look stupid" project.

    High Five guys!!!

    What <deleted> a-holes.

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